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NIN Advice Please

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  • #46
    Yeah it isnt big xp per kill, but you can mash through clippers giants worms getting that 50-100 xp..

    I soloed my ranger on mandys at level 29, so im sure a ninja could solo those as well even though i wouldnt suggest it...

    I mean the ebst bet is to get in a party with 2 blinkers, if you can do this you guys wont take damage very often, if not, then at least a good voke buddy to take some damage for you.
    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


    • #47
      just curious for any nin that use shuriken during xp pt. hows the dmg?

      im asking this cause, i found a manji shuriken off a tonberry in temple of uggbliaslaijsfshegbleh and i equipped it and used it on the next tonberry i saw, and it only gave me 58 dmg. granted my throwing isnt capped 185/223 T.T

      how is everyones else dmg -if- you use them in xp pts? im not concerned about too weak or easy mobs. :spin:
      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


      • #48
        A good way to solo nin at quifim levels, (I do this a lot lol it's fun) is to walk up to say a worm with your katanas drawn slowly so you don't get aggro, then when very close cast kurayami. Run in fast, and cast hojo. By now you'll probably be casting utsusemi again, do that and just melee/chuck shurikens and WS whenever you have tp. (I prefer using Retsu for the nice damage and paralyze) By the time your second Utsusemi wears off the thing should be half dead and you can try to recast whenever it availible if you'd like.
        I'm not sure if this works as a gimpy nin lol, my gear is pretty expensive and I have capped evasion, katana, throwing, and my ninjustu is 77(level 25 cap is 78 lol I'll get it there by my next level up) so my enfeebles stick often, I dodge often, and hit often. Try it out, it's a lot of fun when you get good at it, and if you get into any trouble just blow up XD
        I do this as NIN/WAR btw

        fk yes


        • #49
          Thanks 711, I'm currently 31 and in no way is my gear least I don't think so ^^ I'm trying to find another area to solo now while I'm waiting for a PT...........just can't seem to find a place ; ; However, my Ninjitsu is a bit lower then yours. Mine is at 72 atm lol, but I'm using as much Raiton (Since my LS member makes those tools like nothing) to level it up ^^

          Anyways, I have a 2 questions today ^^ If you guys don't mind me asking......

          #1) Well I finally decided to buy the 30 katana that gives the -25 to spell interuption. However, I also bought this new neckpiece (at least it is new to me as I have not seen it before) that gives -5% to spell interuption. The item is called Willforce Torque and I think it is a level 30 or 31 item. I got it for 6k. So can anyone tell me if these two items will stack to give a total of -30% spell interruption?

          #2) I'm finally starting to use Slow, Blind, and Paralyze now that it is not resisted so often. However, how do you guys go about casting these in the least amount of time? Usually I can only get about 1 spell in before I start getting hit and by the time I finish casting the other 2 I have to recast Utsusemi - is that how you guys do it as well?

          Sorry Omni, I can't answer that one ; ; I only use my Chakram atm cause I still need to raise my Throwing ; ; It is 76/96

          Thegod, yeah I was in a PT before with another NIN and we seriously rocked the world. We would just count each other's shadows and provoke when needed and whenever a provoke was needed we would basically have Utsusemi up at all times. Not to mention we would also land the enfeebles faster. As one would do Paralyze, the other would do blind and we would just leave the WHM/RDM for slow, which brings me to the next point

          Are NIN's enfeebles stronger then a RDM or WHMs? I know when I played my RDM and I was with a NIN if the NIN's enfeebles were on the mob then I would get a message that "Your spell had no effect" or something to that extent.

          Thanks again guys ^^


          • #50
            Omni I used Shuriken extensively from 18-35. The regular ones when you timed it right with every other melee strike (so it was almost like a third hit) racked up wonderful damage. I had capped it at these levels and it was wonderful. When I got Juji Shuriken I was outdamaging Dark Knights and Dragoon's as far as damage went at these levels. That all changed around 33 when I started to notice no matter how much I capped Shuriken, they started becoming increasingly hard to hit the enemy with, as well as expensive.

            After 40 I just gave up, I was getting hard pressed to keep up with all the expenses at these levels and the Shuriken were just having no return unless I sacrificed eva gear for total acc/rng acc gear, which ofcourse I couldn't. At 45 my dw gave more physical return than the Shuriken were, they're pretty far from cap now.

            Try experimenting at your level with throwing if you like, many Ninja's do. You have Ranger leveled for sub use which will be very handy. I just don't think theyre's anyway to be both at later levels, you're either a Shuriken Ninja or a Tank/melee Ninja. But I'm not at even those levels yet so I'm just guessing.

            ^. You have now seen everything..

            Name: Kiyotaru.
            Ethinticity: Windurstian.
            Home: Norg
            Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)

            Linkshells: Come and go.


            • #51
              zempten: im guessing it would stack. never had those items when i leveled through the 30s. as far as casting ninjutsu, once u get hojo ni and kurayami ni, those cast in 1second. however, jubaku only comes in ichi.

              kiyo: thx man, i havent really seen any nin toss shuriken really. i never really did unless it was for a capped fight where my throwing is capped because of the lvl restriction.
              Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
              ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


              • #52
                wow awesome memory

                level 25 nin capped throwing shurikens were doing 33-39 dmg when my regualr attacks would do about 10-13, so it makes a huge difference when the rng is hitting for like 35-50 on crabs..and pugs.

                I am currently soloing my ninja now, i'll probably solo it to 33-35, depends, may even solo it to 37 and call it a day. I subbed ranger, got some beetle+1 rings from mog (use em for fighting the drg for LS) bought a tag+1 gun and 5 grabed some bullets from mog....

                i just soloed worms like i was a rng, hit pretty decently for more dmg then i remember my rng doing, due to the ranged accuracy and ranged attack gear that nins can wear in slots rngs could not at my level.

                I hit pretty decently, i mean i dont think i could hit ITs like this, but good thing no1 solos ITs, i highly recomend all rnagers to solo like this if they can afford the bullets for two jobs, it is fast, it is fun, and you dont feel like a loser when your HP goes into the red because you kept hate too good and now you cant recast utusemi.

                jesus nin is rough, you do good and keep hate chances are you'll die, the only way to tank w/ nin pre-37 is with another player...preferably a war/nin (IMO at level 25 war/nin is a better tank, they do more dmg, have better def, and do more dmg, oh and they wont get ni till 75 anyway so once they hit 24 there set.
                Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                • #53
                  What worms are you soloing Thegod? I'm pretty sure it's not going to be Qufim Worms at 33?

                  Last night was funny. I finally got another PT with another NIN, lol we had the same gear. The thing is exp was going great until 33...we had NIN, NIN, THF, SAM, RDM, WHM. Once THF hit 33 and kept SATA Viper Bite one me........well things didn't go too well. The other NIN couldn't provoke off me when my Shadows were gone so I remained as tank until the battle ended. They usually did the Skillchain at around 70 to 50% HP of mobs. What really made me a bit mad is the -25% from the katana and -5% from my neck item weren't kicking in as much as I liked. I don't know, maybe it was just a bad day but I'll keep it and see how it goes for a couple of levels. For now I'm not impressed with the katana at all for the price it costs.


                  • #54
                    nope im only 25, been leveling ranger fact ever since the first day i posted here been leveling rng (here being ninja board)

                    I woulda dinged 26 and been a good deal on my way to 27, but used nin to bloodport a few times, w/o 2hr...

                    yeah i know stupid, i'd rather use my 51 rng to bloodport because at least i love xping rng, xping nin is sooo frustratiing at times.

                    especially un-nerving when you keep hate excellently.
                    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                    • #55
                      thegod, try a 2 nin, or war/nin pt. honest its the best! ^^. you guys have 12 shadows between the 2 of you, and usually, by the time the other guy's 6 shadows are up, your timer is ready.

                      and yea, rng can solo a lot early on. once i reached 34, i solod all the way to 38 with bloodbolts. you can kill T mandragoras in both jungles with bloodybolts to chain up to 4 for about 240~. you spend lots of moneys on bolts but its nice its funny to see pt`s that are lvling 28-30 watch u solo a T mandragora ^^. get tons of beastmen seals too!
                      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                      • #56
                        Oh....RNG...good source of beastmen seals.......that's something I'm going to have to look into some more ^^

                        Last night I finally noticed that my spell interruption rate went down, but i'm not sure if that's cause my Ninjitsu is higher or because of that katana. I'll give a better update on the katana as my Ninjitsu raises.

                        I think I finally assembled a part way complete PT from just my LS members...... 32 NIN , 31 NIN, 34 WHM, and 33 RDM ( 34 WHM is kind of....comitting suicde for the great good ROFL ) ^^ I hope things works out super well, cause my hopes are high ^^


                        • #57
                          yeah i had a war/nin nin/war party in qufim at level 24, and in the jungle i had that two nin party, but i was nin/rng....and still main tank.

                          i noticed with my high def gear on, even if i dont have shadows and get hit, since they hit for soooo lil i dont get interupted..

                          sometimes i didnt even cast utsu when it was up so i could shoot and kill the mob, i mean i woiulda blinked, got shadows, shot, and probably ended up taking the dmg anyway.
                          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                          • #58
                            Thanks guys for keeping up with this thread. I know it has gotten long, but I've learn so much from you guys and I really appreciate it. Now.....just a few more questions please ^^

                            #1)Oh man.....I think I've been under the wrong impression of spell interuption for...........forever. So does spell interruption depend on how hard they hit you? or WHEN they hit you during your casting? or both?

                            #2)Oh, and I'm about to hit 40 soon and I was wondering what you guys think about the Kodachi +1 vs the NIN AF1?

                            #3) Well as you know, I had assemble a PT which contained 2 NINs and now that we have both hit 37.....we both have Utsusemi: Ichi and NI. I was it possible to have one of the NINs become a damage dealer thru something like THF sub? Currently we are doing "Blade: Rin ~> SATA Viper Bite". So would it be good for the other THF (or myself) to do "SA Blade: Rin ~> SATA Viper Bite"? Or does the NIN have to go sub RNG or BLM as a damage dealer? Or will just having the other NIN using WAR be fine as well? I mean I'm really confused cause I always think of NIN as a tank and well now that we both are 37 we can both tank equally, but I think it would be wise to use the other NIN as a damage dealer. What are your thoughts on this? Sorry if my explanation is rough to understand ;;

                            #4) Do any of you have any possible suggestions as to where to level from 37 and up? I've been trying my best to avoid Crawler's Nest and those kinds of places because training is unbearable. Currently we're fighting in Eastern Altepa Dessert against the Dhamels, but exp is not cutting it so does anyone have some other suggestions please?

                            Thanks a ton guys


                            • #59
                              stick it out in CN, go fight nest beetles there, they give great xp.

                              37-40 is one of those gaps in great xp, so just stay in CN or the sands and stick it out.

                              umm not really, nin/thf wouldnt make a very good DD, the only thing i could sugest would be to get only one mage, and 3 very good DDs,a nd then share the hate between the two nins, maybe one doing the wheel the whole time while the other melees, and have gear focused on what your gonna be doing.
                              Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Thegod
                                yeah i had a war/nin nin/war party in qufim at level 24, and in the jungle i had that two nin party, but i was nin/rng....and still main tank.
                                Thats gimp.

