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Best way to play ninja, what should I look to do

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  • Best way to play ninja, what should I look to do

    Pretty much what the topic states, I've recently started lvling ninja. I got pwr lvl by my friend to lvl 13 last night. I do not have utsemi yet, I am going to get that quest started before I lvl anymore, I already have a stack of shshit, and some other ninja scrolls and some balance rings for when I turn lvl 14.

    But what I was wondering is what is the best and most effective way to play ninja to lv 37, I only plan on taking it taht far to sub for my rdm. Since this whole talk of greatness about rdm/nin, anyway enough about that though.

    Just wondering, at my lower lvls, do I look at becoming a blink tank in any party I get into unless they already have a tank? What type of role should I expect to play in exp pt's? Stardard melee and puller? I've been reading up on the info here and some on allakazham to get an idea, but just wanted to get some input on how you guys would recommend the best approach.


  • #2
    well from what i know about nin (not much) is that your main purpose in a exp pt is to blink/eva tank because the mages are to lazy to heal i would say no your not a puller tanks never pull leave that to a thf, rng ect


    • #3
      Just taking it to 37?

      Replace those Balance Rings with some Reflex, the ones with +2 Agility.
      Just stack as much Eva and Agi on as you can and eat Meat Mithkabobs.
      I was able to tank fine with just Ichi with all my Eva & Agi, and you can keep hate easily with the Boost from kabobs, provoke, and casting your Ninjutsu.
      Nobutada, San d'Oria Rank 9
      Ninja - 75
      Paladin - 44
      Warrior - 39
      Thief - 37
      Samurai - 32
      Ranger - 25
      Monk - 24
      Beast Master - 20
      Black Mage - 20
      Whm - 14


      • #4

        also any chance a nin gets to buiold added hate is greatly apprciated.

        BUT i would not pull if you think you can't make it back to camp w/o losingn a single shadow. (if you using nin to sub for rng this shouldnt ever be a problem)
        Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


        • #5
          yea, dont neglect throwing if u have the chance to raise it. start early. if you think you can cap it out later, youll be crying.

          ; ; <- those tears are from experience.
          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫

