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Ethical question: SHOULD San Ninjutsu be put in...?

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  • Ethical question: SHOULD San Ninjutsu be put in...?

    In the Nin/Blm thread underneath this one, I was reminded of something I've been meaning to post a topic on for some time.

    Should San Ninjutsu be put in really? Now I know we ALL would want it, but thinking from an unselfish view in retrospect to the other jobs and overall game balance, should it be put in?

    Lets talk about some of them:

    Utsusemi San: I don't think we need to talk about this one, its the biggest controversy. I believe it could be put in to the game in a balanced manner, as not just an extra overkill of shadows, but as something that gives you 5 shadows but with a huge recast time (something to give yourself a boost at times till you start up the rest), or something that specifically blocks AOE's or Ga spells that acts as a separate buff from Ichi and Ni on standby (I personally like this idea. Before someone goes all specifics on me and says the AOE or ga takes all the "dummies" in the area, think of the last ditch evasive tactic that Ninja's in stories use where they suddenlly turn into a piece of wood at the last second of being struck. :D If all the other copies fail..)
    But I've gone on enough about it, this isn't what I wanted to talk about since its been talked about enough already. What I wanted to mention was the rest..

    The Element Attack Jutsu's: In the Nin/Blm thread, the prospect of someone using /Blm as a boost to boost the ni debuff's attack power was mentioned. This made me realize something. Unless the casting time were somewhat long(god no), or the recast time were long (more sensible), these would be pretty insane. You could throw San AND Ni elemental attacks at the same time. Katon San, Katon Ni, Hyoton San, Hyoton Ni etc etc. If our current Ni elements do 50-120 damage depending on the Jutsu and the mob's weakness, its safe to say the San's would do 150-220 damage per cast! If /Blm were used, it could very well be 280-340! Combine that with casting these and the Ni enfeebles for bouts of 50-120 and 200 around damage, and you've got some serious magical edge. Not even taking into account how much the elemental weaknesses are lowered at the same time. In my opinion, Utsusemi could be easilly corrected to be balanced, its these that scare me.

    The Tactical Enfeebling Jutsu's : Hojo, Kuyayami, Dokumori, and Jubaku. These may or may not be much of a problem, increased enfeebling power. SE would probably pull a Ni, and release Hojo San, Kurayami San, and finally release Dokumori Ni and Jubaku Ni and only use those.

    But then again, more enfeeble power=more emnity as well.

    Tonko : Tonko San wouldn't be a big deal since its just a self invis spell. I say San should give you Invis AND Sneak, I think by the 60's Ninja's would deserve to be able to sneak into almost any place.

    Really...with San elemental enfeebles, Ninja's supposedly very high dot damage with dual wield IV and on, as well as Haste and DW enhancements, those powerful enfeebles, Ninja's with or without Shuriken, by the mid 60's would be pretty much the perfect killing machine. Evasive survivability for unseen amounts of time, great ability to fight back and multi hit damage, and a magical edge to mix into all that dot fighting as well.

    Would it be too much? Should San Ninjutsu really be released? Or can one of you guys think of something that would keep it in check? Or for you high level guys, would it be too much or would it be ok? (I'm doubtful..)

    No matter what I think we really should get Dokumori and Jubaku Ni now, I don't think there's much excuse for not having those. But the San's?

    Is there a way to bring them in or are we doomed to stay at number 2?

    ^. You have now seen everything..

    Name: Kiyotaru.
    Ethinticity: Windurstian.
    Home: Norg
    Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)

    Linkshells: Come and go.

  • #2
    nice post, only thing i have to add is they better give us something. I cant figure out wtf square made nin for anyways. If they didnt want us to tank, gave us no good guns for later levels, no access to silver bullets, no good bows at later levels.. wtf was this class made for.
    75 Nin

    Relic Obtained: Koga Boots.


    • #3
      My thoughts on Ninja were that they put them in with a basic idea of what they wanted them to be, and what players came up with wasnt with there original thinking, and they took a step back to re-analyze the situation, hence why the next set of spells never got added. As it stands now Ninjas are a very powerful class even with a two-thirds complete spell list, assuming the rest got put in they'd like have to nerf something, as that seems to be the norm in MMO's in general when something becomes to powerful. Ninjas right now dont have anything to complain about I dont think. Thats just the opinion of an ex-ninja now turned redmage.
      Deneb - Returned to level puppetmaster


      • #4
        I think utsusemi san could work one of two ways.

        A) 90 or 120s recast, so its basically an emergency blink if a monster spams some double attacks.

        B) because its a higher level ninjutsu it could be prone to failure and maybe work like whm blink, whether it absorbs a blow or not could rely on your ninjutsu skill.

        I think the elemental debuff line could be added if the damage wasnt different from ni, it just debuffed them much stronger.

        when I've had the debuffs cast on me its been -30? resistance from what I recall, maybe adjust it to -50 or -60?

        As for the status debuffs, I think 65-70 or so they could add the san line for them all.

        Jubaki and dokumori would be in line with hici however the san line could have a much more lmited time of effect, as a trade off for their increased strength.
        55% Skill
        35% Equipment
        10% Race

        White Mage - 75 - Completed
        Ninja - 75 - Completed
        Summoner - 75 - Completed
        My Livejournal


        • #5
          SAN Ninjutsu would be nice but I think it's not really necessary. NIN pwns enough as is.

          pld:75 nin:75 war:37
          bonecraft: 81+2 leathercraft: 50


          • #6
            Originally posted by Deneb
            My thoughts on Ninja were that they put them in with a basic idea of what they wanted them to be, and what players came up with wasnt with there original thinking, and they took a step back to re-analyze the situation, hence why the next set of spells never got added. As it stands now Ninjas are a very powerful class even with a two-thirds complete spell list, assuming the rest got put in they'd like have to nerf something, as that seems to be the norm in MMO's in general when something becomes to powerful.
            These are my thoughts exactly. I don't think S-E was too sure what they were getting into when they first released the job. I think the job became much more powerful than they originally intended, hence the lack of new spells past 50 or so. As it is, NIN are still a good job, better than PLD and other tanks in many situations, but not without disadvantages.

            I'm glad that S-E went this route of not adding new abilities, rather than nerfing the existing abilities to hell while adding new ones. Although I also agree NIN should get *something* to shoot for at higher levels other than just new equipment, it's still true that they definitely hold their own as it is. Thus if you add more spells to make them even stronger, they will become overpowered, necessitating nerfs. I think we all agree we don't want those :sweat:

            Even the suggestions Kiyo brings up for the san line (which are very reasonable) still make NIN stronger. Yes, they would be nice for the job, but isn't the risk of NIN one of the disadvantages to playing a more standard tank class like WAR or PLD?

            I do like the idea of a Tonko:San line giving both Invis and Sneak; makes sense and honestly not overpowered.

            I do think NIN should get something at levels past 37 so that they have some more distinguishable advantages over a 74 WAR/NIN, but I'm not really sure what you can add without disrupting the existing job balance...
            I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by imac2much
              I do think NIN should get something at levels past 37 so that they have some more distinguishable advantages over a 74 WAR/NIN, but I'm not really sure what you can add without disrupting the existing job balance...
              Doing more DoT, holding better hate, and blink-tanking more efficently isn't distinguishable enough?



              • #8
                Originally posted by ZQM
                Doing more DoT, holding better hate, and blink-tanking more efficently isn't distinguishable enough?

                Hehe, sorry, I don't mean to imply that WAR/NIN are overpowered or anything. It's just that NIN is really the only job without any new abilities past 50... Well I guess SAM is an example too. But then again SAM has one of the best DD 2hrs in the game. /NIN and NIN pretty much have the same abilities. The only difference is that NIN has more dual wield (due to passives), 1 more shadow (4 for ni as opposed to 3 when subbed) and other passive traits (such as evasion, etc).

                On the other hand WAR/NIN have abilities that NIN/WAR's don't have, such as Mighty Strikes and Aggressor (I think we can all agree NIN 2hr is the most useless in terms of PT/alliance around... it doesn't even do that much damage).

                I honestly don't know how WAR/NIN and NIN/WAR stack up to eachother at 74-75, because many of my friends of both parties have complained about the other being overpowered. Who knows? :sweat:
                I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by imac2much
                  Hehe, sorry, I don't mean to imply that WAR/NIN are overpowered or anything. It's just that NIN is really the only job without any new abilities past 50... Well I guess SAM is an example too. But then again SAM has one of the best DD 2hrs in the game. /NIN and NIN pretty much have the same abilities. The only difference is that NIN has more dual wield (due to passives), 1 more shadow (4 for ni as opposed to 3 when subbed) and other passive traits (such as evasion, etc).
                  You forgot one thing (and main thing IMO), debuffs. With around -40 evasion (I don't remember exact amount, but I had tons (mainly thanks to Viking Axes)), mobs still missed me several times when I took hate from Ninja thanks to Kuriyama. I'm not sure which is more powerful, Hojo: Ni or Carnage Elegy, but Hojo is still enough to lower most mobs evasion to over 4 seconds (enough time to easily re-cast Utsusemi:Ichi).


                  Just to add to "how they stack up", tanking as WAR/NIN is just provoke at start followed by auto-attack and Utsusemi. DoT is normally enough to hold hate, but if I do lose it then I normally always have provoke ready. And if not, Warcry is good.


                  • #10
                    i'd like to see jubaku:ni

                    the rest i don't care about=)
                    Wandering Minstrel~


                    • #11
                      I agree, all we really need is Jubaku: Ni and Dokumori: Ni.
                      Dead: Nidhogg, Aspi, King Behemoth, Fafnir, Suzaku, Genbu, Byakko, Seriyu, Kirin, Jormungand, Tiamat, and Vrtra

                      Next up: Ouryu, Dynamis Lord?


                      • #12
                        I think by adding just Jubaku: Ni and Dokumori: Ni it wouldnt overpower the job to much, and it would at least complete the Ni series of ninjitsu. But the San line still seems like it would be either to powerful or to gimped, both of which defeat the purpse I think.

                        Rather then go Sans I think a much more viable approach would just be to release 2 to 5 new ninjutsu's, make the first one start at the 40's, with the Ni series of these going up to 70's. Maybe a ninjutsu that gives a 1 minute haste, but has a 2 minute recast time, etc.

                        Ive not played my ninja in quite a while, originally got the job last november when it released on PC and took it to 30 before switching to redmage as I didnt have the $$ to do the job justice and I hate being an exp leech. In my opinion, Jubaku: Ni, Dokumori: Ni and throwing weapon skills would make people happier without hopefully overpowering the job to set up a nerf.
                        Deneb - Returned to level puppetmaster


                        • #13
                          I don't think you could add those san spells and not ruin job balance, as much as I'd like to see ninjas do even better.

                          However a new version of tonko giving invis AND sneak wouldn't hurt xp balance, it'd be cool and fit with the job.

                          And as Deneb said, throwing WSs, that would be great. Not that the katana WSs are gimp, damage wise they lack big time, but their 2ndary effects are quite underestimated. However making throwing WSs does 2 things. 1. Gives ninja an outlet for possiblely more damaging WSs therefore giving them in a push toward becoming true DD. 2. It's just cool and makes complete sense, why don't we have throwing WSs already?

                          To restate, basiclly throwing WSs could be aimed at damage more so and less at status effects, and could make ninja act as probably what was an original goal of a form of DD that could without question help tank.


                          • #14
                            Rather then go Sans I think a much more viable approach would just be to release 2 to 5 new ninjutsu's, make the first one start at the 40's, with the Ni series of these going up to 70's.
                            I agree with this idea.

                            I hope they would add light and dark elemental ninjutsu, not only allowing us to burst with that on those corresponding chains, but also to debuff before casting kuramyni. Maybe even add a new enfeebling ninjutsu based on light .


                            • #15
                              New Light elemental ninjutsu that lowers dark resist and dark that does the opposite would fit the mold quite nicely I think, I hadnt thought of that but it does sound intriguing. Especially since light and dark skill chains become more popular in the upper levels. So definately some potential there for 2 of the new ninjutsu's they could add. That and maybe instead of making a San Tonko, why not just make a sneak based ninjutsu, it could use the same ninja tool as Tonko just be put to a different effect. Put the Ichi version at maybe 20, and the Ni at around 40 or so when invis/sneak'n into places becomes a key element in reaching some of the better exp spots.
                              Deneb - Returned to level puppetmaster

