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poping the Hototogisu NM

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  • #91
    how often? once every 5 rounds of atk? 10 rounds? once a fight?
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


    • #92
      Originally posted by Xerlic
      All you people who had trouble getting this katana, I feel your pain. I'm just hit 0/10 about 10 minutes ago. My NIN is only 41, but I am determined to have this katana ready for my off-hand weapon by the time I ding 55. The positive comments about it in this thread and the unwillingness to give up keep me going back to Uggalepih to find a rattle every day. -_-

      Also, the Kitsutsuki seems interesting. Does it have an absurdly low drop rate like the Hotogisu? I'd be interested in getting one, but dunno how many times I'd be willing to pop the NM.
      I was 1/11 on Hoto, and 1/2 on Kitsu as I said before. So in my opinion, the drop rate is a bit higher but you never know I could of gottend adsurbly lucky
      Started to be more dedicated to my nin yesterday and hit 64. Dual Weilding both of these are fun


      • #93
        Originally posted by Omni-Ragnarok
        how often? once every 5 rounds of atk? 10 rounds? once a fight?

        depends on what, xp mobs, i'd say once every 15 swings, too weak and ep stuff less.
        75 Nin

        Relic Obtained: Koga Boots.


        • #94
          0/13. ; ; I have rattle #14, but the person that I usually duo this with went to sleep. Will try again in the morning. ><


          • #95
            Our tarutaru ranger had never reset hate, so he got oneshotted about two or three times. Conclusion: for better droprate, tarutaru sacrifice is needed! ^^


            • #96
              I sacrficed myself plenty ; ;

              On the bright side I finally got this the other night

              Lucky Attempt #34

              1/34 final tally -_-

              Stingy Tonberries


              • #97
                0/21 as of tonight. I'm starting to feel like I share Nxstacy's luck and won't see this thing till I get over 30 kills. -_-

                How many of you had TH2/3/4 when you got drop? I usually only have TH1 with me. =/


                • #98
                  The drop rate is really that shitty? Not to be a dick or anything, but I went 1/1 on it and was a little surprized but I don't know anyone who took more than 3 tries for the katana. I had one THF75 and the WHM subbed THF. :/


                  • #99
                    No, the drop rate isn't shitty at all. Which is why it sucks so much for those of us who had horrible luck with it.

                    Everyone else I know who has gotten it got it w/in the first 3 kills also.

                    Its like ppl getting 2 kraken clubs in a row. Just stupid dumb luck for those of us that take 10+ times to get this silly katana.


                    • Originally posted by nsxtasy
                      No, the drop rate isn't shitty at all. Which is why it sucks so much for those of us who had horrible luck with it.

                      A Thief & Ninja friend of mine who quit was 1/1 on Hototogisu, tossed it later on in his Ninja's life then decided he wanted it again and went 2/2 on it.
                      【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


                      • Originally posted by PaladinsArc
                        The drop rate is really that shitty? Not to be a dick or anything, but I went 1/1 on it and was a little surprized but I don't know anyone who took more than 3 tries for the katana. I had one THF75 and the WHM subbed THF. :/
                        I went with my SAM/NIN friend and was 0/10. My one friend one day(who was a ninja), said she wanted the katana to test it out. I said go figure. We were 1/2 (she was NIN/THF). Couple of weeks later I went with my THF friend and we were 1/2. So the drop rate isn't really "shitty", but my opinion is bring a THF and a 4 leaf clover :sweat:


                        • Originally posted by nsxtasy
                          No, the drop rate isn't shitty at all. Which is why it sucks so much for those of us who had horrible luck with it.

                          Everyone else I know who has gotten it got it w/in the first 3 kills also.

                          Its like ppl getting 2 kraken clubs in a row. Just stupid dumb luck for those of us that take 10+ times to get this silly katana.

                          Well it is all stupid dumb luck. I finally got my hoto tonight. My 75SMN partner died to Mijin when he was at 10% though ; ;. I had to solo the last 10% as bard which isnt all that easy, even at 75. All in all I am 2/18 on this thing, 1/13 for myself with no thief, just me and my SMN partner or my other SMN friend. 0/4 for my 70 thief friend who has since quit and 1/1 on the random time I was going to the Cloistor of Tidea with a JP xp party and some unlucky fellow had popped him and died and we killed it, our tank was happy that day.

                          All in all 1/13 for myself was not fun. I sure as hell hope I have better luck with Celeste-eyed Tozberry in a few levels. I really wanna dual both of these. ^^ I prolly tossed all my luck when we did get those 2 Kraken's in a row a few months back, haven't had much luck since then.
                          75BRD, 75NIN, 75SMN, 67RDM, 56WHM
                          Rank 10 Windurst | Rank 10 Bastok | Rank 8 Sand'Oria
                          Zilart COMPLETE | Promathia COMPLETE
                          Smithing 78+1 Cooking 60 Fishing 21



                          • OK, I lied. I didn't make it to 30. 1/23 as of last night. It's definitely rewarding to finally get it after all those kills. There were a lot of times I wanted to say "Screw it", but I kept going back to Uggalepih to hunt for rattles. Kinda glad I did.


                            • Re: poping the Hototogisu NM

                              1/21........blah.......makes it that much sweeter tho


                              • Re: poping the Hototogisu NM

                                talking with the 75 nins. when did you guys finally hang up the katana ???

                                Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.

