I am lvling NIN to sub with THF, and I need some advice on a cheap way to lvl it. I am not going to use any of those fancy powders but I need some advice on this.
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Need advice from from some NINs
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Even though I'm only lv 24 with NIN, I'll try and help.
I think you should be fine with just Utsusemi Ichi and the Emperor Hairpin if you have it. Since most pts would have two NIN before lv 37 or a backup voker who can take hits while you recast. RDM and WHM can take care of the enfeebling, since the enfeeble Ichi version take so long to cast anyway.:sweat:
Hope that helps.SAM 63, RNG 34, NIN 74, MNK 54,THF 18 RDM 59. Rank 1
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my nin is also only 24 but i spend a crapload per level on all the powders and shuriken and stuff, and most people don't even notice/care that i use anything other than utsusemi. why i bother i have no idea, my throwing is like 33 (75 is current cap for A skill) so my log window of that is miss miss miss miss OMG A HIT miss miss miss. my stupid ninjutsu is only like 57 so my enfeebles don't stick often either /sigh. i think you'll be able to get pts just fine with only utsusemi since every other nin except one that i have been partnered with only used that
fk yes
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You're wasting your money on shuriken less your throwing is capped. Not to mention before Utsusemi Ni, you don't really want to have the hate on you full time. While the Ichi buffs can be handy, they take forever to cast, and unless your ninjutsu is capped they often won't stick to an IT. The only thing you really need to do is cast Hyoton Ichi now and then, since the tools for it are the cheapest, and just doing that once or twice a fight will skill up your jutsu fast."We're all stupid, so lets go adventure in our ignorance together!"
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hyoton:ichi is what all nin use to lvl ninjitsu. the tsurara powders are cheap to make. an need no crafting to do. its alchmey you can go from 0-4 tsurara = ice crystal, +1 rocksalt, +2 distilled water = 10 tsurara.an since you lvl up on crabs from 10-25 theres no reason why you cant have a few stacks of rocksalt laying around. with fame in your own town distilled water should be no more then 10gil a peice. only expense is the crystals. but even that is only 800 to 900 a stack.. as for utsusemi powders. thats prob your only big cost til 30..
as for throwing a nin should use a chakram.. the first one is at lvl 20. also it doesnt hurt to lvl pulling jobs either. my war,thf, always pulled mobs using throwing weapons. thus it was very high for my nin..
Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.
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Truthfuly there is no really "easy'' way. But it's simple.
Like lil ninja said.As soon as you can buy a throwing wep like a chakram,buy it and make it your best pocket buddy.I rarly bought any darts or shuriken. If your not taking nin all the way don't bother on buying many of the Ichi scrolls,until you've made some made gil.Seeing you are lvling it for thf.Just do what you can do blink tanking.But if you want to buy your Ichis go right ahead,but it'd be a lil waste in pts unless you solo something for nin skill.But i recommend you on doing so b/c after your ninjitsu gets so high it will get harder to cap.So grab you a pair of winged or leadpin boots,A nice emp hairpen and some rings for dex and agi.
But if you can't afford that. I couldn't right away so,lol
Do what you got to do but try to enjoy it.
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