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raising/capping ninjutsu skill

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  • raising/capping ninjutsu skill

    my nin is now level 12 and my ninjutsu skill is level 2...
    i know these will raise a lot now that i can tank and ill be casting utsu alot however since its an A skill, it should be level 39 /cry
    whats a good way to cap this? i dont really (at all XD) want to stand around casting utsu or tonko for hours since thats just throwing my gil away. i was thinking that once im 15 i could sub it and cast a cheap elemental ninjutsu on a monster that would raise it fast, but is a too weak to my thf (dhalmels maybe?) what did all you high level nins do to cap this if you did at all?

    fk yes

  • #2
    Just to let you know, I haven't raised my Ninjutsu at all, but I'm about 60% of the way to cap and quickly catching up at level 22. I cast Kurayami:Ichi every fight, and Utsusemi as needed, also a few Huton's now and there..

    Most of the gain has come from Kuruyami:Ichi, since it's a debuff and when it connects, I get like +0.5 Ninjutsu skill..


    • #3
      for me I just use the elemental wheel of death. =/
      Kenshin of Valefor

      Hitting people in four spots with a stick.
      Thats Kendo!
      It'll just take you 20 years to learn to do it right.
      Level Does Not = Skill!
      Level = Knowledge


      • #4
        Spam Hyoton: Ichi or Ni. The tool used is Tsurara which is the least expencive powder to make.
        BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

        San d'Oria Rank 10
        Zilart Mission 14
        CoP Chapter 4-2


        • #5
          I'd say the elemental wheel of death. Personally once I hit level 15 I was so happy I had stuff to cast I just ran around La Thiene casting on easy rabbits.


          • #6
            rekiem said it best. tsurara is by far the cheapest powder to use while skilling up the ninjitsu

            Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


            • #7
              It will get capped really fast once into higher levels.
              Casting Hyoton Hojo Bubaki Saru-ra And Utsusmei in bettle it will be fast to cap it.

