No one knows what Subtle Blow, but its been mostly speculated to be either:
1.) An extra attack like kick (God I hope its this.)
2.)Something that lowers emnity. Thats great for Monks! (high level monks will just be that much more attractive higher) But if its for Ninja's...
I just wanted to ask two things, where did info on Subtle Blow come from? And is there anything else maybe that could be added in along with it supposedly?
Because if, IF Subtle blow is an emnity reducing job trait, that obviously means the dev's are intentionally trying to screw Blink tanking, and at least some compensation for that would be nice.
Ofcourse I may be putting too much faith in Playonline's devs, since they seem to turn deaf ears to a lot of deals with the players. Maybe they're just blindly adding something like that in.
Kinda goes into what I wanted to ask second. Without evidence or knowing whats up or anything, I just wanted to ask what do you all honestly think the devs are planning on eventually doing with this job? Just your gut instinct, thinking about how they may really do things.
1.) An extra attack like kick (God I hope its this.)
2.)Something that lowers emnity. Thats great for Monks! (high level monks will just be that much more attractive higher) But if its for Ninja's...
I just wanted to ask two things, where did info on Subtle Blow come from? And is there anything else maybe that could be added in along with it supposedly?
Because if, IF Subtle blow is an emnity reducing job trait, that obviously means the dev's are intentionally trying to screw Blink tanking, and at least some compensation for that would be nice.
Ofcourse I may be putting too much faith in Playonline's devs, since they seem to turn deaf ears to a lot of deals with the players. Maybe they're just blindly adding something like that in.
Kinda goes into what I wanted to ask second. Without evidence or knowing whats up or anything, I just wanted to ask what do you all honestly think the devs are planning on eventually doing with this job? Just your gut instinct, thinking about how they may really do things.