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NIN/RNG using guns: drawbacks?

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  • #16
    He said all WS after Sidewinder are RNG only. I guess you could fault him for using the wrong term (EX vs. SP) but the gist of his point is still accurate,

    Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1


    • #17
      I not sure you can compare straight melee and ranged acc scores (C vs C etc). It seems like melee is significantly less affected by monster level, and can get by with a lot less +acc to have similar hit rates. (Then again, ranged misses could just be more noticeable due to the slowness.)


      • #18
        Could be, its like when you miss 2 times in a row with a dagger compared to missing 2 times in a row with a Greataxe. The GA dud feels like he never hits the enemy, the dagger dud feels fine cause he got more hits in between the delay of the GA.


        • #19
          Seriously though, I think if you gave melee the equvilant to the ranged acc bonuses we get, along with the additional job abilities for acc, I think they'd hit 95% of the time on just about anything.


          • #20
            greysenn, the point is that there is so much more RACC equipment readily available that the excuse of C rank Marksmanship is silly. It may cap a few points lower, but you'll have 20+ more RACC than you would have ACC when all is said and done.

            Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1


            • #21
              Heh, I'm not arguing that. I'm just saying it might not be as accurate as you expect it to be, even with all that +acc gear.

              Let us know how it works. I'd be interested to see what your hit rate difference is vs. katanas

