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Subtle Blow?

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  • Subtle Blow?

    Ninja and Monks will be getting a new Job Trait in the next patch, coming later this month. This trait is called Subtle Blow, anyone have any ideas what this will do? It's a trait, so it's a passive effect, perhaps something to take the focus off them as tanks? (I know I know, Nin are great tanks, I won't dispute that). It'd be a good way to add viability to them as other roles, without taking away to ability to tank if they can.

    From the name, perhaps it's something that does extra damage when you don't have aggro? Or a increased critical attack rate?

    Ramuh, Leviathan, Shiva, Ifrit acquired.

  • #2
    Guessing it is gonna be a -enmity applied to attacks.



    • #3
      Well the term Subtle Blow Karate is usually referred to as a hidden attack. It can be a presicely planted hit to render a person unconsious that may appear as something totally different (Something along that you'd see in shows to relate, would be if you ever saw in like a karate show a character would of applied pressure to a point on the person body knocking them out but it would appear as if the guy was hugging the person or just pating his shoulder).

      Subtle Blow is also a hidden attack focused on pressure points to cause severe pain and injury.

      So by the definition it could be something like an extra critical attack or a possible stun ability that could stun the enemy for a brief period.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        I so hope it's what you all said....put together


        • #5
          yay! could this mean... alternative subjobs and purposes for ninja? ^^

          of course it could always be one of those dumb useless traits like resist bind


          • #6
            Originally posted by Macht
            Well the term Subtle Blow Karate is usually referred to as a hidden attack. It can be a presicely planted hit to render a person unconsious that may appear as something totally different (Something along that you'd see in shows to relate, would be if you ever saw in like a karate show a character would of applied pressure to a point on the person body knocking them out but it would appear as if the guy was hugging the person or just pating his shoulder).

            Subtle Blow is also a hidden attack focused on pressure points to cause severe pain and injury.

            So by the definition it could be something like an extra critical attack or a possible stun ability that could stun the enemy for a brief period.
            but if that WAS it, shouldn't it be an ability rather than a trait then? or maybe it'll act like an extra attack... but then MNKs already have kick so i doubt SE will give them ANOTHER extra attack to make them hit 4 times in one turn.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lil Dreamer

              but if that WAS it, shouldn't it be an ability rather than a trait then? or maybe it'll act like an extra attack... but then MNKs already have kick so i doubt SE will give them ANOTHER extra attack to make them hit 4 times in one turn.
              I wouldn't doubt it to be another attack. Don't forget the MNK specialty is hitting a lot and often and so like the PLD's specialty of being a tank gets 2 extra defense boosts, and a DRK's specialty of being a damage dealer gets 2 extra attack boosts (Though doesn't seem to help them much). So the same seems fair to take an educated guess and think it to be a second extra attack.

              As for if it is a stun effect, the effect can basically work similar to that of a weapon that gives that added effect.

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • #8
                It's probably a stun attack, with a small chance of kicking in everytime you hit an enemy.


                • #9
                  Bleh..Subtle Blow ..while nice to have a new passive is not what a NIN needs right now -.-. Im a good tank but it seems that it is a waste of the job of NIN to be a blink tank. Look at overall progession of ninja equip. By the time your 75 youll have the ability to have decent ATK/ACC/RNG ATK/RNG ACC. No hate+, no evade up. That leads me to reiterate what ALOT of ninja have been wishing for...THROW WS. Why would you give ninja excellent throw weapons, equip that give VERY good Throw skill/acc/atk boosts and have nothing to optimize it. Even down to the point of having an A+ skill in a weapon...a WS just fits. SE not implementing Sann ninjutsu, no throw ws....basicly as a ninja you get NOTHING new after lvl 44 with the exception of Armor/weapons. It seems like they purposely intend to nerf ninja while others constantly get more stuff or get "tweaked" (Ability to HEAL your wyvern -.- /sigh)
                  Smithing 68
                  Weaving 60
                  Leather 30
                  Woodworking 73
                  Alchemy 50
                  Amazing what one will do to level Blacksmith in this game -.-


                  • #10
                    hmm if it was enmity minus I might have to add a THF to PT for fuidama finally and stop wearing pumpkin hat once in awhile to prove I can hold hate well already :p

                    Hopefully S-E will clarify what it does, or we can look forward to 2+ week of wild speculation i'm sure PLD would be beside themselves with joy that they could be pretty much the only tank choice for most pt.

                    I'm jaded enough from playing other mmorpgs that 'nerfed' gameplay mechanics to not care if the ability to gain hate is harder, i'll adapt cause I love nin/war and think it can still tank with innate -enmity if thats what it is.

                    Throw WS and more ninja usable guns (cant find any past the level 42 neroshiki) are needed if they want to push ninjas into more areas besides tanking so that PT would seriously consider inviting ninja with more varied subs.

                    3 Mithra are better than 1...
                    Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
                    Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
                    Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

                    Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
                    Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


                    • #11
                      Although I wasn't that surprised Ninja's were tanks, thats what kind of irked me about the job when I first came on and had interest in using it. The fact that the job seems so well geared to be a hateless damage dealer/enfeebler, something which if they were more geared for a constant, unstoppable stream of damage, like a flow almost, plus enfeebles that flow into that damage "river" at the same time, this job would be an incredible asset to any party while still not being overpowered or broken. But all of the Ninja's abilities seem "unfinished" to me. The whole class seems like its unfinished, like there's a ton of things that are missing to complete the picture. Even if Ninja's could still tank with Utsusemi a few adjustments to fill up those gaps would still make the class great without being broken.

                      Throwing weapon skills are so overdue to show up.

                      Also I was thinking the other day, really neat job abilities that would be great for Ninja's are two abilities that are along the same lines as Berserk and Defender in they're concept and flexibility. Like Offense-Stance, which would increase your attack speed by a % (Going with Ninja's better Duel Wield, Like, 40%) for 40 seconds, or even a minute. Then Defense-stance, which could increae parrying % (going with A parrying) by 30-40% for the same amount of time. Neither could stack with eachother. It'd go with a Ninja's current role great too, and increased attack speed for a short moment with Berserk and Double attack would be real killer.

                      Subtle Blow sounds like maybe...a kind of double attack that randomly goes off, but attracts no hate with the extra hits?
                      If its a stun one too that'd be nice. I think another thing that would greatly help out this job is passive job traits that add unique additional effects to your regular attacks. Stun would be nice but I hope its something that increases hit number a little. IF it was so that and Double attack and faster duel wield would make some serious spam damage with regular attacks, leaving the big numbers for Throwing.

                      ^. You have now seen everything..

                      Name: Kiyotaru.
                      Ethinticity: Windurstian.
                      Home: Norg
                      Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)

                      Linkshells: Come and go.


                      • #12
                        My guess is a trait that reduces how much TP a monster gains from your attacks. Both the monk & ninja hit each monster twice, letting them gain TP at a higher rate then single weapon users.

                        I dont see any other connection between these 2 classes other than their double hits.


                        • #13
                          Do monsters even use TP to execute their special attacks? I swear they just have a 'HACK' button they hit randomly.
                          ZM Complete
                          Bard's Roundlet Obtained
                          Rdm LV 74
                          Crimson Mask Obtained


                          • #14
                            yea they gain TP cause MNK Relic pants have and effect "Opponents TP gain is reduced"
                            NIN75 THF75 RNG75 WAR75 BST66 DRG64


                            • #15
                              Ya high level monks and ninja's hit a lot so I imagine this trait will reduce the amount of TP given to the mob per hit. Also look for this as a fairly high level trait. Maybe level 45ish.
                              Barook 63PLD/37WAR/20THF/17BLM/15MNK/15BST/10SAM/10RDM
                              Lisadee 63WHM/37BLM

