Recentally been PTing with a friend of mine that uses them, The brd gives him hunters prelude and he just throws the stars away. They did anywhere from 90-130dmg crit a 170ish? Anyway they are awesome dmg and you plan to take nin far i suggest you invest in these. I was seriously suprised how powerfull they are as they are only lv48ish.
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Wow the damage on ninja stars are amazing..
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Thre price is not so bad IF you lvl a few guilds. Any high lvl ninja will tell you that if you have NO guilds to make any of your ninjtsu/stars you use, YOU...WILL...FARM....70% of your playtime as a ninja. On my server Manji Shuriken cost 45k a stack, compared to the 20k a stack to make. Thats only if i buy the materials and quite honestly I only buy the Tama-hagane (I dont know where to get this ore other than buying at norg -.-) Compared to arrows 15-20k is ALOT for a stack of 99 but with my recent experience with the Manji it pays off. now when i reach 70 and can wear my JSE ill spam shriken like theres no tomorrow.Smithing 68
Weaving 60
Leather 30
Woodworking 73
Alchemy 50
Amazing what one will do to level Blacksmith in this game -.-
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