Of course, a disclaimer is required:
We all know /WAR is better, however, NIN is my subjob for my mains (RNG, THF), and I am not about to level a sub just to level my sub (my WAR is currently LV1, and I plan to never level WAR at all). Please try to avoid turning this thread into "/WAR is the best" thread #54398753.
Anyway, as I understand it, the best way for a NIN without provoke to contribute to a party is to spam Ctrl+D. Money is not really a concern... if doing a good job comes down to spending gil, I have no problem with that. I play RNG, after all.
My first question is, if my main damage is coming from spamming ranged, why wouldn't I use /RNG over /THF? ACC bonuses and Sharpshot should both help with that.
My second question is, after I hit LV22, shouldn't I pick up a gun? Bullets do more damage, are more readily available (and less expensive, I might add), and my Marksmanship will always be capped, plus I'll have more renkei options (I use swords, as sub-37 katanas all f*cking suck... lower damage and higher delay than equivalent swords).
We all know /WAR is better, however, NIN is my subjob for my mains (RNG, THF), and I am not about to level a sub just to level my sub (my WAR is currently LV1, and I plan to never level WAR at all). Please try to avoid turning this thread into "/WAR is the best" thread #54398753.
Anyway, as I understand it, the best way for a NIN without provoke to contribute to a party is to spam Ctrl+D. Money is not really a concern... if doing a good job comes down to spending gil, I have no problem with that. I play RNG, after all.
My first question is, if my main damage is coming from spamming ranged, why wouldn't I use /RNG over /THF? ACC bonuses and Sharpshot should both help with that.
My second question is, after I hit LV22, shouldn't I pick up a gun? Bullets do more damage, are more readily available (and less expensive, I might add), and my Marksmanship will always be capped, plus I'll have more renkei options (I use swords, as sub-37 katanas all f*cking suck... lower damage and higher delay than equivalent swords).