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Cross Roads

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  • Cross Roads

    I'm about to hit 24 and Emp Hairpin keeps calling to me in the AH ... so need a little advise... If I pick up the hairpin I'll be pretty much broke prob. will have enough for a few lvls of powder then I'll have to farm for a bit to finance for powder... Or... Should I hold off on the hairpin and just lvl as farm as possible with my nest egg till maybe 37 and then just farm for Eva. Earrings, and Hairpin before continueing with lvling since with Ni I'll be a real blink tank and thus using alot more powder so the + Evasion would be a bit more effective...

    NIN Current Main
    BST Side Project

  • #2
    With the emp hairpin you'd be able to evade more attacks, thus saving powders which you would be using. This may add up to a lot of powders between levels 24-37...especially since youre going to buy it anyway, it only makes sense that the sooner you buy it the more blink powders you will save.


    • #3
      I stopped leveling for a few weeks when i made 34 and farmed to buy emp hairpin, ochiudo kote and evasion earrings among other items.
      The good gear doesn't get any cheaper, emp hairpin and kote prices have been climbing slowly, so i'm glad I got those items now.
      I'd rather take slightly longer leveling breaks to make sure im well funded, have good equipment so I can do my job better and leave a good impression on parties I join.

      There are too many people chasing levels just skating by on gear that needs updating or not utilizing everything ninja can do (ninja stars, blind/slow/element powders).

      You spend less on blink powder if you outfit yourself with good evasion gear, so to an extent your equipment affects your ninja tool expenses.

      3 Mithra are better than 1...
      Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
      Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
      Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

      Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
      Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


      • #4
        Thanx that was the way I was going but I was just looking for a second opintion

        Thanx again
        NIN Current Main
        BST Side Project


        • #5
          I stopped leveling for a few weeks when i made 34 and farmed to buy emp hairpin, ochiudo kote and evasion earrings among other items.
          What did you farm to get over 700K in a few weeks?

          silks? NM hunt?

          :confused: :confused: :confused:
          32 NIN, 30 WAR, 15 DRK, 15 THF, 9 RDM, 5 WHM

          Leaping Lizzy- 1-5
          Crypt Ghost - 0-1
          Bubbly Bernie- 2-2


          • #6
            No NM, just good old fashioned mass slaughter of certain monsters and elementals. Subbing THF and using steal on a certain monster. Get all your gobbiebags done and target monsters that drop stuff that stacks when possible.
            Basic rule I go by for any place I farm, fight monsters that only damage you maybe 1-5hps per kill, so you have to rest maybe once an hour or so.

            I don't have rng job when I farm but I have figured all the spawn areas for elementals out which helps me get a few everytime the weather comes around to spawn them. Again, elementals arent always up so you go back to hunt other things.

            Crawlers i've never found to be worth the trouble even with TH, but I still run a timed circuit to a few of the spawns to keep them cleared and discourage anyone from hunting on my turf :p Silk thread has bottomed out to 500ea and 6-7k a stack

            Chakram/boomerang is your friend to cut down the running up to your target, handy since the terrain there is a pain if you want to kill something on a ledge above you.
            I use ninja2hr to 'warp' back to AH quickly once I am loaded, and take chocobo/teleport back to farming area.

            I farm better with NIN than my higher level WHM with maxxed weapon skill on the same monster or trying harder stuff for better loots, kinda sad but oh well.

            There is a thread in the RNG forums that talks about gilfarming in certain areas that may help too.
            NM monster is too dodgy to reliable come up some sort of gil/hour income, besides I feel too much tension competing with others and get cranky if I dont get the drop :dead:.
            Hunting stuff in mass quantities means you have slightly slower, but predictable income and its easier to see how many hours you will need to farm to buy that piece of equipment you want.

            My ls members thought I was insane farming mindlessly like this, but I can almost do it now with my eyes closed I jokingly said I was going to gilfarm for peacock charm next, they thought I was serious too

            3 Mithra are better than 1...
            Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
            Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
            Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

            Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
            Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)

