i really want to be a ninja and would like to be a good tank. i hear that they do really good for lvling parties, but when it comes time for those big boys, like all of the BCNM's they really suck. does this claim having any legitimacy, i'd like to hear from ninjas who have done them plz, thanks for all replies.
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ninja tanking:D and BCNM's :(
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Ninja's can tank BCNM40 supposedly, The mandragora one anyways. A certain Thief on my linkshell's done it many times using a Ninja as a tank. But I think it depends on who the Ninja is partnered up with in the frontline. He used Nin/War, Rng/Nin, Thf/Nin so they all had blink. They actually set the current record on BCNM40 on my server for quickest time finished, last I checked.
In general War/Nin with Utsusemi is considered the best tank for that particular situation in Giddeus BCNM40, because the Mandragora's regular hits if the Bard keeps up his thing don't damage a Warrior much, and when you see Flood being cast by the Black one you can cast Utsusemi in time to survive it.
But Ninja's have done it, I've never taken part in a BCNM40 with a Ninja lead tank though myself. But its happened.
^. You have now seen everything..
Name: Kiyotaru.
Ethinticity: Windurstian.
Home: Norg
Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)
Linkshells: Come and go.
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In BCNM40, we tried both and we had much better results with MNK than NIN tank. Its not like the little plants hit hard anyway...BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20
San d'Oria Rank 10
Zilart Mission 14
CoP Chapter 4-2
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problem w/ the little mandras is they hit twice like monks and ninjas do, so they'll eat blinks fast. also not much damage will be asborbed per blink. personally i would take war/monk for voke, defender, warcry ( i hear it adds a decent amount of hate) and dodge from sub.March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
Use search, or deal with assholes like me
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NIN/WAR is only good for dodging Flood should the BLM Mandragora cast it. After that it's just dead weight because any job can tank the white mandragoras (all the white ones hit the bard 90% of the battle which should give you an idea of how hard they hit). The only time a ninja tank is better than any other tank is that they can cast Utsusemi to dodge the BLM's Flood. Yet, there are tons of different ways to prevent the BLM from successfully casting Flood so Utsusemi almost never gets used to dodge Flood.
After the BLM is dead it's smooth sailing from there and NIN/WAR is too weak to make the rest of the battle go quickly but they can get the job done nonetheless. However, if you plan on getting a good completion time then it's better to let a WAR/NIN or MNK/WAR tank the entire BCNM. You don't want to finish the BC with 5 minutes left on the clock and getting 10k worth of items at the end when you spent 20k on food, poison, and drinks. D;\WAR20 MNK12 WHM28 BLM31 RDM60 THF21 PLD14 DRK20 BST6 BRD42 RNG16 SAM11 NIN40 DRG10 SMN10
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