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ehhh utsusemi quest complaint.

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  • ehhh utsusemi quest complaint.

    okay so i did 30 windurst necklaces quests. i counted them. so that was like 40k, then i went to norg and decided to do tonko :ichi. completed it easily and went to talk to the dude and he wouldnt give me the quest and i was like - o.O

    okay so then i decided that i must be close to getting the quest so i bought 10 rusty leggings - 5k - and turned them in.

    Went back to Laisren and STILL no quest. okay ive spent like 50k on these quests, how many more do i need to do? oh yeah, im also tenshodo member
    Genaki 1+2- Done
    AF 1+2+4+5- Done
    QUIT as of April 2004

  • #2
    Most people check their Norg fame in Lower Jeuno by seeing how much Rice balls cost. I was told that when I get the price down to 150 gil it would be enough for the quest.

    Only did zinc quest about 6 times so it's 162 gil at their shop.. Got a long way to go :sweat:
    Galka Cor 75/Rng 37 Bst 75/Nin 37 Blm 75/Whm 38
    Taru Rdm 61 / Blm 41 *retired*
    Mithra - Rdm 53, Pld 45, Blm 38, War 23, whm 36 *retired*


    • #3
      You don't really lose a lot of money because you make a portion of the money back from completing the repeatable quests. All you really lose is time... but you get fame which is nice. I got the quest when the riceballs were 152, although many people said they needed it to be below that.

      I had zero Norg fame when I first started and needed to do the Yagudo Beads quest 60 times and the Tonko:Ichi quest before I could get Utsusemi and Leviathan accepted.
      WAR20 MNK12 WHM28 BLM31 RDM60 THF21 PLD14 DRK20 BST6 BRD42 RNG16 SAM11 NIN40 DRG10 SMN10


      • #4
        have you done the tenshodo invite? its basically free 1-shot fame since you can sell it back on AH. Just buy one in the AH for 2k-3k or whatever it is on your server, take it to Neptune place in lower jeuno near the AH there, give it to the mithra at the front desk.. then sell it back to AH.


        • #5
          I got the utsesumi quest when rice balls were 152 gils. I also heard that the yag necklace quest gives a fraction of the fame as the zinc ore quest in bastok. I've spent around 50k on the zinc ore quest alone to get enough fame, and I've slaughtered many many yags in giddeus for necklaces.


          • #6
            I spent a stupidly large amount of gil on the Zinc ore quest, but it didnt really take that long since i bought every piece of ore my LS had and the bastok AH restocks with zinc really quickly. I did that quest 33 times and got the Utsusemi: ichi quest without having to do any other fame giving quests ^^
            The difference between genius and stupidity, is that only genius has its limits.


            • #7
              When the rice balls cost 155G, you have enough fame.
              "Here lies the fearless knight,
              Whose valor rose to such a height;
              When Death at last had struck him
              His was the victory and renown.
              He reck'd the world of little prize,
              And was the bugbear in men's
              But had the fortune in his age
              To live a fool and die a sage."
              -Don Quixote, Cervantes


              • #8
                *points to previous post* I got it at 155. Also got Leviathan and all of the other ninja debuff scroll quests, though I have yet to finish Kurayami. >< Must do before levelling. T_T Stupid subligaria...


                • #9
                  where are these rice balls? i went to tenshodo HQ and all i saw was sticky rice which costed 300 somethin...
                  Genaki 1+2- Done
                  AF 1+2+4+5- Done
                  QUIT as of April 2004


                  • #10
                    Lower Jeuno in neptunes spire, the mithra at the counter has the rice balls for sale that you want to check the price on to gauge your fame level.

                    3 Mithra are better than 1...
                    Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
                    Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
                    Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

                    Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
                    Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


                    • #11
                      155 was enough for me too. It wasn't enough to max out my Norg fame, but it was enough to get me all of the Ninjutsu scroll quests and the Trial of Water quest.


                      • #12
                        Dont forget the sheild quest in sandoria its a 1 shot Norg fame quest ^^
                        You've gotta be kidding me DOOOD


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mithrael
                          155 was enough for me too. It wasn't enough to max out my Norg fame, but it was enough to get me all of the Ninjutsu scroll quests and the Trial of Water quest.
                          I have 154G rice balls, I believe, and it's not enough fame for the last Ninjutsu scroll, though I've gotten every other one. You may want to go find out what your rice balls are again if you haven't checked since doing Utsusemi. I'd be interested.
                          There will be cake.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Myth
                            I spent a stupidly large amount of gil on the Zinc ore quest, but it didnt really take that long since i bought every piece of ore my LS had and the bastok AH restocks with zinc really quickly. I did that quest 33 times and got the Utsusemi: ichi quest without having to do any other fame giving quests ^^
                            so you only did it 33 times with no prevoius fame? how much do the zincs go for a pop at the guild? ive heard the necklace quest takes MUCH longer and many more times to complete than the zinc one.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Patchinko
                              I have 154G rice balls, I believe, and it's not enough fame for the last Ninjutsu scroll, though I've gotten every other one. You may want to go find out what your rice balls are again if you haven't checked since doing Utsusemi. I'd be interested.
                              My rice balls are currently 153 gil... last ninja scroll quest = Jubaku? If so, did you make sure to have the damp scroll in your inventory? If not, you might need a little more fame... I'm not sure how much the rice balls cost when I accepted the quest. Sorry. ><

