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ehhh utsusemi quest complaint.

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  • #16
    mine was at 152 when i accepted BUT i still havent done it T.T no one will help me=/


    • #17
      The necklace quest does take a while and I am in the process of doing but it is going smooth. I have 28 free space in my items category. I go with my 30 WAR in giddeus and after a bit i get 28 yag necklaces. Run back to windy and get 7 quests done at a time. Not to mention 1.4k in gil. In 1 day i went from 50 quests to do to 33.


      • #18
        Here's what I did:
        Yagudo necklace quest: 26 times
        Zinc ore quest: 21 times

        I farmed about 74 of the 104 necklaces. Paid about 200 gil for the other necklaces so that is 200 * 30 = 6k. I made 200 * 26 = 5200 gil back from the quests, so that is 800 gil spent total.

        I bought ALL the zinc ore @ 200 gil each. So 21 * 4 = 84 ores. 84 * 200 = 16.8k gil spent. The quest gave me 21 * 350 = 7350 gil back so a total of 9450 gil spent on ore to a grand total of about 10k with the 800 from above. I traveled to Norg after I got the Coral so I managed to get Utsusemi, Tonko, and the 2 rusty subligear/legging quest scrolls while I was finishing up my ninja quest.

        Note: I had zero teshendo fame other than joining the teshendo before I started this.
        My Bard
        My Ninja


        • #19
          microsoft, the scroll quests are pretty easy to do (sat with my fiance as she ran thru it). Make sure you have a healthy supply of silent oils, print out the maps and a good sense of direction. We ended up using 11 of the oils, but that's cause we got lost a couple of times :sweat:

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #20
            Rice balls cost me 156 and I was able to get it even before I completed the Tonko quest. I'm not sure if fame in other cities help a little, have 8 Sandy, 9 Bastok, and 5 Windy fame.

            I did the Bastok zinc quest about 10 times from my mined ore and turned in the Yagudo bead quest about 15 times. I went to Jeuno and the price of rice balls was 161. So, I went to Bastok, and with the help of my mules spent about 12k on every piece of zinc in all three cities that cost 300 or less. After doing the zinc quest about 10 more times, the rice balls cost me 156 and I was able to get the quest.

            And thanks to flee, only needed 5 silent oils to do both the Tonko and Utsusemi quest.
            Rank: 5

            Job Levels: Thf 47, Nin 24, Mnk 22, Rng 20, War 16, Pld 12, Rdm 11, Blm 8, Whm 8, Sam 3, Drk 2, Bst 1, Brd 1.

            Crafting: Cooking 53, Woodworking 50, Alchemy 50, Fishing 33, Goldsmith 23, Blacksmith 18, Weaving 7, Leatherworking 4, Boneworking 4.

            NM: Stray Mary 1/3
            Valkurm Emporer 1/3
            Tom Tit Tat 0/1
            Vuu Puqu the Beguiler 1/1

            Allakhazam Profile


            • #21
              You may want to go find out what your rice balls are again if you haven't checked since doing Utsusemi. I'd be interested.
              Actually, I checked the 155 when I wrote the post to make sure I didn't give mis-information. But I just checked again and they're still 155. I had done all of the scroll quests except for the rusty-subligars (since the cost of the subligars exceeds the cost of the scroll, i didn't see it as being worthwhile).

              I guess it's clear that the Rice Balls are only an indicator, and not a hard number. At the time, I was a hero in windurst, had just enough fame for sandy summon's quest, and a relative nobody in bastok. I also had hero status in jeuno. If any of those things are related, i'm not sure :/

              I did ~40 runs of necklaces (160 total), about 10 zinc ore runs, and probably 10 or so of the smuggling runs, though I was caught several times. I had finished Mission 10 and the ninja job quest (but not samurai). Other than that, I don't think I did any Norg fame work (I still have not finished my purple belt quest).

              Regarding the quests themselves, I used 3 silent oils on the Tonko Quest, invis is unecessary for that party of the quest. For the utsu quest, I went as my lv.9 ninja, and used maybe 3 silent oils. The octopi are sound aggro, and the fish are sight. Tonko is a lot cheaper than prism powder, so just seemed easier for me. Besides, that way when you get to the end you can just blow yourself up instead of trying to run all the way back to town.


              • #22
                actually mith, all the mobs in SSG are sound aggro. the way we did it was set HP in norg, switch to lvl 1 job, strip naked, run out, use silent oil, find chest, let silent oil expire, get aggro'd, die, back to HP. Repeated that for the other scroll too.

                Thanks Yyg!


                • #23
                  i just got ninja job and its at lvl 10, i wanna get tonko itchi and utsusemi but im not a teshindo member how do u know if u have enough fame without checking riceballs? can i just do like zinc ore quest???

                  whats the necklace quest??? npc location etc?
                  ::Bringing The Pain!!:: <call1>


                  • #24
                    Odd - i could have sworn that a Sahagin sight aggroed me. *shrug* I checked and you're definitely right, sorry for the mis-info. The quest is even easier than I thought it was. Shoudl be able to get both scrolls for about 3k gil.


                    • #25
                      Rice balls at 156, maybe 157 will mean you have enough fame for Leviathan, which is more than enough for Utsumei. I spent roughly 40k in zincs to get to this level, and never paid more than 400gil per zinc. It's completely worth it since, you get it all back and more from the scroll quests.

                      Utsumei is 90k on my server, and the various other scrolls are 20-50k
                      ZM Complete
                      Bard's Roundlet Obtained
                      Rdm LV 74
                      Crimson Mask Obtained


                      • #26
                        the necklace quest is in windurst woods, nana migho (i think that's how you spell it). you need to give her 4 yagudo necklaces at a time and you need roughly 200 necklaces to get enuf fame. If you have thf with TH, sub it. Otherwise, it will take A LONG TIME.

                        Thanks Yyg!


                        • #27
                          what lv would you have to be to get no aggro at all?
                          Plastik's Blog


                          • #28
                            Well, the Sea Bonze is Lv.50, so technically, to guarantee no Aggro from him, you'd need to be about lv.62. He's pretty easy to avoid though. The Sahagins on the way to utsu are lv.48-ish, so you'd need to be 58-ish. The stuff on the way to tonko won't aggro at around lv.53.


                            • #29
                              i wanna get ninja to around 25ish for subbing THF/nin 10-25 is Utsusemi really needed?
                              ::Bringing The Pain!!:: <call1>


                              • #30
                                it would make your life so much easier (and keep the whm from being pissed off at you).

                                Thanks Yyg!

