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Ninja two-hour question :)

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  • Ninja two-hour question :)

    if i use NIN as a sub-job, do i still lose exp when i do my two hour?

    i know you don't if it's your main, but wondering if sub does

    - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK

  • #2
    you cant use your sub 2-hour.

    so no.
    Syphon - Taru - Garuda server
    75 NIN / 37 WAR
    58 BLM / 30 WHM
    31 THF
    34 MNK

    UberLink Linkshell


    • #3
      wow, imagine if you could use your subs 2 hour... invincibilty + benediction...or mighty strikes + 100 fists....100 fists + soul eater, man that would be pretty cool lol


      • #4
        Originally posted by hocuspocus
        you cant use your sub 2-hour.

        so no.
        doh, i didn't even think about that

        i retract my question

        - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


        • #5
          why do i get the feeling your not really a 60 pld
          war - 26 whm-23 blm-11 mnk-10 rdm-10 thf-5 RANK 3 clothcraft-23


          • #6
            *sniff sniff*

            I smell newbie
            Signature removed. You have been asked to, you failed to. Banned by warning points.


            • #7
              What do u smell rabbit...........................................Fear.


              • #8
                Lol, how can he be a 60 Paladin if he dosn't know that you don't get your subs two hour. He has/is either one of 3 things...

                #1. Short term memory loss.
                #2. A total noob/dosn't have the game trying to be cool.
                #3. Didn't do the level 18 subjob quest yet, lol.

                Flame me if you want . But i'm tired of people saying which job is the best damage dealer, best tank, and lieing on their levels.

                (Totally off topic)

                Gay a$$ arguements about Dark Knights Vs. Monks being the better damage dealer. Monks are blunt more of a DoT, Dark knights arn't. Monks hit more often but for less damage. Dark knights have absorb spells to weaken the eneamy while monks don't. It all depends their is no "better job" all jobs excell in something.

                You shouldn't have to lie on your profile, just to clear things up, No, i don't have the game yet, i'm waiting for PS2 version. But I do play my friends once in a while. Look at my questions on these forums I ask total noob questions. And besides one way of learning is asking questions, No?

                Okay, i'm tired of typing my "oppinion" I guess it's time for the flames .


                • #9
                  glad to see other people are getting pissed at the plague that has recentally visted these boards, maybe i need to type some kind of generic response to everyone and just copy and pasting it
                  March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
                  Use search, or deal with assholes like me


                  • #10
                    I didn't understand that, it's either i got the plague or the liars do. Is the plague bad or good? I never heard of a good plague .


                    • #11
                      Geez, ONESTEVEG, why don't you just push Basher down and piss on his face. I mean if he wan'ts to lie about the game, let him do it. It's still no reason to treat someone badly.
                      :Retired to World of warcraft due to its better gameplay:


                      • #12
                        he is a 60+ PLD/WAR on valefor. I can post pics of him.

                        and ppl forgetting sh!t doens't make them a n00b, so stop assuming.

                        "Assumption is the mother of all f@#k ups"


                        • #13

                          sorry types for not asking you if I can use this pic of you. just say the word and I'll take it off

                          now this is where the silence takes over coming from some ppl feeling dumb from their worthless rants. good job guys!
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            wow he's a 66 pld. doesn't change the fact that he's fucking retarded tho


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Kuai
                              wow he's a 66 pld. doesn't change the fact that he's fucking retarded tho
                              lol thats so true
                              TaruKabob <Can I have it>

