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Keeping up the cost factor for NIN

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  • Keeping up the cost factor for NIN

    I was wondering if anyone can give some good ways to make gil to keep my cash flow high enough where i can buy 3-5 stacks of blink powder a day, i am lvl 20 atm with war sub, and for some reason i've done windy, and bastok spell scroll quest like Warp and Aspir for some quick cash but they arent selling so i have only 4k atm and i dont know how to get any gil someone please help me i really love this class and i plan on being a very well known NIN on carbby server for my abilites on how to play my class but cant do that if i dont got gil ROFL

    Thanks in Advance

    PS i got damp scroll should i do quest and sell Jubaku Ichi or is it worth keeping?
    "The secret to immortality is to live a life worth remembering." -Bruce Lee

    And to think i could kill every man, woman, and child here if i wanted to. The Power of Death is Intoxicating

  • #2
    Why do you need 3-5 stacks a day? If you are going through that much powder a day, at your level, you either play this game to much, or are consistly in the most crappy PTs ever. Is 3-5 just a figure you are hoping to be able to afford a day?


    Anyway, if you really need some gil and you only have 4k to invest. I would recommend starting a couple Mule characters, and basically sell everything you can at different AHs.

    For example you can purchase Arrowhead Logs in San D. for about 26gil ( at the guild) then send the logs to another Mule toon in Windhurst and sell them at the AH for 300 each. Over time you'll make good $. I personally have 3 Mule toons and my main. It helps

    Fishing for Moat Carp is also a way to make some cash, but I perfer to garden for my cash. Buy some Brass Pots add some vegetable seeds, feed em a dark crystal and in a couple days you'll get a black rock or 2. They sell for 2500 each on my server. Get several pots going and you'll have cash in no time.
    32 NIN, 30 WAR, 15 DRK, 15 THF, 9 RDM, 5 WHM

    Leaping Lizzy- 1-5
    Crypt Ghost - 0-1
    Bubbly Bernie- 2-2


    • #3
      Mining is a decent way. I normally make around 15K an hour with full mining gear on. My problem so far with mining though is that, at such a low level, I can only go to the mines next to Bastok Mines. Everywhere else that I've tried, I got aggroed and died. And the mines next to Bastok aren't great, Iron Ores is the only thing you get semi-consantly that sells decently. Almost everything I get I end up either dropping or selling to a NPC so as not to waste INV room. The main problem with mining is that the mining gear REALLY helps and I suggest getting it before hand, but that's 30K. Then you have to wait for the stupid ores to sell, which normally takes awhile to sell. :mad:

      There's fishing, but I wasn't able to much out of that. I was only able to get my skill up to 4 after weeks of doing it off and on (with full fishing gear also). With a 100 skill though, you'd be raking in the gil like mad.

      One that I'm going to start once I hit 37 is alchemy. Search around the world for the cheapest supplies, make, then sell in the world where they are the highest price. This would also help cut down the price on Shehei.

      I also suggest selling the Ninja scrolls that you aren't going to be using. You can made good cash that way, and if worse comes to worse you can just by the scroll back.


      • #4

        I'm interested in trying to grow rocks. What day do you have to plant the seed for the best result? How often to check? When do you feed the crystal, harvest etc?

        I've never tried gardening but from what i've read its pretty random unless you pay attention to all these factos and really watch what day you do stuff.

        Could you help me out?



        • #5
          Well I'm still experimenting with gardening. From what I have experienced, they day you plant the seed doesn't matter nearly as much as the day you harvest it.

          The biggest factors are the crystal you use and the seed you plant. I have harvested black rocks with all the pot types, with the exception of porcelain. If you plant vegetable seeds into, a brass, earthen, or ceramic pot and feed them all a dark crystal you will have very good odds that you will harvest mostly black rocks.

          The day you harvest doesn't really matter as long as its not Darksday. On Darksday you will get mostly light crystals.

          Even if you do everything right, you will still harvest some fungi, but you can still sell them for a small profit. Blackrocks sell for the best price in Bastok and sell fast as well. Your server may be a little different, but I doubt it.
          32 NIN, 30 WAR, 15 DRK, 15 THF, 9 RDM, 5 WHM

          Leaping Lizzy- 1-5
          Crypt Ghost - 0-1
          Bubbly Bernie- 2-2


          • #6
            Oh almost forgot, just check you plants once a real time day
            32 NIN, 30 WAR, 15 DRK, 15 THF, 9 RDM, 5 WHM

            Leaping Lizzy- 1-5
            Crypt Ghost - 0-1
            Bubbly Bernie- 2-2


            • #7
              Ive got a question for mining.

              Do you need to join a guild for it? Would I be able to get some awesome mining spots at lvl 30 without fear of being aggro'd? Do you get resources slowly? How often do the pickaxes break? Where can I find a site with all the good locations and vines. Thanks in advance.

