Ok as my PLD's lvl's have climbed I've found that I have to work much harder now to maintain hate and single tank mobs. My gear is up to date and ws's caped.. I've made some hard swallow +mp gear purchases to get a respectable MP pool... so I think I've eliminated most of the drawbacks to being a Galka... At this point I hold hate well enough that unfortnately in most cases when Mp runs out due to an top lvl IT and MP=0 on the whm ppl can't save me with a simple provoke..
Now from most PLD's in there mid to higher 40's have told me it's quite an effort to maintain hate due to Damage Dealers maturity in their roles... So in the abscence of a thief to do Trick Attack and no Cures to generate hate... How does the (Blink Tank) Ninja Tank maintain enough hate to equal out the damage abilities of Damage Dealing Jobs? Or does a blink tanking Ninja use a tank tag team... with a second melee tanking for small amounts of time for thief to use SA+TA ? For atm I've not partied with a Ninja who had Blink 1+2 that could chain blink.. So I have not as of yet had the opertunity to witness a blink tank in action
So if someone could outline the Hate for the Blink Tank stratagy is handled I would be very greatful...
