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Black Mage/ Ninja

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  • Black Mage/ Ninja

    I have been reading a lot about Ninjas and BLM's lately.

    I am a lvl 26 Black mage and I will be setting Ninja as my sub job, nomatter the response I get to this, however, I am looking for any information regarding how the two would compliment eachother.

    My goal is to have a character that is fun to play over being "uber".

    I am assuming that being a BLM/NIN I will get increases evasion, added resistence debuffs to my main BLM spells as well as the ability to duel wield status improving wands.

    With the two jobs combined, I plan not to use the BLM as a melee, rather use the Ninjas added abilities and stats to increate the effectivness of my defenses.

    Might any of you have any information regarding the two classes being used in conjunction with one another?

    So far, I have yet to see a single person make mention of this combination...

  • #2
    Re: Black Mage/ Ninja

    Originally posted by Mogus
    My goal is to have a character that is fun to play over being "uber".

    I am assuming that being a BLM/NIN I will get increases evasion, added resistence debuffs to my main BLM spells as well as the ability to duel wield status improving wands.
    I think that holding 2 Stat upping 1h wands makes sense but im just telling you that you wont get the MP boost that you would from subbing WHM and teh AGI and DEX increase isnt as great as some people say. But if you're looking for something fun to play it seems itd be fun. I cant garuntee the invites a BLM/WHM would get but you do whatever you want becuase thats the point of the game

    Warrior TP Warrior WS


    • #3
      I've heard a couple BLMs in my LS talking about this, so I think it's rare only because it's not very good, rather than because it's original. The only benefit would be the dual wands, so your INT could be very high or you could add a bonus like lower casting interruption rate. You could use low-level ninjitsu, and I guess you could save a few MP that way, but I doubt it would be very effective or helpful. Nothing else about /NIN will really help you or your party. A lot of things about /NIN will make you a much weaker BLM.

      The problem with having a "fun" job combo when leveling is that your fun causes pain for your party.


      • #4
        Yes, I can see your point.

        I am just so tired of carbon copies running around doing the same things over and over etc.

        I have never seen nor heard of anyone being a BLM/NIN so I am left to assume that what most people say is based on speculation. I guess at the same time this could also be due to a great many Japanese players who have already tried this combo and realized its lack of value...

        I am going to give it a shot and if it isn't worth a spit, then I'll try something else.

        I think if anything, It may prove valuable on a solo standpoint thus allowing me the ability to farm easily for money while I fund my other main/sub combo...

        I dunno..


        • #5
          I totally understand the feeling. The problem is, FFXI really rewards those "standard" job combinations and party tactics, and I've decided that must be a conscious design decision. (Add in the racial differences and it's even more restrictive.) I guess I'm OK with that design as long as it's fairly enjoyable.

          But still, even though I love being a WHM, I'd also love to do more than "just" heal. I'd at least like not to be silly weak. They give WHMs potentially nice weapons like Pixie Mace, Holy Maul, or the Blessed Hammer, but no way to use them effectively when leveling. Same with black mages and staffs/wands... you're only holding them for the stat bonuses. If other subjobs were more viable it could change that.

          And a lot about subjobs does change when you're not talking about leveling parties. I'll probably be using WHM/THF when gilfarming soon. And I bet BLM/NIN will be good and fun when not soloing too.

          Also, if you're the same Mogus I partied with last night in Yuhtunga, you know backup heals can be crucial when fighting stuff like, say, Goblin Smithies that eat Taru WHMs for lunch. Not that they helped me in the end, but I lived a bit longer.


          • #6
            i have used this combination.

            coupled with blink it is amazing not to mention two yew wands +1

            (+8 INT +8MND)

            have seen WHM using this also; two warhammers can do some dmg.

            trying things out never hurt anything. and honestly i dont have a sub worth using at this point so I was just playing with the NIN sub, and have found it quite useful :>
            Syphon - Taru - Garuda server
            75 NIN / 37 WAR
            58 BLM / 30 WHM
            31 THF
            34 MNK

            UberLink Linkshell


            • #7
              Originally posted by michaeldue
              Now that BLM's can use Scythes its getting better

              I tryed dual wielding these babies yesterday - when I ran out of mp:

              It helped us getting 2 extra chains! Contra when I didnt dual wield them and sat down healing for mp. Cause while I was fighting meelee with the scythes our RDM had refresh on me so I was healing for MP while fighting melee

              I'm not saying that NIN is a great sub for BLM or anything - what I am saying is this:
              1. Now that BLM can equip scythes - the NIN dual wield abillity suddenly becomes a bit more interesting when you run out of MP
              I'm not even gonna bother, someone else can take the glory (and points).
              【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


              • #8
                I love how he makes it sound like he actually did it, when in reality it's all a bunch of bullshit. Dual-wielding scythes, mmmm hmmmm ;3

                Crappy Livejournal


                • #9
                  its just a worthless combo.

                  Firstly by subbing nin instead of whm or rdm you lose natural int, so whatever "dual wield int wand" boost you get, will actually be quite a lot lower.

                  Secondly when you hit 51 you want to be using the correct elemental stave to give you a 10% damage boost and lower resists, or the +1 for a 15% damage boost.

                  Thirdly you get lower MP overall.

                  Fourth, if things go to shit, you get a link, your whm/rdm run out of mp, you have a huge mp pool there and you can do nothing to help the situation.

                  Fifth, as for melee'ing what fucking drugs are you on? blms are E rated in scythe, do you have any concept what that means?
                  55% Skill
                  35% Equipment
                  10% Race

                  White Mage - 75 - Completed
                  Ninja - 75 - Completed
                  Summoner - 75 - Completed
                  My Livejournal


                  • #10
                    i know your trying to change from what everyone wants but you NEED /WHM or /RDM. I cant tell you the amount of times ive been saved from a BLMs random cure. Do what you want but you'll only be hurting your pt =\


                    • #11
                      This idea is worse that subbing BRD.


                      • #12
                        Firstly by subbing nin instead of whm or rdm you lose natural int
                        i actually have higher base int with nin sub than whm sub .

                        as a sub, the ninjutsu are pretty much useless because your skill is at half level...which means nothing will ever stick. i don't know if the resist-down effect of ninjutsu still has an effect when it gets 1/10th resisted, but you shouldn't have too much problems with resists in exp parties anyway, if you use the right gear. that said, you wouldn't want to dual weild anything past 51 since staves are infinitely superior to all other weapons. so in the end, all you really have is blink...but you should have no reason to unless your tank is really, really bad. but even then, /whm and /rdm has the blink spell...not quite as good, but still effective.

                        i have tried subbing nin for the hell of it outside of exp parties. it is sorta fun...i tanked robber crabs with + evasion gear and utsusemi: ichi while skilling up clubs with a whm friend. hardly ever got hit . so basically, /nin is a no-no for exp parties...might be ok for other situations.


                        • #13
                          I've actually had a blm/nin in an xp before in a 40's level pt. I don't think it's worthless per se... but very much so situational. He actually had to go back and change subs... we had a link and barely survived... needed that backup healing touch in case it happened again.


                          • #14
                            well...any job combination haphazardly thrown together wouldn't be *totally* worthless. these "cookie cutter" job combinations simply work better for the most part. if you're looking to add extra damage pre 51 (which is when you get the staves...and if you have a staff, that defeats the purpose of dual weild), the extra int you gain from an extra wand will equate to perhaps 5, 10 damage at best, per spell. the mp you get from simply subbing a mage job will allow you to deal more than that extra damage with an extra nuke. i've pretty much established that /nin provides nothing else worthwhile for blm in an exp party...anything you want to sub nin for, /whm or /rdm can do and will do better.

                            my advice: if you want to avoid being "cookie cutter", do so with equipment and superior skill. be known for being a great blm who knows his shit rather than a blm who can (at best) do what a blm/whm can. when i say "skill" i use the term loosely...there isn't all that much skill involved in playing blm, but you would be surprised at how many total tards play blm...


                            • #15
                              The only problem with trying non-cookiecutter job combos is that post 51, your exp is 10k tnl, and one death can mean 1k loss. It takes quite alot to get 10k of exp, so you try to optimize yourself as much as possible. That's where I feel the battle system in this game kindo f fails, it lacks diversity, variety etc because it's too much at risk. So in the end everyone expects the best gear, the best sub, the best food, etc, and you get a monotonous system, same people looking all the same, with same gear, same subs.

