How important r monks in a party?Because i don't see many people with them in a party
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How important r monks
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They are just as important as DRG, DRK, SAM, THF (when not treasurehunting), NIN, and every other melee class except PAL, and WAR.
Basically a damage dealing class. All of these class's can be even more important with WAR as a sub cause of taunt.
They get into parties as easily as the others do, some more than others but they do get PT's. Theres a 60+ MNK in my LS thats in Pt's all the time (his name is always green or yellow on the LS screen).Myriam *DEACTIVATED* [Rank 5](Import)
WHM 57 THF 41 NIN 17 BLM 25 PLD 27 WAR 15
Bousch *ACTIVE* [Rank 4] (US retail)
PLD 37 WAR 30 MNK 10 WHM 10 RDM 3
Skyelyn *ACTIVE BOT* [Rank 5] (US retail)
MNK 21 WAR 10 BST 23 WHM 43
BLM 18 RDM 51
Hayabusa *ACTIVE* [Rank 3] (US retail
BST31 WHM 30 THF 18
Leader of Trigun <(^^)>
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