alrighty so i havent really decided on jobs yet, but im looking over the MNK/WAR combo now. so i need to know... what is the best race for a monk? im thinking elvaan mnk/war would be pretty nice. i havent researched it too much, so give me your opinion and/or some actual fact that would help, thanks.
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monk race(s)?
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Looking at the stat calculator, I would say that if you wanted a slightly more defensive Monk, then go with Galka. If you want a more offensive Monk, then I would say Elvaan. Also, as has been said many times before, stats are not everything, equipment can level the playing field, and being able to use your character effectively is more important than any stat.There are three kinds of people in this world; those who can count and those who can't.
Krelian - Elvaan Male - Monk 75, Samurai 46, Warrior 37, Thief 37, Ninja 37
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i would choose elvann or mithra monk because monks lack agility and mithras have agility to waste plus the highest dex...but i like elvann monks better though...strongerPlayer Name:Sebastian the Bard
Main Job/Sub Job:Bard/White mage
Clan:Alexandrian Knights
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Galkas make the best monks because (along with Elvaan) they have the highest STR stat. Galka's also have the highest HP and VIT so a Galka Monk has the most HP and VIT out of most of the jobs.. and one of the highest STR stats.
Elvaan would work too except you'd have slightly lower AGI, HP and VIT but higher MND and CHR (but those stats aren't super important)
Mithras make weaker but faster and more accurate monks.. i find that they are also good monks, but i prefer Galka
Taru's make weaks monks since they have the lowest HP and STR stat.. Humes make ok monks
Race isn't such a huge issue.. be whatever race you want~MagicPatrick (aka DragonNova)
Masterchef was my mule btw ^_^
*FFXI Beta Stats*
Dragonnova - Cactaur - Windurst - Rank 3
LVL 31 Monk, LVL 12 WAR, LVL 9 RDM, LVL 4 BST, LVL 3 Thief
LinkShells: Salvation, Phoenix Down, StarsofDestiny, UnionOfIfrit, ForcesofValor, Legacy, Suikoden, KnightsofSandoria, SavannaSuperstars, Karma
Craft Skills: Cooking (54), Alchemy (4), Fishing (4), Boneworking (2), Woodworking (1)
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every race has their expertise basic jobs, ping tought me this..
Humes - anything, he pointed me towards Red Mage though ~~;
Elvaan - Warrior
Tarutaru - White Mage, Red Mage, Black Mage
Mithra - Thief
Galka - Monk
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racial difference isn't really accentuated until higher levels...
at my DEX is ALWAYS higher than my STR, despite having a EQ granted +15 bonus to STR...
the heightened DEX is a god send for hit accuracy and overall speed and evasion...but my general power leaves a bit to be desired (~_~;; )
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I'm also having a hard time deciding which monk is betterbe warned, im not very original with names)
either a...
1)bulletproof monk, or...
2)dodge-like-a-bullet monk
so thats galka vs mithra for me right now... arghhhh... can someone help me decide?
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