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Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

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  • Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

    So, I'm planning to solo the BCNM 25 Mission 2-3 fight on my MNK/WAR soon.
    Here's what I've got planned so far to do this:

    TACTICS: Making sure that I've boosted up to max, am protected/shelled/hasted, and have eaten my food, I'll enter the event. I'll open with immediately tossing Focus, Dodge, and Hundred Fists with the intent of immediately decimating the Eye as soon as possible. This is to decrease the overall amount of damage I take, because the longer they're both alive, the harder it will be for me to stay that way. Assuming I kill the eye before HF wears off, I'll hold off on using my TP until it does wear off. Either way though, I don't want to waste the spare hits that a WS and the ensuing delay occurs.

    Once HF wears off and/or the eye is dead, I'll focus on the dragon, boosting every time it is up. From there, it seems pretty straight forward to beat it until it dies.


    I've thought about going MNK/NIN for this, but it seems that between staying on the front lines and being susceptible to interruption and the fact that it's not going to save me much damage anyhow... /WAR seems most efficient. I'd rather be hitting harder and having higher def than having to worry about tossing shadows every now and then.

    You may also note below my gear choices. Every one of these is intentional, but I'm more than willing to admit they may be a little off. Specifically, you may call into question using Bone Earring +1 vs. Beetle Earring +1. Well, the difference is two attack and two eva. I'd honestly rather keep 2 eva for this fight than get 2 attack. Furthermore, I'm using martial slacks over republic subligar for the same reason: more agi and eva vs. more attack.

    Federation Hachimaki
    Federation Tekko
    Federation Gi
    Federation Kyahan
    Bone Earring +1 (x2)
    Courage Ring (x2)
    Nomad's Mantle
    Purple Belt
    Martial Slacks
    Spike Necklace
    Lynx Baghnahks

    Selbina Milk
    Meat Chiefkabob

    Scroll of Reraise

    So, there's the plan, folks.

    What do ya think?
    :: Why can't this crazy love be mine? ::

    SEVE - HUME WHM (31) BLM (19) THF (17) WAR (9) MNK (5) RNG (9) BLU (1) BRD (1) DNC (1) NIN (1) :: BAHAMUT

  • #2
    Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

    am protected/shelled/hasted
    not sure if it goes for this type of BCNM but any buffs done outside of the BC will wear off when you enter. so the only haste you'll have is from your purple belt. I'd scrub the Selbina Milk i don't think it will really be effective, never was when i used it for low lvl grinding. Stick with hi pots if you can afford it about 500gil.

    Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


    • #3
      Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

      I'm not sure why you'd suggest scrapping the Selbina milk. Sure, it's only 1hp/tick, but I've had that 1hp save my life more than once. And it's not like you are giving something else up by using it.

      And as for not being useful for low level grinding? I disagree, but that's based on my own experiences. Maybe it hasn't been so great for you.


      • #4
        Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

        This is one of the rare BCNM Mission fights that you can buff up before the event begins. Also: Selbina Milk is only being used for a cheap extra 120 hp or so. It's not meant to be a battle turner.

        Also: I'm not bringing huge potions because I don't want to use them *at all*... has really nothing to do with being able to afford them or not.

        Perhaps it's just a point of pride, but I'd rather not win a fight like this because of a pot.
        :: Why can't this crazy love be mine? ::

        SEVE - HUME WHM (31) BLM (19) THF (17) WAR (9) MNK (5) RNG (9) BLU (1) BRD (1) DNC (1) NIN (1) :: BAHAMUT


        • #5
          Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

          If you're going to use outside buffs you wouldn't normally have, isn't outlawing potions kind of silly?


          • #6
            Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

            I'm not outlawing potions, just bigger ones. I'm *not* going to lose this fight, but I mostly just don't want to have to say "Yeah, I suck - even after all that preparation I had to use a bigass pot to win."

            ... So, yeah.

            It has less to do with the actual buffing of myself, and more to do with bragging rights >.>
            :: Why can't this crazy love be mine? ::

            SEVE - HUME WHM (31) BLM (19) THF (17) WAR (9) MNK (5) RNG (9) BLU (1) BRD (1) DNC (1) NIN (1) :: BAHAMUT


            • #7
              Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

              It just seems like six of one, half a dozen of the other to me. But good luck with your attempt, regardless.


              • #8
                Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

                You know, you're absolutely *not* wrong, Murphie.

                I'm just trying to beat this while not trying to overdue it too much. Thanks for the best wishes, I appreciate it.

                One more question: I had no clue what the food effects were - I had always assumed meat chiefkabob was actually more effective by virtue of it being HQ. Now that I'm reading the stats on some foods though, I'm more interested in some of the others...

                In fact, Navarin seems ideal for a fight of this nature. Apparently, it adds:

                HP+3% STR+3 VIT+1 AGI+1 INT-1 Attack+27% (C30)
                Ranged Attack+27% (C30) Evasion+5

                Which is pretty significant over:

                STR+5 AGI+1 INT-2 Attack+22% (C60)

                PS: This whole conversation is rife with contradictions... please ignore the inherent logical fallacies that pop up when reading it ><
                :: Why can't this crazy love be mine? ::

                SEVE - HUME WHM (31) BLM (19) THF (17) WAR (9) MNK (5) RNG (9) BLU (1) BRD (1) DNC (1) NIN (1) :: BAHAMUT


                • #9
                  Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

                  Originally posted by Tomato_Kai View Post
                  This is one of the rare BCNM Mission fights that you can buff up before the event begins. Also: Selbina Milk is only being used for a cheap extra 120 hp or so. It's not meant to be a battle turner.
                  I don't think that's true, the only BCs I know of that allow buffing outside are the Solo Smn Mini Avatar fights. I know I've always had to recast buffs and such every time I go into this fight.

                  Originally posted by Tomato_Kai View Post
                  I'm not outlawing potions, just bigger ones. I'm *not* going to lose this fight, but I mostly just don't want to have to say "Yeah, I suck - even after all that preparation I had to use a bigass pot to win."

                  ... So, yeah.

                  It has less to do with the actual buffing of myself, and more to do with bragging rights >.>
                  If you're going to solo this fight, as a Mnk/War, you'll need a stronger regen then Selby milk and a few meds.

                  And just for the record, you have a damn good chance of losing this fight, even if you *do* bring tons of meds. One stray Petri eyes or head on breath attack and you'll be out of it. Just soloing the mission is grounds for bragging rights, especially if it's a 'non-solo-friendly' job like Mnk. Using a few Hi-pots and an I wing wouldn't take anything away from that.

                  Edit: RE food. Yes, Navarin would be a great food for this fight. The Att boost will be similar to any meat dish you could eat, including Chief-bobs, while giving that nice Eva+. Another good food would be Jack-o-lanterns, with a solid +10 Acc/Eva.

                  But yea, overall, meat-bobs aren't really the best food till late 40-early 50 depending on the job and the Att set-up.
                  "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                  • #10
                    Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

                    I don't have access to Wiki at this location (proxy....), if I remember correctly, the dragon have a move that can Paralyze you.

                    If I have to fight this BCNM solo, I would stick with Hi-potions, and grab a Icarus Wing, bring meds that can remove Blind/Paralyze.

                    For food I would go for Jack-O' Lantern (10+acc, 10+eva), and gear a bit more +eva. At level 25, mnk still can evade a bit if gear properly, and accuracy helps Counter-attack.

                    Heck, I would go as far with MNK/DNC for Drain Samba and evasion bonus:

                    MNK/DNC's Drain Samba + Hundred Fists ..... sounds good on paper.
                    Server: Quetzalcoatl
                    Race: Hume Rank 7
                    75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


                    • #11
                      Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

                      Here's the deal: I've been told that the Windy version of the dragon doesn't use Petrify, and instead uses a Poison AoE. If that's the case, that's even more reason to go with a good regen item, like Pamama Au Lait. As far as the other stat effects go, I'm definitely coming prepared.

                      Rawr, the more I psyche myself up for this fight, the more I psyche myself out.

                      Also; the only way I can get more eva for this fight is through an Emp. Pin... and that makes me sad, because I don't want to spend 700k on an item for *one* fight ><;

                      I've been thinking about Jack-O-Lanterns... but I'm not sure that ACC is going to be a huge issue. I guess I'll find out when I get there.

                      Icarus Wing... I like these, but I'm not sure when I'd use it. Would it come after the First WS following Hundred Fists, or before I activate Hundred Fists? Seems like that extra TP would go to waste if I just slap it onto a Single Combo, but is it a good idea to use it in the middle of a fight?
                      :: Why can't this crazy love be mine? ::

                      SEVE - HUME WHM (31) BLM (19) THF (17) WAR (9) MNK (5) RNG (9) BLU (1) BRD (1) DNC (1) NIN (1) :: BAHAMUT


                      • #12
                        Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

                        The faster you do some Dmg the better your chances and an instant 100 TP could be a potential self SC (not sure if Combo > Combo works) and is certainly a boost to your dmg output. Personally, as a Mnk, I think it would be best to use it after your first WS so you can drop two, back to back, right at the beginning of the fight with the Dragon itself.

                        And I don't really recall the Windy dragon doing any bad Poison moves, but I do know he has a *nasty* AoE Curse which can cripple you far worse then poison. And there's always L5 Petrify from the eye if you get unlucky, which will not miss.

                        As for regen drinks, Au laits are MUCH better regen items then Selbina Milk. Milks are great pre 10 for soloing with low hp/low dmg situations, but at 25 they're a drop in the bucket.

                        And as for food, 10 Acc would be real nice to ensure that those hits of yours land, especially during Hundred Fists as you need to kill the eye before it wears off. While the Dragon itself is no pushover, the Eye ups the difficulty of this fight far more into their favor. And without a way to sleep the Dragon, you'll be getting hit on two sides, which will also allow the dragon to build it's own TP.

                        It can be done, I've seen it done, and I'm sure you'll do it, but you need to go in prepared for the worst because they'll make sure to bring just that.
                        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                        • #13
                          Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

                          Unfortunately, after pouring over the SC charts, the only self SC I can do would be Shoulder Tackle > Combo for an Impaction SC. That.. that's not an impressive SC, and I pretty much regard Shoulder Tackle as a waste of TP unless I *need* to stun something. I think I'd rather just toss a pair of combos. But, yeah, what you're saying makes sense.

                          Hit em twice. Actually, this will be a good opportunity to see how much more damage a 220 tp (how much I expect to have after Hundred Fists) Combo will do vs. a 100 tp combo.

                          In an unrelated matter, I started saving 300 tp per combo the other night in an xp party, and was hitting in the range of 5 times harder with 300 tp vs. 100 tp. I know the math can't be right, and I was probably missing the a couple of the hits from the 100 tp combos... but the difference between 45 damage and 277 damage is pretty dang significant. My party leader actually asked me to stop so I would take less hate XD

                          But yeah, that's unrelated. Back on task here: Can you cancel a food effect to switch to another food effect? It would make sense to me to start with a jack-o-lantern and then once the eye is dead, swap over to a Navarin.
                          :: Why can't this crazy love be mine? ::

                          SEVE - HUME WHM (31) BLM (19) THF (17) WAR (9) MNK (5) RNG (9) BLU (1) BRD (1) DNC (1) NIN (1) :: BAHAMUT


                          • #14
                            Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

                            Originally posted by Tomato_Kai View Post
                            But yeah, that's unrelated. Back on task here: Can you cancel a food effect to switch to another food effect? It would make sense to me to start with a jack-o-lantern and then once the eye is dead, swap over to a Navarin.
                            You can use an Antacid to cancel food effects.
                            Ellipses on Fenrir
                            There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                            . . .


                            • #15
                              Re: Soloing Mission 2-3 Dragon BCNM

                              Another use for Icarus Wing is to save it until the NM's HP is below 20%, when it starts to spamming special moves as soon as TP is ready.
                              Server: Quetzalcoatl
                              Race: Hume Rank 7
                              75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU

