Re: Taru Monk! I punch j00!! >:D
Actually, I say it because all hand to hand weapon skills are multi-hit. The one MNK spams the most, Asuran fists, has something like a 10% STR modifier. SAM use STR the most in their WS, with a massive 75% modifier (if memory serves me correctly). All physical WS are effected by STR though, to an extent.
In general, adding more accuracy to asuran fists/raging fists will get you more damage than STR, unless you're fighting low level targets or have a ton of accuracy. That's what I've noticed while exping MNK, and others have reached the same conclusion. I'm not one of those people that are good with the math formulas of the game, so I can't back my word up with anything more than personal experience.
Dragon kick relies more on STR though, since it's only two hits (and has a higher modifier). Full swing is another one to stack STR onto, if you're in a situation where you actually have to use a staff and THF sub...
In melee attacks, I didn't notice STR doing a whole lot for me. I used to stack it on, but later switched almost all of my STR gear into accuracy and attack to help my damage. (I always aimed for enough accuracy to be able to use meat, but I only rarely had the gear to pull it off until the 70's.) Hand to hand's base damage is determined by your hand to hand skill. I think it's something like every 10 levels is one more base damage.
Originally posted by neighbortaru
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In general, adding more accuracy to asuran fists/raging fists will get you more damage than STR, unless you're fighting low level targets or have a ton of accuracy. That's what I've noticed while exping MNK, and others have reached the same conclusion. I'm not one of those people that are good with the math formulas of the game, so I can't back my word up with anything more than personal experience.
Dragon kick relies more on STR though, since it's only two hits (and has a higher modifier). Full swing is another one to stack STR onto, if you're in a situation where you actually have to use a staff and THF sub...
In melee attacks, I didn't notice STR doing a whole lot for me. I used to stack it on, but later switched almost all of my STR gear into accuracy and attack to help my damage. (I always aimed for enough accuracy to be able to use meat, but I only rarely had the gear to pull it off until the 70's.) Hand to hand's base damage is determined by your hand to hand skill. I think it's something like every 10 levels is one more base damage.