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What MNK gear is really "necessary"?

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  • #16
    Re: What MNK gear is really "necessary"?

    Originally posted by Effedup View Post
    Yeah, I suppose knowing what I have now would kinda be important bad.
    Weapon - Impact Knuckles
    Head - Merc. Captain's Headgear
    Body - Merc. Captains Doublet
    Hands - Federation Tekko
    Waist - Purple Belt
    Legs - Merc. Captain's Hose
    Feet - Merc. Captain's Gaiters
    Neck - Spike Necklace
    Back - Nomad's Mantle +1
    Ear 1 & 2 - Beetle Earring +1
    Ring 1 & 2 - Courage Ring
    Actually looking to pick up Rep. Subligar soon...I remember when I hit 25 I wanted to pick them up, but they were pricey at the time and I couldn't afford them. What's the price like now? I completely forogot about it since then...
    Thanks for any suggestions! ^^
    Oh yeah, almost forgot...I'm Elvaan ^^
    Technically, there is no piece of gear that is truly necessary unless you want to be the best monk you can possibly be, in which case you're gonna have to put in a lot of effort to see the results you want.

    Personally, I would replace the Merc Cap Doublet with the Power Gi. It's not a huge boost to damage, but +1 str is better than...what was it? +1 dex/+1 agi?

    Republic Subligar are definitely good to have (though I pity your parties if you're an elvaan male). I wore mine until I got my Strike Subligar (lv60, though I didn't manage to get it until lv67).

    Now that there's a rare/ex version of OKote, there's really not much excuse not to get these by the mid-40s (at which point you should have no trouble soloing the NM, before that is better if you can get help with it, though). In the past, I thought str was more useful than 20 attack (20 attack is about what my warcry gives on my WAR and it hardly seemed noticable) and planned to not bother with OKote and just use my Hume RSE gloves (+3 str), but a friend let me borrow his OKote (which I ended up getting to keep since he quit) and trying them out convinced me that I'd never want to use anything else on my hands.

    If you can get one, I'd also suggest the Venerer Ring to use until lv40. It's only +3 acc, but it's a nice replacement for the Fed Tekko if you get the O Kote.

    At 40, I would definitely recommend the jujitsu gi. It's not too hard to get, drops from an orc NM in Davoi.

    If Snipers are too expensive, Woodsman Rings are usually a bit cheaper and a perfectly fine alternative (though once you get high enough where using counterstance is actually effective, you might want to 'upgrade' to snipers since -def means nothing with counterstance on, but -10 eva can hurt).

    Brown Belt is good to have, but I would not consider this an absolute requirement for quite a while unless you find yourself having to eat sushi (in which case the 8% haste is a godsend since you can help make up for your lower damage/hit with increased attack rate). However, having Tilt Belt and then Life Belt for use with a full acc setup can often let you do much more damage over all using meat. Personally, I've carried both brown and life belts and both sushi and meat since around lv50 and that's served me well.

    Someone else said Scorpion Harness is not necessary and this is technically true (hell, I static with a monk who wears full AF and eats sushi. She does very nice damage, especially with a bard in the party, but doesn't do as much as I do). If you want to do the best you can do, then expensive pieces like Scorp Harness are necessary.

    One key to keeping costs down is knowing where you can get a cheaper alternative with very little change in results. An example would be Spectacles (around 300k on Cerberus while PCC (only 3 acc more) is around 2 mil) and woodsman rings (around 200k cheaper than snipers).

    Oh, also, for feet, I recommend Federation Kyahan until lv51 when you can get Kung Fu Shoes.

    Again, you can do without any of these pieces and still make it to 75 doing decent damage, but if you want to be the best you can be, all ya gotta do is put in the effort. ^^ It's more than worth it.
    Randomn00b gets hit for 5 damage.
    Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
    Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
    Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
    Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
    Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
    Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
    Katrina: ....
    Randomn00b gets hit repeatedly for various amounts of damage and eventually dies.
    Katrina: Ooops, did you want me to heal you? =O I'm so sorry. You shoulda said something. =(


    • #17
      Re: What MNK gear is really "necessary"?

      There's not many major pieces that haven't been mentioned...

      I would pipe in with two though..

      Federation Gaiters and Federation Gloves on the condition that your home country is fairly dominant, if your city doesn't control anywhere - these are pointless, but as is often the case on Phoenix, Windi controls most of the world, these are a nice boost and a cheap alternative to the many more expensive pieces out there.

