Are Elvaans the best race for monks?
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Elvaan Best Monks?
Re: Elvaan Best Monks?
They're certainly the most popular, due to their high Strength and Mind attributes. They have relatively low dexterity, but that is probably the only flaw of an Elvaan monk, and can be corrected easily with proper equipment.PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
Rockman - Fairy
WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
Currently Playing: FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta
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Re: Elvaan Best Monks?
i have an elvaan monk. all i can say is accuracy sucks. too many times i'm in a pt hoping no one saw how many misses i made. >_<God helps men because they are great.
Men are great because God helps them.
Hana ha Sodatsu|| FFXI Haiku
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Re: Elvaan Best Monks?
It depends what level you are at - if you are low level, everyone will be missing because you don't have access to accuracy gear yet, nor is Sushi a viable food till the late 30s. It does get better!
Originally posted by Aksannyi"As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."
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Re: Elvaan Best Monks?
I am a 61 Elvaan MNK, and i dont miss as much. But i do wear Chivalrous chain, Scorpion harness, Life belt, Super ribbon, Tiphia sting, and each Sole sushi as needed. But i try to use Coerul subs(sorry if miss spelled) for the added ATT. But in my honest opinion elvaan are the best due to the high STR. MND helps for Chi blast, and the VIT helps with Chakra as well. Taru and Mithra are good for ACC. but taru WS's are a bit weaker. as elvaan I out DoT taru MNK's easy. Even if i miis a few hits. So don't worry about the misses you get. If you want to play as elvaan. Screw what everyone else thinks. Just have fun with the game.Do what you like, like what you do, but don't hate.
Which FF Character Are You?
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Re: Elvaan Best Monks?
I'm a 62 Elvaan monk. The only thing I've ever had a problem with as Elvaan monk is accuracy, but that can be easily corrected with sushi, and then a life belt. Sniper Rings and other +ACC rings are nice, but if you have sushi and a life belt I found that I really didn't need them anymore and went back to STR rings. Little by little the higher lvl I get the less +ACC I need and can go back to +STR and +ATT. I've heard somewhere between 65-70 you can switch to brown belt from life belt and not even miss the ACC.
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Re: Elvaan Best Monks?
As an Elvaan MNK at level 60, I parse at 85%-90% Acc in XP with 2 Sniper's Rings, Scorpion Harness, Tiphia Sting, and sole sushi. My weapon of choice is Spartan Cesti, which has Acc+2 I believe. The rest is dedicated to STR/ATK, except for the situation Crow Beret.
If you didn't have much of a budget, you could drop the SH and Brown Belt for AF body and Life Belt. Acc is easy to compensate.Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
Woodworking 94.7+2 | Bonecraft 53 | Cooking 42 | Fishing 29
Smithing 29 | Alchemy 27 | Goldsmithing 21
Bismarck Crafting Services
My Skillcap Chart, printable on 8.5"x11"
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Re: Elvaan Best Monks?
If you haven't chosen a race yet (i.e. you haven't started the game), just pick whatever race you want to play. To attain every piece of gear that can make your monk "better" than the rest would take a long long long time. You might as well just pick whatever you want.
BTW, Elvaan fight animations are pretty lameWell, just one Galka's opinion. And have you ever seen them cast Utsusemi?
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Re: Elvaan Best Monks?
Originally posted by Loial View PostIf you haven't chosen a race yet (i.e. you haven't started the game), just pick whatever race you want to play. To attain every piece of gear that can make your monk "better" than the rest would take a long long long time. You might as well just pick whatever you want.
BTW, Elvaan fight animations are pretty lameWell, just one Galka's opinion. And have you ever seen them cast Utsusemi?
Galka animation for Utsusemi is pretty amusing too. Makes me think of John Travolta in Staying Alive... (but I love my Galka buddies anyway - great for a taru to hide behind, and big enough to use as an umbrella when it rains!)
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Re: Elvaan Best Monks?
I am assuming you mean Elvaan male Utsu animation, and not female - cause the female is ok.
And yes, Elvaan male summoning looks like they are constipated or something...
Originally posted by Aksannyi"As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."
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Re: Elvaan Best Monks?
I wanna cry every time I hit my summon macro ._. I don't want to be around anyone when I summon cause they'll laugh at me ; ;
But umm, I have MNK75, and besides looking a little lame when you punch, like they've said, just use some acc gear/food to make up for it. I ended up only using one acc ring, AF and sole sushi to 72, where I switched to Pahlu Body and now I can either eat str food(with my new merits) and one acc ring instead of two, or eat sushi and use a couple str rings..just depends on what you wanna do...and if you want cool animations, Taru mnk ftfw! Asuran Fists on a taru
Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D
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Re: Elvaan Best Monks?
Anyone saying his/her Accuracy sucks because he/she is Elvaan is under a placebo effect. Racial differences aren't nearly big enough to matter outside of the HP/MP department, and to a small extenct THF main SATA.
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