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question about tarutaru

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  • question about tarutaru

    im just starting the game and have been reading info on each class and monk is the class i wanna be but i wanna be a taru taru monk now i dont know if that would be the best choice as a new player to be since i dont have alot of gil or anything to make up for lacking stats. My biggest question i guess would be for as long as FF has been out do people even care about what race someone is anymore since there have been people that have made races that do not fit the job that well. And another question would be how much less dmg could a taru monk possibly do with the same gear as a elv or a galk is it even that much. ?

  • #2
    Re: question about tarutaru

    People take race into account a lot less these days. Taru MNKs can work very well, and I know several endgame MNKs who are Taru and who are really amazing. So it's definitely possible.

    As for the exact numbers, I don't really have much to offer, but I can assure you that if you want to level a Taru MNK, you shouldn't encounter much resistance to that.^^


    • #3
      Re: question about tarutaru

      As far as leveling goes you can play any race with any job. That said however you will find performance differences. As a taru you'll have a better hit ratio than and elvan would, but less damage. Lower levels noone really pays attention to race I cannot vouch for the 50+ range of levels what the invite rate is like. I sugest playing what makes you happy, after all having fun is more important than being the best at a job if you learn to do it well a little less damage will be easily forgiven in exchange for a reliable pt member with a good reputation.
      I've seen a Galka Whitemage at 75 and that has got to tie Elvan blackmage for worst race/job combo. If he had fun playing it he made the right choice, but I doubt he uses that job for any HNM's. Thats why I love being able to switch jobs so freely.
      Here's a site with a few descriptions
      I used to have a site bookmarked that you selected the race/job and level and it would show the base stats unfortunately I can't seem to find it at the moment.
      Good luck and happy adventuring.

      Edit: Just a note the comment about Elvan blackmages is from personal experience taking one to 40. I can compete, but a taru with equal equipment, their skills also capped using the same spell on the same mob will exceed me. That hardly prevented me from leveling up however, be aware of what you need to compensate for and play whats fun anyway!
      Last edited by Theyaden; 06-22-2006, 11:34 PM.


      • #4
        Re: question about tarutaru

        Lol - in my HMNLS our Elvaan Black Mage is the one that is frequently yelling "Saaaaave me" as whatever we are fighting comes to chomp down on him... Speaking as an Elvaan mage, I say bull to comments like that - you will do a tiny amount of damage less.

        Honestly, any race can play any job. Ok, Galka whm may not be the smartest thing to start off with till you can get money to cover equipment, but race means nothing - its down to the skill of the player. If you want to be a tarutaru monk go for it - a friend of mine is levelling that and he is ending up tanking a lot of the time...

        Originally posted by Aksannyi
        "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


        • #5
          Re: question about tarutaru

          I've been in pt's wth taru THF that were doing 500+ SATAs on me and this was level 40's. this taru was out-damaging the SAM, MNK and BLM. So this goes to show that even the mighty galka is shrouded by the only mightier taru.

          Any race with the right gear can do kick ass with any job.

          Have fun with your lil' taru MNK cuz I know one day I'll be having a blast with my galka BLM lol.
          Race: Galka
          Main: PLD61
          Skills: Cooking 62, Clothcraft 22, Fishing 10
          Rank: 5
          Country: Sandy
          LS: ChainsofGod
          AF: Honour Sword ( )
          Gallant leggings ()
          Gallant Gauntlets ()
          Gallant Coronet ( )
          Gallant Breeches ( )
          Gallant Surcout ( )

          Server: Cerberus


          • #6
            Re: question about tarutaru

            Usually at 75 there's a 8 point difference in a particular stat between the highest and lowest races. For example, a 75 Taru MNK will have 8 less STR than a 75 Elvaan MNK. On the one hand, it's really quite a miniscule difference, for the fit some people throw about a poor race/job combo. On other other hand, people pay millions for 1 STR in some cases just because they want to absolutely max out their damage; in this case race bonuses are quite valuable.
            Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
            Woodworking 94.7+2 | Bonecraft 53 | Cooking 42 | Fishing 29
            Smithing 29 | Alchemy 27 | Goldsmithing 21

            Bismarck Crafting Services
            My Skillcap Chart, printable on 8.5"x11"


            • #7
              Re: question about tarutaru

              thx for the insight guys


              • #8
                Re: question about tarutaru

                Play what you enjoy. It's that simple.

                In the case of Taru MNK, you're somewhat handicapped, but it's not unplayable by any stretch of the imagination. Taru MNK still do the same sort of impressive damage that other monks do, but they have to work a lot harder to get there than most. You're going to need to spend a lot more time and money than other races to make up for the shortfall in STR (fortunately, you're assisted somewhat by the fact that Tarutaru race-specific gear is heavily invested with +STR, which can help you keep up in the damage numbers as a monk).



                • #9
                  Re: question about tarutaru

                  ah k


                  • #10
                    Re: question about tarutaru

                    For me personally, i was a taru mnk at the beginning of NA launch. At the time, being a taru melee was the worst possible choice. Many times i have been turned down for a party because i was a taru. Now with that being said, in reality, your damage output is not greatly different from other race given the right gear. Plus being a taru, you have access to 3 of the coolest weapon skill in the game. at 66 dragon kick as a mnk and Blade: Ten as a nin, and the taru defining moment at 71 as a mnk with ashura fist demonstrating taru coolness with a back flip


                    • #11
                      Re: question about tarutaru

                      Didnt read your whole post, but.. some of the best monks i know are tarus. Theyre vicious little bastards... but Galkas sure pack a punch x_X
                      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

