PPL PLEASE HELP ME !!!! i need reason why to become a mnk im a summoner and i need to train a job that does damage please help me
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Reasons why to become a mnk
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Re: Reasons why to become a mnk
you really shouldn't need a reason from another person to switch jobs. if you find it fun, then go right on ahead.. don't switch jobs just because other people find it fun. >.> other than that, suichi gave a great reason to become a mnk.
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Re: Reasons why to become a mnk
My main is RDM. It's a very passive job. A whole lot of PT support. I invest millions into gear and all that I see as a result is that the message after a spell is casted is a little different...sometimes. Was it resisted or not? Oh, it stuck. Yay. It's very ungratifying, and makes RDM get unsatisfying at times. I'm not really a "OMGZ! ub3r ws dam!" kind of guy, but I like to see some quantified results from all my hard work once in a while. Good RDMs don't get any attaboys, and I suspect the same is true of SMN.
I took up RNG for a while, and it was fun. People felt my presence. Then they nerfed it. I haven't been in an XP PT as a post-nerf RNG. I farmed a little and tested against some bees in Rolanberry and decided I didn't like the job anymore.
MNK is now what "does it" for me. No parties have every cared when they join and see a MNK is there. Soon enough, though, they realize the damage I'm putting up. People who get their rocks off on burst damage or low-DoT-high-WS might not say much. But experienced players or those who are parsing usually pipe up in /p or send me a /tell asking wtf I'm doing to put out so much damage. "Umm...do you have any idea how much damage you're doing?" is the kind of comment I'm used to seeing.
I realize they're not complimenting my skill. I'm aware that MNK is extremely gear dependant, because anyone can engage, WS at 100%, keep buffs up, etc. It's really easy. To be honest, I don't care that it's mindless, or that my performance is not a reflection of my skill or experience. I care that after a short time into the party, people are happy that I'm there, are vocal about me being crucial to maintaining a chain, and are admittedly upset when I have to leave, even when my replacement is there before I disband.
I like being appreciated. Working your ass off just so people will keep their mouth shut about Refresh and being in a role where the party's silence is a compliment to your skill doesn't make you feel good sometimes. Barely working and eliciting /cheers and /praises from your party is nice. It's about getting the bang for your buck.Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
Woodworking 94.7+2 | Bonecraft 53 | Cooking 42 | Fishing 29
Smithing 29 | Alchemy 27 | Goldsmithing 21
Bismarck Crafting Services
My Skillcap Chart, printable on 8.5"x11"
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Re: Reasons why to become a mnk
I'll be honest, I chose Taru Monk not because it wasn't the normal, "cookie-cutter", or to be unique, I chose it because it's what I had wanted to be. To me, the idea of a little tiny cute guy punching things into submission seemed enthralling. In nearly every fantasy game, I've favored the Monk types who use hand-to-hand instead of weapons, because to me, it's more honorable and much tougher, wouldn't you agree? Anyone can swing a sword around in a battlefield and hurt people, but it takes someone brave to go out there with just some claws on their hands. But that's just my opinion.
As Dryhus said, the damage you do as a Monk often goes unseen. People never really cheer when they see a Monk in party like they do if there is a Bard, or Red Mage, or something like that. Yet Monks are in there, toe to toe with the monster, punching away, and doing darn good damage over time. I, like Dryhus, LOVE the compliments people give when they parse the data, and actually notice that we attack twice per round (more if you include Kick Attacks and Double Attack firings), the damage adds up. Sure, we may not do 150 per swing like the Dragoon or Dark Knight, or we may not always do 700+ like the THF per WS, but we do (mostly) consistent damage that adds up, in addition to strong WS's here and there.
All in all, you should choose the job YOU want to play. Don't play because other people say it's fun. I chose Monk because it's fun, I like the damage it does, I think the AF and gear look pretty sweet, but mostly because it's fun. Sure, it's one of the more boring jobs.. (Attack until WS time, launch WS, buff yourself as needed) But you will enjoy the damage you are putting out, and as Dryhus again said, that's what people want you for. Pure, raw damage, and Monk does it best.
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Re: Reasons why to become a mnk
Gives me a lot of time to make myself a sammich while partying.Kenshin of Valefor: Behemoth Dethroner
Hitting people in four spots with a stick.
Thats Kendo!
It'll just take you 20 years to learn to do it right.
Level Does Not = Skill!
Level = Knowledge
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Re: Reasons why to become a mnk
Originally posted by SkeepzMonk does insane dmg :O
Originally posted by kenshin-sanGives me a lot of time to make myself a sammich while partying.
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Re: Reasons why to become a mnk
Monk is a great job for first time melee people too. Not much involved and not many SC's with monk at first. Only problem I had was getting a party 30+ it gets harder but in the first 30 leves you ruin mobs. Can I also state that mnk has probobly the best 2hr there is.
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Re: Reasons why to become a mnk
I want to clarify on a few things.
If you go into a SAM forum and ask, "Why should I be a SAM?", you'll get the response, "Because SAM does insane damage and gains TP so fast!"
If you go into a RNG forum and ask, "Why should I be a RNG?", you'll get the response, "Because RNG does insane damage and has ub3r Slugwinder!"
If you go into a WAR forum and ask, "Why should I be a WAR?", you'll get the response, "Because WAR does insane damage and can tank in a pinch!"
But really, with a slight exception of WAR/NIN at high levels, these other forums don't have the right to reference their insane damage. When they compare their 'insane damage' to a well-equipped MNK in their party, they find that it pales insanely. Every cocky SAM, DRK, RNG, WAR, or THF who has come into a party with my MNK has generally left with a plan for some gear re-evaluations.
I'm not saying other jobs suck. They don't. They just have their assets distributed to other areas. SAM are great for forming SCs, which help the PT. DRKs use Stun and Absorb spells (however rarely), which help the PT. RNG uses acid bolts and often pulls, which helps the PT. WAR/NIN can be a great backup tank or trick partner, which helps the party. THF plants hate and improves drops, which help the PT. The ONLY way a MNK is helping the PT is with their damage, so believe us when we say that all our eggs are in that basket.Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
Woodworking 94.7+2 | Bonecraft 53 | Cooking 42 | Fishing 29
Smithing 29 | Alchemy 27 | Goldsmithing 21
Bismarck Crafting Services
My Skillcap Chart, printable on 8.5"x11"
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Re: Reasons why to become a mnk
thanks i posted this yesterday and all this in a short time thank you.. the reason why i was asking is that as a summoner i have to call a summon to make damage but i want to damage by myself not having to wait for mp...i want a job to hit the hell out of anyhting and to get partys fast...Last edited by Hellrazzor; 05-10-2006, 03:46 AM.
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Re: Reasons why to become a mnk
Only problem with MNK is they have tough time getting a party sometimes cuase they arent in any good SC according to the cookie cutter sc's everyone uses
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Re: Reasons why to become a mnk
Originally posted by GawaineOnly problem with MNK is they have tough time getting a party sometimes cuase they arent in any good SC according to the cookie cutter sc's everyone uses
Conversely, if you have a job 60+, it's much easier. You know what PT formations work well. You know what mobs are good XP at what levels, and what camps/zones are appropriate or ideal, and which ones are nightmares. That being said, YOU send the invites. YOU form the SCs.
10-60, you can (if my memory serves) close Fusion, Fragmentation, Impaction, and Detonation; we can also open Liquefaction, Detonation, Induration, Reverberation, Scission, and Gravitation (I think). That is 10 skillchains that we can participate in. Just because Distortion isn't in our library doesn't make us Renkei-dumb. I have closed some sick Fusion chains with Raging Fists that have put a Viper Bite Distortion to shame. But gah, most XP mobs are weak to ice; it's not as if everything this side of a Light Elemental is weak to Fusion's light property, right?
Many people think that your only option to XP is to seek and then wait...and wait...and wait...and complain that MNKs aren't wanted. Start your own party, no matter how intimidated you are at the responsibility. If you don't know where to go, poll the other members. I can almost guarantee that one, if not all, of them will have a preference on where to XP and what to XP on.
I want to point out that my post is not targeted at Gawaine (who seems to get the reality of MNKs' situation), but at the general population of Vana'diel, who are indeed hung up on conformity.Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
Woodworking 94.7+2 | Bonecraft 53 | Cooking 42 | Fishing 29
Smithing 29 | Alchemy 27 | Goldsmithing 21
Bismarck Crafting Services
My Skillcap Chart, printable on 8.5"x11"
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Re: Reasons why to become a mnk
Plain and simple... if you want to show that you know the interior workings of the game... Monk is the 'thinking man's' melee fighter.... why? Because as a MNK.. you have to learn what mobs are weak against... you have to learn how SC's work to their maximum effectiveness.
Because you CAN'T do Distortion, you go out of your way to learn what Fusion, Transfixion, Detonation, Impaction, etc. do.. and who they do it well against.
Instead of saying "We're going to do distortion only" (Even against creatures that aren't weak to it....), you can say... "Hey, this creature is weak to Thunder... we're going Impaction!".
Next to Samurai, the Monk is the one job that HAS to know the SC's to be the effective fighter he wants to be.
Not to mention.. if you can get a party willing to fight T's to Vt's... your job will be the one that is mostly responsible for multiple chain 5's and 6's.. especailly in the early levels.Forget Pebbles.. I'm a Galkan Monk - Give me a Couch to throw!
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