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Monk Maat fight

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  • Monk Maat fight

    Hello! Im currently level 69 and I have tried to beat maat twice already but have failed I was just wondering what was some of your stragites and what could I do to improve mine.

    Thanks, PB

    My Set up
    Stun Jamadhar
    Sleep potions x4
    opo-opo crown
    icurus wing
    sole sushi +1

    Basically I sleeped till 100 Tp then boosted x10 focus, dodge then chi blasted, raging fists, icurus wing, raging fist, hundred fists then I die like half way into my 100 fists. He hits really hard and I have a short delay before my hundred fists gets going for some reason >.> Anyways thats what happend any thoughts on this replys would be good.

  • #2
    Re: Monk Maat fight

    Originally posted by Partyboy
    Hello! Im currently level 69 and I have tried to beat maat twice already but have failed I was just wondering what was some of your stragites and what could I do to improve mine.

    Thanks, PB

    My Set up
    Stun Jamadhar
    Sleep potions x4
    opo-opo crown
    icurus wing
    sole sushi +1

    Basically I sleeped till 100 Tp then boosted x10 focus, dodge then chi blasted, raging fists, icurus wing, raging fist, hundred fists then I die like half way into my 100 fists. He hits really hard and I have a short delay before my hundred fists gets going for some reason >.> Anyways thats what happend any thoughts on this replys would be good.
    first, dont bother with the boost > chi blast method, its only going to cause maat to use his hundred fists sooner and comence to beat your ass into submission. for food, carbonara/+1 would be better. His evasion isnt the greatest and the attack and +hp from carbonara is far more beneficial. Since your sleeping to 100%, engage, buff, WS/IW/ hundred fists and WS every time you get tp. Doing this prolongs the amount of time you have before maat uses his 2h, giving you an easy win.
    Warrior - 43
    Thief - 36
    Monk - 75
    Ninja - 73


    • #3
      Re: Monk Maat fight

      Hey! Well, I'm only level 50 but I would tell you what I would do.

      I wouldn't use focus and dodge together. I would probably choise doge while fighting maat. I also wouldn't use my two hours. I heard that when he gets tp pretty fast. I would just keep using raging fists everytime I get at least 150% tp. That's just me tho. I never faught him before so yah...just giving you what i would do..^^" see yah and gl on your next fight
      Last edited by Usasuke; 04-18-2006, 06:46 PM. Reason: didn't finish writing post


      • #4
        Re: Monk Maat fight

        Im now 0/5 now on maat please any new strageties will help me alot

        thanks, pb


        • #5
          Re: Monk Maat fight

          Couple of suggestions:

          Level up to 70 (obviously). More level = more HP/stats/ATK/skills.

          Boost > Chi Blast is fine, ignore the above poster. The only way this would be bad would be if you ran out of time, but that's not an issue for MNK in this fight. Maat will use his Hundred Fists when he feels like it; your job is to make sure your Hundred Fists + Stun Jamhadars is hopefully stunning him once in a while and slowing him down.

          Use a Blink band (headgear, gives 2 blink shadows). This buys you 2 free hits and a few extra seconds to fight.

          Add Persikos Au Lait and Vile Elixir (maybe even Vile Elixir+1) to your arsenal. Persikos will give you HP regen (again, buying you more time to fight and survive), and Vile Elixirs give you an instantaneous shot of HP in a crisis, but are fairly expensive. Remember that you only ever have to win this fight once - price should not be a consideration.



          • #6
            Re: Monk Maat fight

            Well I beat him yesterday, 1/2 tries at level 70.

            Vile Elixir
            Vile Elixir+1
            Sleeping Potions x4
            Hi-Potion x2
            Icarus Wing
            Periskos Au Lait

            Feral Fangs
            Tiger Mask
            Spike Necklace
            Drone/Dodge Earring
            Temple Cyclas, Gaiters, Hose and Gloves.
            Brown Belt
            Amemit Mantle+1
            Sun Ring x2

            Opo-opo necklace
            Justice Badge
            Blink Band

            I followed the same strategy both times I fought him.

            Went in naked, put on everything in the equip list bar the spike necklace and tiger mask, I had on the blink band and opo-necklace and ate the Carbonara.

            Slept to 25TP at this point I used my Blink band and then swapped in my Tiger Mask and used the Au Lait to regen my health to tops while I slept another 75TP for a full 100TP.

            After I hit 100TP, I proceeded towards Maat, faced the other way and engaged (far enough so that I wouldn't attack him), boosted only 5 times, used Focus, Dodge and Counterstance (in one macro) and then:

            /ja "Chi Blast" <t>
            /wait 1
            /ja "Hundred Fists" <me>
            /wait 3
            /equip "Spike Necklace"

            (Note that I used this macro from a fellow monk on Allakhazam)

            So anyway the fight went like this:

            Spun around to face Maat - Raging Fists.
            Built TP to 100 and he used Hundred Fists while I was around 60-70TP.
            Raging Fists at 100.
            He gave in.

            Was a very very easy victory for me, the last time he just ran me down with HF despite popping a Vile Elixir. This time I spammed my Icarus Wing macro right after the 2nd RF to finish the job but I didn't have to. He went down before my HF even wore.

            I'd recommend you level to 70 for Tiger mask and the additional stats, also use Carbonara instead of Sole+1. He doesn't have high evasion at all, the HP%+, attack%+ and store TP bonuses from Carbonara help a lot lot more.

            I think your main issue is saving Hundred Fists until after the 2 Raging Fists as if you see it as being some sort of emergency, don't. Use it. I assume he's already used HF before you've even popped the I-Wing, you're giving him an extra 5-6 seconds with the I-Wing and HF delay to hand your ass to you on a platter.


            • #7
              Re: Monk Maat fight

              I beat maat very easily @Lv70 with normal PT equip(so easy in fact that i did not use my 2hr) this is what i would recomend tho...
              Bring along a vile elixer and some Vit+ gear for chakra wouldnt hurt other than that just go with normal PT setup, avoiding -def items like hooks+2, i used spartan. Cabronara for HP+ and other usefull stats as food and an Icarus wing
              fight opens, use blink band
              boost a few times (i boosted 10 times and didnt use mnd+ on chi blast)
              dodge & focus
              hundred fists ( i didnt do this cuz it wasnt up but i still won ^^ )
              and then immediatly after hundred fists, use chi blast
              from now until he is @ 50% hp u should be building tp and not using it
              use vile elixer and chakra as needed
              now once he gets to 50% he will use hundred fists, this is when u unload on him with ur saved TP (i opted to use raging fists as it seemed stronger)
              from 50% this knocked him down to around 25-30%
              just use icarus wing and another raging fists and he should drop (he did for me)
              if he is somehow still standing then u will most likely be trading blows til 1 of you is dead, in this case use TP asap and he will fall down and break his hip
              i hope this works for any mnks that are having a problem with the stinky old man because i know how frustrating it can be to run back and forth to Castle O. for another test. ( i was 0/6 prior to trying this strat )


              • #8
                Re: Monk Maat fight

                I'll try to remember what I did, I'm a Taru Monk as well. I had pretty much the same gear as you, only I just ate a Mithkabob, I believe. I slept to 100 TP, boosted like 10 times (though it wore off before I was ready so my Chi Blast was super weak haha), Focus and Dodge, ran in, RF, did 100 Fists right away, RF once I had TP, then ate my Icarus Wing and did RF again. About then he was dead, but I had a Vile Elixer from my Hakutaku fight ready just in case I lost too much HP. Don't forget to Chakra early on so you don't forget about it, it recovered about 150ish HP and really helped.

                As for gear, I was 70, so I had a Tiger Mask (macroed in Crown for Focus)
                Scorp Harness (borrowed from LS mate, macro in Cyclas for Chakra of course)
                1 Sniper 1 STR ring (I think, anyway)
                AF gloves, pants feet (macroed in for Dodge, then Taru RSE after I think)
                I might have used Stun Jamadhars, if I didn't, I used Spartan Cesti.. I think I tried Stuns my first attempt at 67 and I never noticed Stun going off, so I just stuck with the Spartans when I retried.

                Other than that, just keep at it, and remember not to panic, or if you're like me, you'll mess up your macroes and do the wrong WS or something like that >.o Good luck!


                • #9
                  Re: Monk Maat fight

                  If you go in naked, make damn sure you don't forget to equip your H2H before sleeping TP.

                  I did that.... Ugh....
                  SUICHI IS DEAD.


                  • #10
                    Re: Monk Maat fight

                    As a lv70 mithra monk:
                    all-out attack/str gear (only +acc I had was from weapon and AF body, and don't worry about defense but try to avoid -evasion)
                    vit gear set to macro in for chakra (and a matching macro to put atk gear back on)
                    Any +counter gear you can get your hands on (not necessary, but increases your odds)
                    -I had cross-counters, aikido pants, a kampfer earring, and a Counter Earring from the solo ENM in movalpolos

                    I ran up to Maat as a mnk/whm in my gear for the fight. Ate a carbonara and cured myself to full, equipped blink band. Enter the fight, walked right up next to him, boosted a few times, used blink band while boosting and swapped back to Voyager Sallet.

                    After about 5 boosts, I engaged facing away, used counterstance, dodge, focus, hundred fists, chi blast and then faced him. I pummeled him (using no WS) until he had about 50% HP where he used Hundred Fists, then I used WS (dragon kick for some reason, hehe, raging fists would have been better I think). I used my chakra macro when I got below 300 HP and beat him with room to spare (would have ended with ~60 HP if I hadn't used chakra). This was my second attempt, I evaded about half of his attacks and countered 2/3 of the ones I didn't evade.

                    My first attempt I tried to go for a balanced offensive/defensive setup and got him to about 35% before eating the dirt. This was full AF aside from tiger mask, phalanx rings, evasion earrings, spartan cesti, carbonara, blink band.

                    Both times I was going for a minimalist strategy, using no big ticket meds like icarus wings or vile elixirs (partially because I was poor at the time).

                    Edit: I did NOT go into the fight naked, as I believe that to be a silly rumor founded on anecdotal evidence alone (who wants to fight Maat at lv70 more than once? )


                    • #11
                      Re: Monk Maat fight

                      Originally posted by Pulp
                      As a lv70 mithra monk:
                      I ran up to Maat as a mnk/whm in my gear for the fight. Ate a carbonara and cured myself to full, equipped blink band. Enter the fight, walked right up next to him, boosted a few times, used blink band while boosting and swapped back to Voyager Sallet.
                      Here's a hint, you can't use subs in Maat fight.


                      • #12
                        Re: Monk Maat fight

                        Thanks guys, finally beat him at now im eager to beat the record lol^^


                        • #13
                          Re: Monk Maat fight

                          Heh, you know, I started writing out my own strat...then I suddenly remembered that I did MNK G5 when I was 75 and had access to Asuran Fists -- gave me a pretty distinct advantage over people who haven't defeated him yet and are seeking tips to do my strat is pretty worthless to them. ^_^;

                          At any rate, if you ever want to do MNK G5 again for fun (or revenge) at 75, use the Opo-Opo Necklace to sleep to 100% TP, use a Blink Band (if you have one) for a little extra protection, then Boost as many times as you feel comfortable. Engage Maat from a distance, Focus, Dodge, activate Hundred Fists, Chi Blast his ass, then let him run right into your Asuran Fists. Immediately eat an Icarus Wing, then whallop him with Asuran Fists again. If he hasn't thrown in the towel by this point, your Hundred Fists (which should still be active) should finish him off in short order.
                          All Nations: Rank 10
                          Rise of the Zilart: Complete
                          Chains of Promathia: Complete
                          75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

                          What to level next? (DRK!)


                          • #14
                            Re: Monk Maat fight

                            Congrats man! Now get in gear, get to 71, get your Knuckles of Trials, and get Asuran Fists! Taru Backflip = For the win :D


                            • #15
                              Re: Monk Maat fight

                              PartyboyThanks guys, finally beat him at now im eager to beat the record lol^^

                              Hmmm HE didnt beat him i beat him for him and my mnk is lvl 2

                              <--75SMN nvr played MNK in my life

