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Monk Stance

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  • #16
    Re: Monk Stance

    I really dislike Elvaan in almost all modes. I'm glad I like my Galka, because I'm stuck with his wide body.
    66MNK | 37WAR | 22SAM | 20THF | 20BST | 18 NIN | 17BLM | 10WHM
    Cooking 69 / Fishing 48
    01 / 10 on Hoo Mjuu the Torrent (Monster Signa: O)
    01 / 08 on Mee Deggi the Punisher (Ochiumsha Kote:
    01 / 04 on Quu Domi the Gallant (Sarutobi Kyahan: O)


    • #17
      Re: Monk Stance

      The reason Elvaan stand that way with both H2H and dual-wield is because of their mind set, stuck-up. "I know I'm better than you and that you could never hurt me, so I'm not going to bother trying to defend myself."


      • #18
        Re: Monk Stance

        You know if you really hate that stance for the elvaans, you can always find someone who knows motions with VRS and see if they have the time to make a new stance for you instead.

        Shouldn't be that hard to do if you got an idea for a stance you want.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #19
          Re: Monk Stance

          I dunno, SE seems to want races to have that "incomplete" feeling to them, kinda like a barbaric version of Final Fantasy.

          If you look at all FF games the main characters are very stoic and their stands are very stylized, in XI characters have a more mundane kinda stances, which at least for me serves to enhance the fact that we are not main characters in any shape or form.

          We are just regular NPCs indeed.
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #20
            Re: Monk Stance

            Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
            I dunno, SE seems to want races to have that "incomplete" feeling to them, kinda like a barbaric version of Final Fantasy.
            If you look at all FF games the main characters are very stoic and their stands are very stylized, in XI characters have a more mundane kinda stances, which at least for me serves to enhance the fact that we are not main characters in any shape or form.
            We are just regular NPCs indeed.

            They also went with various actual stances too. The bow and how each race holds is actual different stance. In most of the stances too you often see Hume is using the standard stance. When using a bow it's the standard square stance, when H2H it's the standard fighting stance, swords it's the standard stances for them.

            After that each race seems to do stances based on their races inate talent. So Mithra's when using bow do the most effective stance for best results, Elvaan's when using bow tend to do a stance that results in more arch like shots extreemly powerful but very inaccurate.

            With H2H you see Galka's Stance is geared toward guarding, Hume Male is geared towards a balance of defense and offense, Hume Female slightly more towards defense but also has offense, Elvaan Male is complete intimidate offense stance, Elvaan Female again a viper like intimidating stance, Tarutaru complete guarding stance, and Mithra almost like Hume's stance but knee's are more bent ready to move so it's a more agile stance.
            Last edited by Macht; 10-18-2006, 11:20 AM.

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • #21
              Re: Monk Stance

              But the Raging Fists motion from Elvaan male is very cool, ends with a right side kick at the mob's face =P

              The only fighting stance from Elvaan male I like is his Great Katana (SAM). The rest is kinda.... unique XD
              Server: Quetzalcoatl
              Race: Hume Rank 7
              75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


              • #22
                Re: Monk Stance

                I also dont like Elvaan battle stances for most weapons, they dont look like they are putting any effort untill they actualy swing. I like taru animations and stances for the most part but when we swing 2H weapons we sometimes look like we are falling over XP.


                • #23
                  Re: Monk Stance

                  Originally posted by pearlsea View Post
                  I also dont like Elvaan battle stances for most weapons, they dont look like they are putting any effort untill they actualy swing. I like taru animations and stances for the most part but when we swing 2H weapons we sometimes look like we are falling over XP.
                  Sounds about right.

                  A big weapon like that and tiny character, should be amazing that you could even swing it with any power behind it.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #24
                    Re: Monk Stance

                    lol...I think Tarus are the best with stances...if you watch them, when they pull out their H2H, they throw them up and catch them with opposite hands...and also when they put them away, they do the same thing before setting them on their hips. I'm Elvaan myself but, Tarutaru MNK ftw

                    Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                    • #25
                      Re: Monk Stance

                      Originally posted by KoukiRyu View Post
                      lol...I think Tarus are the best with stances...if you watch them, when they pull out their H2H, they throw them up and catch them with opposite hands...and also when they put them away, they do the same thing before setting them on their hips. I'm Elvaan myself but, Tarutaru MNK ftw
                      If you look through the model viewer and go threw the different animations expecialy for WS you can see the little extras they add for tarus, like backflips on blade:ten and asuran fists, jumping just to catch the axe on mistral axe, spinning on the savage blade jump, i think have the best spin on steel cyclone and hand down we have best /emotes.


                      • #26
                        Re: Monk Stance

                        Well all the stances reflect the overall style of the race that uses them.

                        Humes for example are the plain-jane types, the overall, nothing too stand out about them race. As such their stances are just that, basic, plain and common.

                        Elfs are much more regal in their actions, attitude and appearance, as such they stand in a noble, elegant fashion and move in a smooth, fluid way. They put a sense of style into their movements and look very dramatic while doing so.
                        Though this 'noble' look is easily confused with arrogance, another thing many elfs are known for.

                        Galka are the big brutes, the muscle bound, burly adventurer. As such their movments and stances are simple, limited, and show very little technique and plenty of brute force.

                        Mithra are the 'savage', wild race. As such the stand and act in an almost wild manner. They have a lot of movement for even simple attacks, hunch down in an almost monkey like fashion, and put a lot of energy into everything they do.

                        And taru are the cutsey race, having some of the most active, playful and energetic motions and stances. Lots of bouncing and hopping, often throwing themselves off balance when using large weapons, and generally being the cute, small race.

                        Personally I like my humes motions and stances, specifically his h2h stuff. It's a very straight up, fist fight, boxer type stance which suits my character well. Some things I don't like however are how they hold larger, long handled weapons like Gaxe and spear, and their Xmanship stance. Though they do fit with a humes style of motion, they both just seem too generic to me.
                        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                        • #27
                          Re: Monk Stance

                          Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                          Well all the stances reflect the overall style of the race that uses them.
                          Humes for example are the plain-jane types, the overall, nothing too stand out about them race. As such their stances are just that, basic, plain and common.
                          Elfs are much more regal in their actions, attitude and appearance, as such they stand in a noble, elegant fashion and move in a smooth, fluid way. They put a sense of style into their movements and look very dramatic while doing so.
                          Though this 'noble' look is easily confused with arrogance, another thing many elfs are known for.
                          Galka are the big brutes, the muscle bound, burly adventurer. As such their movments and stances are simple, limited, and show very little technique and plenty of brute force.
                          Mithra are the 'savage', wild race. As such the stand and act in an almost wild manner. They have a lot of movement for even simple attacks, hunch down in an almost monkey like fashion, and put a lot of energy into everything they do.
                          And taru are the cutsey race, having some of the most active, playful and energetic motions and stances. Lots of bouncing and hopping, often throwing themselves off balance when using large weapons, and generally being the cute, small race.
                          Personally I like my humes motions and stances, specifically his h2h stuff. It's a very straight up, fist fight, boxer type stance which suits my character well. Some things I don't like however are how they hold larger, long handled weapons like Gaxe and spear, and their Xmanship stance. Though they do fit with a humes style of motion, they both just seem too generic to me.
                          Elvaan =/= elves. They may be slightly based on elves, but they're very different from the typical elf concept. Also, noble style = arrogant >_>

                          As for mithra, we don't "hunch down" and it's not at all "monkey-like." We crouch, like a feline preparing to pounce on prey.

                          My favorite for h2h are hume female and taru. I my hume monk.
                          Randomn00b gets hit for 5 damage.
                          Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
                          Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
                          Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
                          Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
                          Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
                          Randomn00b: HEAL ME PLZ
                          Katrina: ....
                          Randomn00b gets hit repeatedly for various amounts of damage and eventually dies.
                          Katrina: Ooops, did you want me to heal you? =O I'm so sorry. You shoulda said something. =(


                          • #28
                            Re: Monk Stance

                            Originally posted by Nijiru View Post
                            The reason Elvaan stand that way with both H2H and dual-wield is because of their mind set, stuck-up. "I know I'm better than you and that you could never hurt me, so I'm not going to bother trying to defend myself."
                            The only good Elvaan is a dead Elvaan, and they can't even get that look right.

                            Though, dying does make my ass look big.
                            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                            • #29
                              Re: Monk Stance

                              I never even noticed the Stances and im a 42 Elv MNK and if u tell me im arrogant ill just tell u F*** OFF
                              Last edited by Icemage; 11-15-2006, 10:43 AM. Reason: Obscene language

                              [Char info] ]Fatalityz: MNK 75 DRK 75] [Server : Fairy]


                              • #30
                                Re: Monk Stance

                                ....moving along....

                                Ive never seen any of those merit abilities animation, does anyone know of a Youtube video or flash of some of them?

