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  • #16
    Re: Monk-rich

    The fact that you are considering selling your Brown Belt to buy a Scorpion Harness makes me think you don't really grasp what a MNK needs in terms of stats.

    You would willingly sell the second best item in the game for a MNK to buy something that gives +5 more ACC? Brown Belt is absolutely priceless all the way up until you get (if ever) a Black Belt.
    Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
    Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)


    • #17
      Re: Monk-rich

      Evasion procs before countering a hit, does it not? There's a reason why CC's have eva-10 on them. If you really want to go top-of-the-line for monk I'd keep that in mind, instead of blowing all your money on a SH get Cross-counters instead. And please keep the brown belt. That's an item much better suited for MNK if you really want to spend all that gear. I'm a THF(a job most people think NEED SH) and I didnt get my SH until 75, I did fine. If you dont want to take my advice because I'm not a monk, please take Redlimit's -- he knows what he's talking about.

      Originally posted by Honne
      brown belt, life belt (yes, I switch between both)
      You're overlooking brown belts stats. People today put too much weight in ACC+ items. Even with +40 ACC(yes, PLUS FORTY ACCURACY) I still dont have a perfect ACC(on VTs to boot). If you're trying to push for near 100% acc, trust me when I say you'll fall short at 85%-90% almost every time. Exception being if you force a BRD to use double madrigal(no) or you're a sushi user. Answer - quit getting frustrated when you miss a couple hits. Brown Belt will most likely add many hits per battle, don't forget what haste+ does for us low delay melee jobs. In addition, STR+ directly modifies not only your WS(correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you're just switching into Brown Belt for WS), but also will greatly affect your normal attacks as monk.
      Last edited by ibroyles; 09-11-2005, 10:33 AM.
      Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

      THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


      • #18
        Re: Monk-rich

        most smart monks carry both belts and swap depending on mob. I used to do this with Vanguard belt and Life belt as warrior since I don't have a godly Brown Belt to put on. Also, I can get around +60 acc exping w/out food as warrior. Guess how much I use. About +35. and I usually eat meat. Take that, Sushi using, SH-wearing, dual sniper-using monk who hits for 5 damage while I hit for 20 and keep up with tp. Rich monks can come close to my damage, good monks can keep up with my damage (Halotalo states in another thread like "you have to purposely try to gimp a monk"). Good monks with the money to plan their equipment right outdamage me.
        "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


        • #19
          Re: Monk-rich

          Although, using 2 +4 STR rings and using a life belt is 3 more str then 2 sniper/brown belt combo, so which is better? 10 acc, 5 STR, 8% haste, or 10 accu, no def drop, and 8 STR?
          Only Pure Souls Can Resist The Stain Of Blood.

          63mnk /63Blu/ ~61 Smn~ /54pld /52rng/46drk/43nin34war/35thf/29whm/18rdm/15drg
          Former beta tester (Yoko)(drk43/mnk36/sam20/war15)

          Which FF Character Are You?


          • #20
            Re: Monk-rich

            Originally posted by Redlimit
            The fact that you are considering selling your Brown Belt to buy a Scorpion Harness makes me think you don't really grasp what a MNK needs in terms of stats.
            If you need +5ACC search a good neck or feet or rings or stuff for that, not SELLING A BROWN BELT, which is the blood for a monk, and buying a ...... scorpion harness..... which is....... less important than a single hair for a monk lol.

            PS. does really exists a black belt??? I should check the AH tonight!

            Double Post Edited:
            Originally posted by Yoko
            Although, using 2 +4 STR rings and using a life belt is 3 more str then 2 sniper/brown belt combo, so which is better?
            I would use +4 STR x 2 and a brown belt, and will find some other equip for accuracy..... maybe... the weapon itself would give good accuracy (like almost all the monk weapons)
            Last edited by Kildem; 09-15-2005, 08:51 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
            Signature, ah!


            • #21
              Re: Monk-rich

              Dont worry about a SH for first voke, just buy some crosscounters instead and teach that mob what a monks really about, we dont need teh vasionz!!!
              75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
              Woodworking 91.9+2
              ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


              • #22
                Re: Monk-rich

                Originally posted by Redlimit
                The reason why you shouldn't worry about having a Scorpion Harness versus your regular AF Body is that no one will care at all if you have the Harness. Perhaps you can justify paying 5+ million gil for +5 ACC to yourself, but myself and many others cannot.

                In the long run, you shouldn't be doing anything that is vastly getting in the way of regular leveling. There is no point in suddenly stopping at 57 and farming for a Harness. If you ever manage to get that much gil on your way to 75 (and after that) then go ahead if you want, but again the harness is 99.9% for looks only on MNK. Its not like you are going to wear it at 75 to EXP - everything should already be reading low evasion that you will be fighting. Its useless in HNM fights as there are many more vastly superior pieces of equipment to wear instead.

                Its optional. If you want to take the time to buy every last piece of +1 gear out there as you level up, be my guest - but you will only wear yourself out with work and worry over something that does not matter in the end. You should have fun playing MNK, not treating it like a job slaving over farming hours on end.
                oh crap, vargas are you back on rag?!

                Double Post Edited:
                Originally posted by Kildem
                If you need +5ACC search a good neck or feet or rings or stuff for that, not SELLING A BROWN BELT, which is the blood for a monk, and buying a ...... scorpion harness..... which is....... less important than a single hair for a monk lol.

                PS. does really exists a black belt??? I should check the AH tonight!

                Double Post Edited:

                I would use +4 STR x 2 and a brown belt, and will find some other equip for accuracy..... maybe... the weapon itself would give good accuracy (like almost all the monk weapons)
                black belt does exist and it is rare.ex. the stats are:

                Strength +7
                Haste +12%
                Subtle Blow +5
                Physical Damage Taken -5%

                the 3 items you need to collect are dropped off 3 hnm.
                kb, fafnir, and adamantoise (and their alternate versions)
                Last edited by Omni; 09-15-2005, 01:39 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                • #23
                  Re: Monk-rich

                  To Yoko: The way I see it, 8% haste means 8% more swings which means more than 8% more damage. Since more swings = more chances for double attack and kick attacks to activate. Suddenly your damage sky rockets. This is why monks do enjoy snipers. because Snipers + Brown Belt > Dual STR+4 rings and lifebelt (at least in my eyes, and this is pre 65ish. Redlimit's the genius around here, he'll tell you about high level life >.>).
                  "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                  • #24
                    Re: Monk-rich

                    Accuracy only seems to be a problem for MNK in the 58-69 range (things generally have high evasion, and you fight a lot of annoyingly high EVA mobs like Coeruls, Raptors, etc). In those levels your STR will have to take some hits to get your ACC up to a suitable level. You shouldn't have much trouble hitting anything below 55, and even if you do you can always use a Tilt Belt or Life Belt. You may also have to use a slightly less damaging H2H weapon if you want to get more ACC that way as well. Shivas Claws work great for this, as do a few others. After 70 you really shouldn't have any accuracy issues unless you are meleeing specific NM or HNM. The Brown/Black belts will be worn most of the time unless you are using the belt slot for additional MND for Chi Blasts.
                    Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
                    Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)

