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  • #31
    Re: Mnk/thf

    One thing i have against /THF is that only the FIRST hit of your WS is a guranteed crit, therefore since most of MNK's WS are multi-hit(Raging Fists and Combo are heavily used), only the first hit is a crit, the rest are still the same and therefore, unaffected. This IMO is much weaker than a 3 minute Berserk that with enough time in that 3 minutes, will out damage your one crit per 1 min since Berserk affects all those punches in that time frame. Of course like you said, once you hit 50 its WAR all the way for sure, however i still feel that THF as a sub is inferior to that of WAR solely on Berserk alone if not Provoke for SATA which is not possible if you are subbing THF.


    • #32
      Re: Mnk/thf

      Heh, I think it has something to do with race. I mean if you are Elvan which if you don't know has the best STR, then you can certianly use the DEX in place of the STR, being that you already have what other races do not.


      • #33
        Re: Mnk/thf

        Wha..? O_o


        • #34
          Re: Mnk/thf

          i subbed thf and used chi blast in place of a 1st SATA voke and it worked fine. If chi blast wasnt charged all i would do is make sure i had a focus or dodge ready and i'd engage, knock my SA hit, dodge and/or focus, and boost and that was plenty to keep hate. I dont know if anyone else had this problem but berserk up until the late 40's really wasnt worth even using, my punches were doing almost the same as normal. I have talked with a few other mnks that have noticed this as well, if anyone u guys know what the deal is let my know.


          • #35
            Re: Mnk/thf

            It's always good to have /thf sub.

            If you happend to be doing open SC, your BLM will have a hard time nuking as the tank still haven't earned enough hate, but if you have a /thf, SATA Dragon Kick can give the tank a bunch of instant hate, also giving the BLM a chance to MB whatever he wants with the SC.

            It's all depending on the situation, when your party have THF or another /THF, it would be better to sub WAR; when your party doesn't have THF or /THF though, you can always sub THF to SATA on tank.

            Party isn't all about single person, it's a party of 6, remember. I will give you an example so you can understand better:
            I was in a BC40 skeleton with my friends, as MNK/WAR, my friend haste me and the tank in 1st fight(we were doing it 3 times, 1 orb each), yes, I did more damage with the haste on, but I ruined the hate cycle, and ended up eating all the WHM's MP, taking long time, and almost lost the 1st BC. 2nd fight, she didn't give me haste, I did less damage than 1st fight, however, the WHM had almost 50% mp at the end of fight, finished the BC 2 or 3 minutes faster than 1st fight, and the battle was easy as hell.

            Sure, MNK/WAR is the best combo due to the damage, but there are times when SATA will come in useful, for say... securing hate on tank so BLM can nuke more. If a few nukes from my SATA can kill the monster faster, it will mean we have more MP to chain the next one, since WHM won't have to heal MNK/WAR(hate steal, ok!), and less heal for tank since mob died earlier.

            If you can afford, play both sub to 37, so you can SJ: WAR THF, however, if you don't want to level 2 sub, then lvl WAR as sub. Most DRK SAM I partied with sub THF all thru the lvls anyway *shrugs*


            • #36
              Re: Mnk/thf

              Well to the OP I will summarize the "General" Mnk and it's possible subs, These are in no way set in stone however this is "Common" Setups in the publics eye;

              MNK/WHM <~ Used against Gods Pure Chi Blaster and support Healer / Solo less resting
              MNK/NIN <~ Used against Gods Reduce Damage to a degree to "Outlast" the battle
              MNK/WAR <~ 1-75 it's about the best all around sub you can have
              MNK/THF <~ 60+ Best you get is TH1 for farming and also SATA for Dargon Kick
              MNK/SAM <~ Popular in Ballista with the Store TP and also Meditate

              This is a general list made from experience, Nothing more take it as is.
              BM - Yes, I ruled Hell for 20 minutes do you want me to Hadoken you to prove it? Didn't think so, so shutup before I stab your face!
              -Swordchucks, Wandchucks, what will fighter think of next?

