Hello, everyone. I should be getting this game this weekend and I'm completely ecstatic. What I'm wanting to know is if I'll get invites as a MNK/THF or vice versa, or if I'll get overlooked. I don't mean late in the game like 60+... but moreso during the earlier levels. Thanks.
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Heh, ok. That's what I thought but I've seen some good things on the MNK/THF combos so I wasn't completely sure. My first choice was always BRD/WHM but I'm sure I'll get around to tryin everything out for a while. Thanks.I cant feel-the way i did before
dont turn ur back on me-i wont be ignored
time wont heal-this damage anymore
dont turn ur back on me-i wont be ignored
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Welcome, Hope Ya ge on my server ! ( Midgardsormr )....
Anyways, yea, i would stick to MNK/WAR or a THF/WAR
Parties Could Always Use A Voker‼‼‼‼‼
Plus , Warrior Has some nice abilities that both jobs could use, both bieng DD's at times. ^^
So, Hands Down. Those Are The Most Popular combinations I C.
75RDM (51) 35DRG (9)
40BLM (26) 37NIN+ (14)
42WHM (16) 18WAR (9)
60RNG+(12) 45THF+ (16)
Gnk 1 - (X)
Gnk 2 - ( )
Gnk 3 - ( )
Gnk 4 - ( )
Gnk 5 - ( )
My Stuff.. (May 24)
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mnk/war is seems to be more effective at all levels than mnk/thf.
Your question, though, was whether or not you'd get invites early on and the answer is yes. You can level with any sub at all until 30 and get invites. Hell, you could probably go without a subjob through kazham and still be fine. You would suck ass, but you'd still get invites. I took mnk/thf to 42 and had no problem getting invites. I then realized that I was gimp and switched to mnk/war and was AMAZED at the difference.
Of course, the irony is that now I don't get any fscking invites at all, but thats just the life of a 50+ mnk until mid-60s :-\
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Naota raises a good point that I neglected to address. There is absolutely no reason that you can't have:
in your search comments. The flexibility can only make your pts more efficient, and might get you pts faster. In most pt setups /WAR will still be better, but there will be some cases where /THF will rule the day.
Obviously, this only applies to 60+
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Have both THF and WAR lvled for sub, if you are playing MNK... After lvl60, THF sub becomes very powerful with the Sneak attack + Trick attack + WS.
Pre-60 though, MNK/THF can still do sneak attack + raging fists, which isn't too bad for damage.. but overall DOT and such, MNK/WAR can offer more(Edit: this apply til lv75, I should say)
Even after lv60, you will still need a WAR sub for in case if there is a THF in PT, or you need to do more damage.
So I would say, Lvl both subs, and use accordingly.
As for THF/MNK, it works til lv33, after that, you would want WAR or NIN sub for your THF, I would say a NIN sub is better, because you will be requested to pull usually, and utsusemi will save your life. Although at higher lvl, for Burning Circle or whatever, I heard people would use THF/MNK to do SATA+ Raging fists... and it's supposed to be good damage... But for normal circumstances, you would be best to use THF/WAR or THF/NIN.
And welcome to the world of vana diel.
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ONLY and ONLY use MNK/THF AFTER level 60. Before lv60 use MNK/WAR
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granted you might have to start a alot of your parties from lvl's 52 to 59 but once you hit 60 you can sata howling fist +sata viper bite =dist.. works well but you might get passed over as a mnk/thf before a mnk/war, but i personally don't like voking so yay!! for mnk/thf!!Tonio
Rank 7 caithsith
62 mnk
33 thf 20 nin
33 rdm 10 brd
30 whm 11 rng
10 sum
9 war
12 bst
cooking 51
fishing 22
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