Last peacock charm sold on Phoenix for 20 million.
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Weee! Monk standards just got lower (*-_-)
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this is all on bahamut currently.
kote 1mil and rising
juji gi 350k rising
brown belt 4-600k
fumas 4-500k rising
snipers 5-600k rising
S H 5mil rising
P C last sold 14mil, mainstream is 10mil ish.
leaping boots, was 125k, now 600k.Bahamut lacky. Death by AH.
MNK 73 NIN 50 RNG 46 WAR 41 THF 33 BST 19 SAM 13 DRG 10 WHM 10 PLD 6
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Good thing the 10k gil CP helm is better for a monk than a hairpin^^
If we don't want these massive prices, the best solution is stop buying over priced pieces of garbage to impress people. I'm not ragging on the above poster at all... But a lot of the gear listed in this thread is not only optional, but not even great compared to some other stuff you can get instead.
The game has been out long enough now that seeing a level 30 thief with leeping/winged boots and a hairpin doesn't exactly make your jaw drop anymore. The FF culture itself promotes rapidly increasing prices... because if those items were cheap, people wouldn't care about them as much. If the Spike Necklace were 2 million, you'd see more people talking about it instead of spectacles.
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It still is, even with inflation.
If you only stick to the gear that you absolutely need, than MNK is one of the cheapest jobs. If you want to get fancy, then yeah it can get ugly price wise, but the vast majority of expensive items for MNK are not needed at all, especially early on in levels.Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)
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If you do keep to gear youabsolutly need well id see your point. all thought who wants to go into battle with run of the mill equipment. But who wants to though, i mean WHM doesnt need R3 or many other spells wich are very pricy right now, could do just as good with raise plain and simple. But still if you want to be the best you can be you will buy the best possible equipment regardless off you job
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You don't seem to get it. A WHM not having Raise III is nothing like a MNK not having a Scorpion Harness.
Who wants to get to 75 using only the absolute basics of equipment?
I did. Just about every single MNK I ever knew back when I played did. You don't need the Harness, you don't need Snipers, you don't need Spectacles, and you don't need Kote. The role that MNK plays in an EXP situation does not demand any of them.
Don't get me wrong - they are all good pieces of equipment. They only marginally make MNK better though, and even that is debateable. Having a Harness instead of your AF Body only gives you 5 more ACC. That 5 ACC cost you how many millions of gil?
Kote are only used from the 34-54 level range. Do you know anyone who is willing to pay almost 1 million gil for something you won't even be using by the time you get your AF?
Snipers get beat out by STR rings once you hit 65.
Spike Necklace is all a MNK ever needs for the neck slot.
Optical Hat is nice, but you can get by fine without it.
Hell, most of the equipment that MNK really need to worry about after 70 is all +MND gear if they are doing HNM's.
As long as you have a good mix of STR, Attack, and Accuracy gear as a MNK you are perfectly fine at any level range, and will outdamage most other jobs naturally.
A WHM without Raise III is nothing even close to a MNK without "absolutely pimp" equipment.Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)
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Optical Hat is really nice, and you'll be able to get it, if you have enough friends or are in a High Level LS where the ppls help each other to get the Eyes and then make the Cluster for the NM. So Optical is reachable with a very low cost.
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The type of thinking that that says the scorpion harness is even remotely required for monk is one reason prices are so outrageous on most servers.
Scorpion Harness is purely a piece of trophy gear for all jobs with the exception of perhaps Ninja.
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I just payed. . .
1.2 mil for kote
700k for brown belt
420k for jutistu gi
600k for snipper ring
100k for venerer ring
and then i put it all in my bazaar and a bitchy whiney person from my LS, that whines about everything says it is wrong for me to brag about just getting that and i shouldnt even act like it matters, and that its wrong for me to act how i did. (I said in the LS 2 times "w00t i got all my equip finally!!!" -.-
His reaction when i asked if he was always a ass: Priceless
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