Not if you got in before some things went sky high.
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Weee! Monk standards just got lower (*-_-)
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Prices have dropped:
Kote are now stuck at about 700k plus or minus a few k
Snipers are now 600k, which is a GODSEND (and also sad considering they were like 300k-500k in the beginning >_<)
San'Doria Rank 10
Black Belt: O
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Yeah, I think Lakshmi's economy was in ruins when I 1st joined the server in late March.
In August I believe Sniper Rings were right under 500k. Last monday I checked, they were 850-900k. I didn't check on the Kote due to not really leveling MNK. But a MNK in my LS spent 450k for the Kote back around Father's Day. And I believe the Emperer's Hairpin was up about 300k as well. I think it was right around 500k 3 months ago, and I think it was in the 800k range.
But, has anybody heard this? A LS mate said he heard/read/found that S-E was going to make Archers Rings a 80% drop, so the bots and gil farmers take a hit? With Archers Rings being dropped all the damn time, Sniper Rings price would drop to 10k. The market would be flooded with them. Might take a month for the price to really drop below 100k, but hell, it helps those of us who need these items.Odude
PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4
Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1
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Originally posted by Funguwari
I heard people didn't buy anything on the AH and prices were forced to be dropped.
Well, there you go. Community.PLD: 58 AF: 5/6
MNK: 60 AF: 6/6
BST: 52 AF: 1/6
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Originally posted by Hisdon
and we thought we had it bad O_OSAM 74
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Brown Belt is about to hit 600k on kujata. Proving that making items questable does not resolve anything
Emp pin= 500k
Ouchidos kote= 800- 1 million it changed with the announcment of SE kicking the gillfarmer and fluctuates a lot recently.
Jujitus Gi= 250k
Sinper rings= Used to be 1 million...droped to 600k raising to 800k again.
btw Astral rings rose from 250k to 600k after the patch.
And every stacked item rose a lot too...kabobs went from 4k to 8k. Not sure how much shihei rose.
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You know, I got my ass handed to me when I was 71 (in terms of total damage) by a galka monk wearing about 2 million gil less than me in gear.
Monk is the least equipment dependant job in the game yet we feel this need to constantly spend zillions of gil on gear that will barely increase our effectiveness, if it does at all. Get to 60, get your AF... the rest of your exp career is cake as far as equipment goes.
Place the most stress on getting your jujitsu gi. Then if you can't afford kotes/snipers DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. Take a new turn and be a full STR monk and slide in some Dex where you can. You'll do just fine, I promise. Sub warrior and I promise you that you will outdamage any DD subbing /thf regardless of your gear.
As I've leveled to 75 and tried every equipment combo I could find, I'm telling you... it's really hard to gimp monk by bad equipment choices once you break level 50. You would litterally have to *TRY* to gimp the job.
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I'm not too sore bout gil sellers...
/emote looks at her kote.
I got mine from the monster when it was worth 300k. It's nearly trippled in value now.
Though yea...the gil sellers have really hurt us poor MNK.
and I agree totally with Halato. After hitting 65 last night, I won't ever hafta buy another piece of equipment ever again...well at least till I start collecting the AF2All spells obtained!
Homam Gear: 2/5
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On Ragnarok its crazy.
Ochiudo's Kote - 900K tho I saw it hit 1 mil a couple days ago
Snipers Ring- at a constant 800k-900k, they added in Vener rings but that still does'nt help when you go into a Party, it just makes your gear look second rate.
Archer ring- no one is able to get this on our server now, our alliance was probobly the last ordelss cave is just full of Elliw and there gang of gil sellers.... it stays at a steady 600K. Has'nt changed for 4 months.
Jujitus Gi- shot up from 100K 2 months ago and is now around 350K-400K
Scorpion Harness- this is insaen, just pure madness. It shots strait up to 7.5 million gil! and is still rising! this last week it shot up another mil and I checked it 3 days ago. Only peopel who can afford that are gil buyers now.
Huabergon- is around 1.8 mil and now shot up to a steady 2 mil
Leaping boots- they shot up to 450K now
Emporer's Hair pin- is at a steady 300K
Gluttony Sword- is 500K
and you guys wont belive this last one, I mean, this blows your head off.
Peacock Charm- last month it was 4 mil, now it has stayed at a stead, whoping 14.5 mil. god does not favor this server.
thats all for RagnarokLight cannot exist without Darkness..... neither Life without Death ~Alexzander~
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Originally posted by Alexzander
On Ragnarok its crazy.
Ochiudo's Kote - 900K tho I saw it hit 1 mil a couple days ago
Snipers Ring- at a constant 800k-900k, they added in Vener rings but that still does'nt help when you go into a Party, it just makes your gear look second rate.
Archer ring- no one is able to get this on our server now, our alliance was probobly the last ordelss cave is just full of Elliw and there gang of gil sellers.... it stays at a steady 600K. Has'nt changed for 4 months.
Jujitus Gi- shot up from 100K 2 months ago and is now around 350K-400K
Scorpion Harness- this is insaen, just pure madness. It shots strait up to 7.5 million gil! and is still rising! this last week it shot up another mil and I checked it 3 days ago. Only peopel who can afford that are gil buyers now.
Huabergon- is around 1.8 mil and now shot up to a steady 2 mil
Leaping boots- they shot up to 450K now
Emporer's Hair pin- is at a steady 300K
Gluttony Sword- is 500K
and you guys wont belive this last one, I mean, this blows your head off.
Peacock Charm- last month it was 4 mil, now it has stayed at a stead, whoping 14.5 mil. god does not favor this server.
thats all for Ragnarok
Ochi Kote - currently just above 600k however there were none on sale
Sniper's Ring - down just under 500k with a few sales above
Archer's Ring - steady 500k
Jujitsu Gi, Peacock Charm, Hairpin, Boots - didn't check but they look more or less accurate.
Things like Haubergeon (even Hauberk), Scorp Harness and Gluttony sword are due mainly to either greedy players or people who purposely want to inflate the prices - the gilsellers aren't yet able to compete with the proper HNM LS and such for the Damascus Ingot or Venomous Claw drop, however it surely cannot be long before they do - the kuftal group are nearing 75 (and are all rank 5), the ls-whatever group have been leveling recently and are mid-high 60's now, and i have seen a couple of suspected bought accounts as well.
Just pray to god that they don't get sky access or the whole god-HNM scene will fall to ruins within 2 weeks.Genkai 5: Completed @ 66 in 8min17s (
All Artifact Complete!
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Just pray to god that they don't get sky access or the whole god-HNM scene will fall to ruins within 2 weeks.
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*sigh* even if they do get Sky pass or whatever, Gms wont do shit, they'll never do shit, and prices will continue to rise, nothing will change until SE realizes there a dollar too short to go to the strip bar................... then they'll get worried, and run off and gimp something else.
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