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Equip(waist) problem: lv53

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  • Equip(waist) problem: lv53

    I don't seem to have any luck with Mr Molbolger, so I was thinking about getting a life belt for substitute til I get lv60, then I will camp it alone, so I won't annoy my friends...

    two questions I want to ask:

    1. What would be a good substitute for brown belt? I am a Mithra MNK/WAR by the way

    2. Is the molbolger really soloable for a lv60 monk? (2hrs or not doesn't matter)

  • #2
    This question gets asked a lot. Most people will tell you that lifebelt puts out more damage than the brownbelt 48-70. Most 75's say that post 70, acc isn't nearly as important in exp parties and that brownbelt will be much better for you.

    Dunno if you can solo the malborger or not.


    • #3
      Which is what I thought, really...

      Since 8/10 mnks are elvaan, they will usually say Life belt is better than a brown belt, they have enough STR, only lacking DEX; whereas Mithra is the exact opposite, we lacked in STR, and we have more than enough DEX... But I will need something ...

      *sighs* I will say it(Please don't laugh ;_; ), I am still using purple belt... well, I have thought of getting a better belt, but the thing is, purple belt gives me STR+3 Haste+4%... and, there isn't many belt that would offer me that(to 53)..
      VIT/HP belts:
      -I don't tank.
      -+2 or 3 VIT won't help my chakra much.
      DEX belts:
      -I have enough.
      AGI belts:
      -Again, I don't tank.
      MND belt:
      -I don't use chi blast as much, because most of the time, my DMG is enough to pull the hate off tanker...

      I don't know, may be a jungle belt will be good, but it's the same as purple belt as in how much STR I am getting... only the required lvl is a bit closer to my current lvl....

      By the way, there is a slight difference with Haste+ belt and no haste+, I noticed a drop in attack speed this one time, when I was farming without my belt on...


      • #4
        Life Belt and Brown Belt are your only options. Don't even consider anything else for a second.

        Even if you are Mithra, the +10 Accuracy is a godsend. Depending on how you want to set up your equipment, its possible to use Life Belt straight on until around level 71(ish).

        For example, if you like to use STR rings instead of Snipers, use the Life Belt. Or if you want to use a high damage H2H weapon instead of Shiva Claws (when you can equip them that is), then toss the Life Belt on.

        As a MNK, you should be wearing either the Life or the Brown. Don't waste your time with anything else. Wear whatever one suits your equipment and also what allows you to hit whatever you are fighting effectively. Remember that some enemies have higher evasion than others.

        As for Molborger - I defeated him at 55 with Hundred Fists pretty easily. The hard part is just having him spawn (21-24 hour window). You are on your own for that part.
        Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
        Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)


        • #5
          Yeah, Morbolger isn't as hard as people say he is. I killed him fine with out using hundred fists at about level 55 too. Though, I did have to wait in his room for 13 mind numbingly boring hours for him to spawn. Good luck with that. :sweat:
          Zethy - Taru - 44THF
          Jene - Hume - 75MNK (Retired)


          • #6
            With the reset that happened yesterday, now is your best chance to try and get that stupid Marlbolger. Head over to Ordelles at Maint time ~+22 hours and start camping. He's bound to pop in a few hours. The hard part will be beating the other campers that know this also ; ; good luck!

            Shura: 3/5 AF2: 4/5 God Armor: 6/6
            Check out the rest of my stuff


            • #7
              Thank you all ^^ (Forgotten to put that in my post)

              I just moved to Remora... which is A BAD MOVE... nothing on sale on AH... I will just get a life belt for now, and when I am around 56+, I will go camp molbolger... I think if I give it a week or 2... it is bound to pop infront of me, right? a week or 2 as in, ill log on/off there til I see it..


              • #8
                I have a mithra monk in my static party. Life Belt has been huge for her. As a DRG I plan to use my Life Belt to 75. I realize that MNK has a few more options than I do (like your colored belts) but I am a huge proponent of ACC. Even with the STR and haste of the brown belt, you might want to keep a life belt as a backup against +EVA targets. You won't get +10 ACC as cheaply anywhere else.
                My Profile - Click, you like.


                • #9
                  time to add my own question, haven't worried too much about what belt i wear, but because mithra are kinda weak in the str department, how would a Jungle Belt work out for a mithra mnk? aside from acc and haste, i would think str would be another thing we'd wanna think about? i mean, we don't need INT so the jungle belt holds no negative quality for us. Prolly sounds like a dumb question but just curios about your opinions.
                  I am the amazing Monk Mage hear me roar! . . . . . . . . .myau.


                  • #10

                    Jungle belt: Def4 HP+30 STR+3 VIT+2 INT-5 Lv50~

                    O.o;; I mean that give almost the same bonus as a purple belt, since they are both STR+3.. but this belt also give me VIT, HP and DEF.... so why doesn't it help?

                    Well anyway, I am going for a life belt for now.. I hope someone WILL put it up on the AH in remora...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kaylyn
                      time to add my own question, haven't worried too much about what belt i wear, but because mithra are kinda weak in the str department, how would a Jungle Belt work out for a mithra mnk? aside from acc and haste, i would think str would be another thing we'd wanna think about? i mean, we don't need INT so the jungle belt holds no negative quality for us. Prolly sounds like a dumb question but just curios about your opinions.
                      Nope. You need the acc from the lifebelt unless you've got a scorpion harness, 2 snipers, spectacles, and spartan cesti or cross counter's kicking around. On the off chance you do have all that stuff, brownbelt adds more str and also adds haste, which will do you a lot more good than the defensive stats on the jungle belt.


                      • #12
                        working on the spartans and sniper's as we speak
                        I am the amazing Monk Mage hear me roar! . . . . . . . . .myau.


                        • #13
                          I have a 34 MNK right now and would like to get the Brown Belt prior to level 40. I can do this with my 62 DRK but I'm curious about the NMs for the quest. I already have the easily obtained Dodo Skin.

                          The Mol..whatever NM... besides the horrible spawn window, what is the drop like? Is it a sure thing or might you have to keep camping him day after day to get it ><. I'd rather only have to sit through that gruesome task once. And while I'm at it would anyone mind telling me what exactly is the Tiger NM like? Thanks.

                          MNK all the way~


                          • #14
                            Luckily Molborger has a 100% drop, so if you do kill him the vine is yours.

                            The whole battle is just finding out when his 3 hour spawn window is each day. Once you know that you can show up each day at that time and hope for the best.

                            NOTE: Molborger is not a lottery pop with the Malboros in the room. He will show up seperate from them, so don't waste your time killing anything in there unless you are really bored. You will know Molborger when you see him - he is quite a lot larger than the other Malboros in the room.

                            Nue (the tiger NM) is actually less dangerous than Deadly Dodo. I didn't even have to use H.Fists to defeat it at 55 MNK, and I had to use it to defeat Dodo. Nue has the lowest drop rate (but even still, its like 1/3 so thats not THAT bad). He also pops once every hour or two.
                            Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
                            Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)


                            • #15
                              Thank you very much for this information, it's really appreciated >_<'. No one I know has killed this NM nor knows anyone who has recently. So a day or two ago I camped the room for 16.5 hours.... Needless to say I went absolutely insane ^^ Unfortunately no pop. However what I didn't know was that it popped seperate from the Stropers. I thought the Stropers were placeholders for it. If you're positive it spawns seperate then that shouldn't be as hard. I was killing all the Stropers and the stress killed me. -_-'

                              I also heard it has a 24-36 hour spawn time. But you're saying it's a 3 hour window? By that do you mean 3 hours before and after it was killed, or... Sorry I don't camp NMs much heh.

                              MNK all the way~

