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  • Farming???

    So im farming on crawlers and it's just starting to get old now. I tried subbing a dark for a sub seeing how much damage i could do and it's nothing special.

    Back to what i was saying. crawlers just isn't giving up enough money. im trying to get the jujisu gi for when i get lvl 40. is there something better to farm on. lvl 33 mnk. im also at 90k ish

  • #2
    If you are farming for the Jujitsu Gi then level up your character to 39-40 before you farm for it. I don't think I could farm much at 33. I also find a THF sub to be useful because I've always got more drops with Treasure Hunter.

    It is understandable if you don't have the kote till later levels if this is your highest level. My opinion is you stop farming for now (doesn't it get boring :/) and go level your character a bit more.
    Ashok - Hume Male
    Server: Sylph


    • #3
      Okay, i was thinking about lvling more. i will take your suggestion and lvl. but at lvl 39 ish what should i farm?


      • #4
        hmmm check to see how much is lizard skin cost they cost the same amount as silk om ramuh the last time i check(2 week ago)

        anyone got a better mob to fam off of?


        • #5
          okay ill try that before i lvl my thf. I hope the drop is better then silk. I once didn't get 1 silk for 1 hour of farming i gave up for the night after that ^^


          • #6
            Lizard Skins are 7.5k on my server, with drop rates equal to or worse than crawlers. However, no one is really doing it, so it's your choice...

            I'm a 35 MNK right now farming for kote. Actually, I have just about enough for a kote, so I'll share what I did.

            1) Fishing. Okay, not hard with a decent level + full/new moon.

            2) Giddeus/West Saba. This is all about the bees. A stack of beehive chips is about 4k on Phoenix, and with a 15 subbed THF, they have pretty decent drop rates. There may be competition in Giddeus, so you can head over to west saba. While in west saba, you can kill the occasional crawler for silk. I average maybe 10-12k an hour with this. Oh right, just remembered, pots of honey are 1.5k, isn't too bad, and if you need to finish off a stack, you can use the Steal ability.

            3) King Ranperre's. Ranperre has room for 1 person and no more. You want to go near the Crypt Ghost's room, and kill all the Nachzehrers and Grave bats you can find. Bone chips are 1.5k-2k a stack, bat wings are 2k, bat fangs are 1.5k, in sandy. Alone this isn't enough, but when you start getting keys from the Nachzehrers, you can go find the chest in Ranperre's, from which I usually get Battle Gloves, another 4k sell. I usually get 12k an hour here.

            4) La Theine/Tahrongi. Here, you basically farm Air Elementals. I haven't got a chance to go to Tahrongi, but I'll describe my experiences in la theine. Windy weather comes 1, 2 if you are lucky, times in a day. In La Theine, before this happens, you want to position yourself in the lower ravine, the one you go through on your way to Valkurm. When wind hits, grab the elemental, exit the ravine, go up just a bit, and check that ravine. Then just go to the top-left-most ravine, and kill the elemental there. If you still have time, go east to the ravine you used for the Sandy 2-1 mission. If you are lucky, you can get 4 elementals this way. An average elemental drops 2 clusters, at 1.5k each. So 12k isn't that bad. The elementals don't always spawn in each of the ravines, though, so it varies, but I find there is most of the time one in the top-left (northwest) ravine. The great thing about farming here is that you have a lot of time between each wind weather effect. During this time, you can do something else. I personally farm the Battering Rams I find there, from which I can get ram skins (500g each) and 1-2 ram horns (1-1.5k each).

            5) Konschtat Highlands. This I haven't got too much time to try out, but it seems like a "mix" of different things. Generally, i kill the bees for their beehive chips and the lizards for their skins. Occasionally I kill the Strolling Saplings, their seeds aren't too bad either. The Tremor Rams that may pop up every once in a while are nice, as are the Thunder Elementals. Like I said, didn't get too much time to try this out, wouldn't know how much you get an hour.

            Those are all the things I did as a 35 monk. Have fun.


            • #7
              I remember those lower 30's as a mnk myself, and I know exactly what ya mean's not very easy to farm big gil at those lvls but at the same time it's very easy to feel "gimp". You may see some mnks around at your lvl with MUCH better gear on than you and that's mainly due to the fact that lvl 33 isnt very high (doesnt take anyone with a job in the 45+ range long to get there) and alot of those people have other high lvl farming for the 30's is a cakewalk for them. Being that 33 is your highest lvl of any job, and that it's mnk you could take the other guy's suggestions as they're all very good. Other thing I did at those lvls was sub /thf for gil finder and i just CRAZILY killed orc after orc after orc up in ghelsba and frt ghelsba, as well as yughott grotto...figure you can kill dozens in a very short period of time, and they'll all drop anywhere's between 30 and 60 gil every time. Might seem long and tedious but let's just say you only get 30 gil (you'll get more, just making a point here) per orc, and you can kill 3 orcs per minute...that's 90 gil per that an hour at that rate and that's 5400 gil an hour, not including drops...which believe me you'll get plenty worth between 300 gil and 1200 gil. If you were to do this for like 3 or 4 hours one night, and then go farm for stacks in the locations mentioned in the other guy's post, well then it starts adding up after a few'll probably make another 50 or 60k before you know you have your gi....although keep in mind you do not have to worry about being PERFECT at your lvls, as it wont make a tremendous difference, but just be warned...from 30-about 40 is a very slow and frustrating time for this point it's costing you a lot of money compared to some other jobs in the 30's and stat and ability wise mnk is gimp compared to some others. It's definitely worth it though, because from lvl 40 on, each lvl, you'll become ever increasingly more like what you think your mnk should be. It's worth the time and effort...because I'm at 45 now (should be at 60, took a couple months off, back on for a week or two now) and I don't really get outdamaged by any other melee.


              • #8
                I'd say for you to lvl up for a lil and go after Konschtat, killing rams there is definitely worth it. Ram skins on my server are 400-500G and the horns are ~2k each. each ram usually drops around 3-4skins and a horn with Treasure Hunter, and they spawn about every 10 mins. Problem is that if you wanan sub THF, then itll be hard to find the rams because konschtat is a large area.

                Also the thunder elementals arent bad. Clusters sell for something around 2k on my server and you can find the elementals everywhere.

                Warrior TP Warrior WS


                • #9
                  i have killed a couple elements while farming but they have a really high defence and attack. i have to use my 2hr on them but i guess it's worth it. they are also ranked easy prey to me

                  i went to valkrum with my thf sub(yay for lvl 5..)and been killing gobs for a bit. money really isn't that bad


                  • #10
                    At lvl 32 as a whm, I was farming in Tahrongi canyon. Beehive chips, saruta cotton, and seeds all sell really well. It helps if you have a thf sub. But a stack of saruta cotton is 4K, seeds vary depending on the type, but grain seeds are probably around 5K I think. Beehive chips are 3K each. The wind elementals there are few and few and far between but they are really nice when you get them. If you can handle it, ghosts drop cotton cloth. 8K a stack. I made a lot of money doing that.
                    My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                    Which FF Character Are You?
                    Originally posted by Balfree
                    Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                    • #11

                      You can get 10-12k an hour on zegham hill in north gustaberg.
                      kill the hornets for beehive chips and honey 4k/1.5k goblins for the gil and occasional mask or armor drop and a possible stinging sophie pop^^.
                      Falont ~ 69 Dark Knight 34 Thief 33 Warrior
                      San'Doria Rank 7

