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Too much STR not enough ATK?

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  • Too much STR not enough ATK?

    Okay so my gear is:

    Emp Hairpin (Switched out my af head for it when I got Pallas Bracelets cause I didn't want to have - DEX)
    Spartan Cesti
    Scorpion Harness
    2x Sun Ring
    Amenit Mantle
    Hume RSE 2 Boots (STR +3 DEX +3 AGI +2 VIT +2 HP +60^^)
    Brown Belt
    AF pants
    Pallas Bracelets (+9 STR - 4 DEX)
    2 x Spike Earings

    My question is how does attack and STR work (try to remember I dont have a degree in computer programing), because right now I have + 23 STR w/out food but only +10 attack. And im worried that having this much STR is useless without the attack.

    Should I get an amenit mantle +1, and wear my republican subligar (+5 atk)instead of AF pants? I could afford them but then I wouldn't be able to buy back my cross counters and avenger earings for a while or level ranger.
    RNG : 66 NIN : 30 WAR : 49 MNK : 72 THF : 18 WHM : 10

  • #2
    I'd say switch to Ochiudo's kote, you're a hume so youre at least got a bit of str to dish around from base anyway.
    Rank 10 - Windurst - Bismarck
    /nin (Pending)


    • #3
      I would think that Meat Mithkabobs (+21 percent attack) would be providing enough. +10 attack from equipment is nothing compared to what you're getting from food.

      As for how STR/Attack work, STR sets your base damage (min and max), ATK improves your average.
      Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


      • #4
        Here is a very technical and informative post about STR vs ATT. Look for the posts by Mithrael.

        Wii Code: 0043 9068 2668 6005


        • #5
          As was said before, don't forget the ATK boost from food, nor don't forget about Berserk either. ^^
          Click here to view my equipment/progress!


          • #6
            Well I dont know last night we had a BRD in the party so I didn't notice.. the other monk was using ochiodo's and I could see the difference that the STR made. I think I will stick with pallas and my STR gear. Maybe get amenit +1 if my cross counters ever sell (I only put them up when im not on cause I still like using them). But if I wear republican subligar, amenit +1, 2 spike earings, that is +30 plus the 11 from all my str gives me +40 whic isn't that bad I guess. I have over 400 base attack w/ food.
            RNG : 66 NIN : 30 WAR : 49 MNK : 72 THF : 18 WHM : 10




            • #7
              An easy way to break it down is if you are focusing to make each hit good then you want STR over Attack. If you are focusing on making a critical or WS stronger then you want Attack over STR. In either case though you still want some STR.

              My attack is something like +25 and STR only +4 as a RNG and with another RNG present who had +12 STR and +5 attack their shots each were about 10 - 20 more damage then my shots.

              However because of the sharp climb in damage a RNG can do with my Attack being so much higher I was able to pull off 700 Damage Barrages compaired their best of around 300 damage. Both of us were same level but every ability and WS I did easily outdid the other RNG from the +Attack.

              For a job like MNK though usually STR is more important because you hit more frequently with multiple attacks and even more frequently if you have /WAR with Double Attack going off. In that situation having a sharper increase in STR would benefit more then Attack.

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • #8
                Macht I think the other RNG may have missed a few arrows =P
                RNG : 66 NIN : 30 WAR : 49 MNK : 72 THF : 18 WHM : 10




                • #9
                  I give up, Kama, i can't keep up with you lol
                  still 56@3000


                  Rank 10 San d'Orian.


                  • #10
                    whoever the person is with "i gave in to /thf sub" in their signature...why? that would be like a pld/war saying "i gave in to /sam sub^^" makes absolutely no sense...

                    why on earth would u go from mnk/war and change your sub to something inferior?

                    especially as a mithra, you hit light enough as it is with mnk/war, mnk/thf is only going to compound this problem...

                    seriously...why would u change your sub to something less suitable for a mnk?

                    I would appreciate it if you didnt say "it's debatable whether /thf or /war are better" because at this point, with the game out this long, and it being discussed this much (this topic) no it's not...everybody knows that mnk subs war to be it's true self. We dont need to sub /thf because that's not our job...drk's wind up controlling hate with /thf sub but not us..our job is damage, not hate control. And I'm sorry also, but I have recently partied right next to a couple of mnk/thfs almost identically equipped as me and even with their CONSTANT boost+SA+WS they really did considerably LESS damage than I did and both of them actually even commented on it...said they were switching back to /war because they flat out did much more dmg with it.

                    so...why would u do that?

                    (p.s. im not busting your chops, I'm just really curious if you're just misinformed about the correct sub job, or if you know something none of us do) and now i was Sharma who said this originally...again, and i see it now, you're a need to have /war subbed even moreso than anyone else...i could see, and have thought about, my elvaan with /thf sub, but as a mithra you absolutely NEED the stat boosts and abilities that /war brings to the table in order to compete with other mnks...I heard mnk/thfs say "yeah but I'm more accurate" ...first off, that's so small of a difference in accuracy with /thf that it's even debatable whether it exists...second off, there's plenty out there to boost accuracy, and 3rd off we're not accuracy specialists...we're damage dealers. Your job is to worry about dmg dealing first, everything else second...

                    I know this has been gone over and over and over, that's why im so surprised to actually see someone who recently switched from mnk/war to mnk/thf...guess they didn't see the barrage of posts about this in the recent past, and why as a mnk you simply dont do it.


                    • #11
             i further see that your /thf is an underleveled sub job...

                      are u just playing around with it? or do u still have some work to do before you actually use it in a party...

                      also, from what i hear, at lvl 70, you're going to have a real tough time finding parties with mnk/thf...just saying from what i know and hear...they ALL want mnk/war especially at that lvl range.


                      • #12
                        Lol well start playing during the week who needs sleep...

                        and RPG... what?

                        Its not as bad now w/ the STR/ATK thing I got amenit +1 and usually try to party with brd.. when I party with BRD then I do great, when I don't I am pretty average, so when I form a party I try to get a BRD, or at least a SMN w/ Fenrir.
                        RNG : 66 NIN : 30 WAR : 49 MNK : 72 THF : 18 WHM : 10




                        • #13
                          Dear my Beloved RPGweedsmoker

                          WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?

                          either I completely missed something or you had multiple windows open and posted your response in the wrong one....
                          "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                          • #14
                            Lmnop...dont worry about it, it's dead, she changed her signature already and changed the sub jobs lvl...

                            in her sig she had a statement "i finally gave in and switched to /thf sub!!" but it's not there anymore..she updated her profile since this afternoon when I saw it.


                            • #15
                              For the record, THF sub becomes viable at level 60 for all melees, depending on the group. 60 is the level you get trick attack from thf sub, and a quality sneak + trick + howling fists can do upwards of 600 damage vs. IT. One interesting group I've seen with mnk/thf... nin nin mnk blm blm rdm. One ninja tanked for the first 30 seconds of the battle, then they did skillchain, mnk made fusion by sneak+trick+HF off the second ninja, nice fat fusion chain, double fire 3 bursts from the blm, and the mob was about dead. Very efficient group.

                              I've also kinda wondered about not having enough +ATK. Currently I'm at +35 ACC +25 ATK +19 STR (w/ food) and kinda wish I could use kote without sacrificing pallas' bracelets.
                              61 MNK | 37 WAR | 37 THF | 35 RDM | 29 BLM | 25 WHM
                              Mithra retired November 2004 - Hume started November 2006
                              28 WAR | 18 MNK | 15 WHM | 12 BLM

