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Flaming of Taru MNK and Others = WRONG

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  • Flaming of Taru MNK and Others = WRONG

    After a half hour reading Info for Monks, I've come across all these people flaming the Little taru monk, I'd like you flamers to know that there are 3 types of people, Those who follow the "Right way" AKA cookie cutter, example: Galka-MNK. Now, I know I may be Insulting some with that first type, but wait till the 3rd all you

    The 2nd Type of people. The people who don't follow the cutter *me* Example: Taru MNK, Galka WHM. These are the people who want to have fun and aren't worried about being the "1337 d00d."

    The 3rd type of people. These are people who follow the "Cookie Cutter" but don't do what some do; Meaning the flaming of people who are "type 2"

    Now, some "type 1" People aren't as I think they are, but for the ones who are "type 1" People. Don't go accusing some Innocent Taru *In this case* of being a Monk, Or a Galka being a WHM, We have fun with what we pick, If you don't like it then I suggest you need serious help if you think a Silly Race and Job will affect your playing.

  • #2
    Although i agree with the "its my money,my game i can do what i want" mentallity for the most part....the fact of the matter is without gil and good equipment a galka whm,taru mnk ect will not be as useful as a Elvaan/Galka MNK.If i see a galka whm i will simply not invite him at lower levels unless he specifically states in his search comment he has astral rings or the like.Is it because i am discriminating?Nope....however i have 5 other people in the party wanting decent exp and IMO it isnt fair to gimp yourself and slow the partys exp flow down because you picked a race you knew wasnt suited and at the same time didnt care to get the proper equipment to bring yourself closer DMG wise/Mp wise ect to races that are suited for that job.Same goes for a taru monk in your case...i will definetly invite a galka/elvaan/hume/mithra over YOU unless i KNOW you have equipment that will bring you upto par or surpass the others.This simply doesnt happen pre 30 99% of the time unfortunetly. :angel:


    • #3
      Most monks are not Galka. :sweat:
      Straw-hat Pirates, fool! What?!


      • #4
        I Know, but this is mainly towards the People who say *This happened to a friend* "Not inviting you because ...."

        My friend who is a lvl 30 Taru MNK was kicked out of the party because a lvl 25 Galka MNK came in, the reason is because they said "the Lvl 25 Is WAY better then you" Yet, my friend had updated gear and pretty much everything. People like that party leader think because of a race, they will be WAY better then a race that wasn't supposed to be with that Job. well those people can kiss my furry taru but.


        • #5
          Are Mithra cookie-cutter mnks? :sweat:
          Rank 10 - Windurst - Bismarck
          /nin (Pending)


          • #6
            Job combinations that go agaist weak-race stats are certainly doable, but I cannot recommend doing it as a first job for anyone.

            It takes a substantial ammount of gil for good equipment (lots of +1s, and other usually expensive for its level) to make up for the stats that are lacking.

            By all means, go ahead and do this once you have the money and the time to do so. I love seeing a good Taru MNK.

            Just don't complain when you don't do as much damage (not always the case, but usually), and when you get less invites.
            Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
            Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)


            • #7
              Maybe your friend was not only kicked out because of his race...but because his level was to high for the party?The party was most likely NOT good anyway if they had a 5 level split going on exping...25-30 o_0:spin:


              • #8
                I'm not a big fan of taru tanks/melees, or galka mages. I don't see much point in bashing them. I simply wouldn't invite them.

                If by some confluence of events I was invited to a party with a taru monk, and then later became the leader, I certainly would never kick a PT mate to invite someone of a better race for that job. The only reason I would ever kick anyone so that I could invite someone of the same job is if the player currently in the party was a bad player or had horribly outdated gear, such that I couldn't possibly be any worse off by grabbing the player seeking PT.

                Hope that makes sense.
                61 MNK | 37 WAR | 37 THF | 35 RDM | 29 BLM | 25 WHM
                Mithra retired November 2004 - Hume started November 2006
                28 WAR | 18 MNK | 15 WHM | 12 BLM


                • #9
                  i love seeing races with jobs that they're not meant to do
                  like a galka mage, or a taru melee, they are all awesome and not really normal, dare to be different :p

                  ~one time while PTing a WHM told the leader to drop the 2 taru melees (me and this WAR taru) but the leader was kind enough and dropped the WHM and gotten another one


                  • #10
                    Well said Red, wise words. Nice to see someone not using his ass to post.
                    PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
                    BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
                    RNG, BRD, SAM 07
                    MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

                    Sandorian Rank 10
                    Zm13 complete

                    Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

                    'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
                    Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
                    /happy Tawu dance. ^-^


                    • #11
                      Is it just me then?

                      here is what I do 99.99% of the time(ALL, but I might have forgetten once or so).

                      I look at the lvl and then I look at the job. And sometimes I look at the job, and then I look at the lvl. And I invite according to those 2 stats.

                      Only when the person is in the party and actualy arrives at the location where the party is going to meet do I NOTICE what race they are...

                      Is that just me? I just never had a reason to put race as something to look for when I make a party. I just invite, and its that players job to do his role as best as he can. If he does not do a good job, I find a replacement. Simple. I don't discriminate, I just look at performance and I make a judgement based on performance... not race...

                      Is it just me that is like this?

                      43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.

                      55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ungerpurr
                        I'm not a big fan of taru tanks/melees, or galka mages. I don't see much point in bashing them. I simply wouldn't invite them.

                        If by some confluence of events I was invited to a party with a taru monk, and then later became the leader, I certainly would never kick a PT mate to invite someone of a better race for that job. The only reason I would ever kick anyone so that I could invite someone of the same job is if the player currently in the party was a bad player or had horribly outdated gear, such that I couldn't possibly be any worse off by grabbing the player seeking PT.

                        Hope that makes sense.
                        Taru PLD>all

                        Taru's can be excellent melee/tanks if they have proper equips. Good luck leveling your mnk and have fun playing with asura taru style when you can use it ;D


                        • #13
                          Taru tank/melee = pimp


                          • #14
                            I'm a 65 mnk/war Taru (as well as others)
                            I've yet to see anyother job/race combo out preform me.
                            I can say this cause I have been playing, what 9 or 10 months now, I also am 61 whm.
                            When I lvl my whm I look for MNK's Elvn mainly,(anything but taru)
                            and compair the damage they do, to the damage I did.
                            Lets face it. This game will not allow you to do bad damage unless your running around at lvl 65 with tropical punches and stumbling boots.
                            Yes another race can outdamage me, but mainly from Crits and just a more solid damage average, But! I have 54+30STR(with food) your gonna have to try and outdamage.
                            Yes another race could have +30 STR but they mostlikly wont, Why cause they are loaded in +acc gear.
                            Yes I do have +20acc I can put on if needed, but I dont, for the most part, ever have a hitting problem.

                            And to anyone that just thinks " I'd never invite a taru melee"
                            Fine so be it, stay narrow minded. Just dont go around telling others not to invite Taru melee cause you "think they are bad damage dealers".
                            We get bad rep's cause of what everyone "Thinks"
                            Anyone thats played with me knows a hell of a lot better now.
                            If you want a damage dealer
                            Get a MNK
                            If you wanna waste MP
                            Get a DRK


                            • #15
                              Unfortunately, early on it's a safe bet that invited a race that goes against the grain of the job that that person is gonna be sub-par. I'm lvling RNG right now, as you can see it's 32. I get a chill in my spine (and a full body shudder when said person is rank 3 or below) when I'm forced to check taru melee/tanks and galka mages (and even elvaan). The poor performance in so many aspects of making themselves better with equipment makes me cry.

                              I'm not expecting 2 astrals on the lvl 10 Galka WHM, but I am expecting some kind of compensation for the lack of said weakness. Maybe it gets better later on, all the high level taru melees and galka/elvaan MP users got sweet gear in my HNM LS. It's just hard to want to invite someone that goes against their grain, when you can't see what equips they have. I do not know when it "clicks" in these peoples minds that they NEED the +1s, the NEED the things to make up for their weaknesses. It should have BEEN clicked come lvl 13 or so when they get a whiff of other classes doing their job better than them. ...and yet, I go to these lvling places with the RNG and I sigh, and I wonder why this person thinks being substandard is perfectly acceptable.

                              The sooner taru tanks/melee realize that they need to push themselves harder, to take/do Elvaan damage, the happier I'll be. In the mean time, it's a gamble inviting one. The whole way to the camp we're praying like a bunch of Shaolin Monks to the deity "I hope this taru drk has good gear. I hope this taru drk has good gear. I hope this..." and some people would rather not have to worry about that. ...and just invite that black -haired Elvaan drk who's if his gear completely focusses on MP he's still hitting like and Elvaan (be it all a gimped Elvaan). (Please keep in mind this is assuming their player skills are equal, which is a whole new bag of snakes, but I won't get into that.)

                              That said, I don't mind "against the grain" job/class types. Shit, I'm a Mithra Monk. I'm also a Mithra Monk with +31STR (w/food) and acc items to swap out at any time that still leave me with a HIGHLY respectable STR. (Had Bard in static at 75) Strive to be Elvaan damn it... (I didn't talk about the mage aspect, for that it's "Strive to be Tarutaru)

                              Sorry for the rant. :sweat:
                              MNK 75 RNG 75 DRG 63 WAR 37
                              THF 37 NIN 37 WHM 38 BST 52
                              Enough bitching to make your eyes bleed, drama too. ;o

