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Flaming of Taru MNK and Others = WRONG

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  • #16
    Yes, that is a very understandable "rant" Akumux. Thats why I really think Redlimit put it best. You can play a job that on paper goes against your race, it just near impossible to do it on your first job/turn.

    I myself play my strenghts at first. Went WHM to 30, BLM to 42 then did some BCNM to fund my PLD to 30 and WAR to 20. Then I used PLD at 30 to farm/mine got to 50, invested 2 solid months to get fishing to 50 and Lushangs to always have the necessary gil to always have updated equip.
    PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
    BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
    RNG, BRD, SAM 07
    MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

    Sandorian Rank 10
    Zm13 complete

    Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

    'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
    Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
    /happy Tawu dance. ^-^


    • #17
      I'd rather get a taru monk that hits for 30-40 dmg than a galka that hits 40-50 but goes afk every 10 minutes.

      Good attitude, up to date sub, decent gear, and experience are all that matters.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Yuukyuzan
        Most monks are not Galka. :sweat:
        WHat he said.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ungerpurr
          I'm not a big fan of taru tanks/melees,
          Woah, woah, Don't rip on taru PLD, outside of XP PT's of course you can, but imo there best XP PT Tanks, Taru melee tho imo is just throwing away all those extra stats you COULD have by playing another race... I mean it's like the person that says no I'm not going to go out and buy the expensive gear, I'll just settle with mediocre.

          75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

          Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
          Genkei 5 Completed
          Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
          Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
          93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
          Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
          Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


          • #20
            Originally posted by Thark601
            I mean it's like the person that says no I'm not going to go out and buy the expensive gear, I'll just settle with mediocre.
            Gear >>>>>>>> Race


            • #21
              This is how I see it. I myself believe anyone can be anything they want, it is a game, but many ppl, particularly elitists, like to think more in the box, so to speak. If someone isn't playing the stereotypical Taru Mage or Galka Melee, many ppl, especially later on, will refuse to accept you into their party, no matter what items you have on. Even making one requirees a lot more time and effort, especially when the ppl you're asking are arrogant.

              It's just as similar as the Main/Subjob debate. Unless you're have a specific type of subjob, they consider you worthless, and they refuse to party with you. Maybe not up to that scale though, but similar ideas nonetheless.
              I ain't no flapjack!
              60 SAM, 44 MNK, 30 WAR, 15 THF, 10 NIN, 8 WHM, 7 BLM, 6 BRD, 6 RNG, 6 DRK, 3 DRG


              • #22
                the reason being that no matter what items you have, one cookie cutter with the same equip will still be better than you. im not one who wont invite taru melees, i have and will continue to.... its just the game mechanics though. Taru mage, elvaan and galka melee(i like elv whm though ^^), hume average anything(with exceptions of brd and bst), mithra thf ranger nin type classes ......just how the game is.
                Lu Shang's: 4,200/10,000 ; ;
                Naota: The Most Cheerful Monk on the Ramuh Server


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Naota1369
                  the reason being that no matter what items you have, one cookie cutter with the same equip will still be better than you.
                  Actually no. There are damage caps on the weapons. Once any race hits that damage cap they all have the same max damage capability. This can be hit by getting enough STR+ equip. And any race will have the same attack base as any other, because its determined by your STR and H2H skill. This is how late in the game when there are many item combinations race almost means nothing to a melee DD class.


                  • #24
                    You aren't going to hit weapon cap on EXP mobs, so that's a moot point. I'm pretty sure Spartan Cesti's weapon cap is 180 (per fist)... good luck getting that number consistently.

                    Anyways, any jack-ass can hit 75 in this game, so if you want to play a non-standard race, more power to you. If you manage to take a galka whm to 75, or a taru monk to 75, that doesn't make you a better or worse player than anyone else... perhaps a little more patient, though.


                    • #25
                      yea stolin last time i checked no one capped out on a xp mob consistently at all. so like halato said, you point is well.....pointless :/
                      Lu Shang's: 4,200/10,000 ; ;
                      Naota: The Most Cheerful Monk on the Ramuh Server


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Halato
                        You aren't going to hit weapon cap on EXP mobs, so that's a moot point. I'm pretty sure Spartan Cesti's weapon cap is 180 (per fist)... good luck getting that number consistently.

                        I was unaware it got that high. Damage formula looks like chinese to me.


                        • #27
                          You shouldnt really flame on the taru MNK, i mean yes, Monks are based on STR and VIT mostly, and those are tarus lowest stats

                          but tarus actually have more dexterity then an elvan, and tied with mithras for most agility.

                          Lvl 59 Tarus Monk/war wills have 3 more dex then elvann (before that its 1 more dex)

                          and they will have same dex as a galka at lvl 59

                          So yes Monk = str + vit, but thats not all that matters, and tarus have Some stats decently high that can help

                          ps. JOB>Equip>SUBJOB>>>>>>>>>race


                          • #28
                            I am the poster-gal for this thread, ok maybe not the taru part, but soon enough that too. I am all for odd combos in race and jobs and subs. (obviously, 54/27 mnk/whm) and i have always been a firm believer in that it's not the race or class that matters but the player behind the screen and how he/she makes it work. I have been given lots of slack for my chosen proffesion, first chosen for heavy soloing, then i stuck with it because i kept seeing highlvl mnk/whm's running around in parties wondering what were the advantages, and trust me there are a few. At about lvl 41 it really started paying off, and the combo revolves around being a highly evasive Chi Blast Puller, sometimes with the help of sneak. I make up for the war sub by having all the buffed up equip i can get, making me still a very viable damage dealer, and the added bonus of never getting hit leaves the whm free to worry only on the rest of the party. (plus it's always handy in an emergency for the peep with the highest HP to have raise when all other raisers, whm rdm, blm, pld, die and don't say it can't happen cause it did to my party once)
                            But back to the entire point of this thread, sorry to stray, i never look at race when getting a party and rarely care about a person's sub if they can still make it work. Race should never even be an issue, what about the peeps out there who wanna max out every class, hmm? The people who discriminate on rank, class/sub, and race are sheep. There's no better insult for em. They do what everyone else does so they can lvl the quickest and why is what i ask? what's the point of maxing out the same job everyone else maxes out? where's the fun in that? maybe it's just me, but A: I don't plan on quitting any time soon. B: It's a game, you're supposed to be having fun. and finally C: What ever happened to being unique? Don't get me wrong, if you want to play a mnk/war Galka, do it, if you wanna play a brd/whm Galka, again i say do it, do whatever makes you happy and screw all the elitest sheep who have the time to be choosey but not to give something different a chance.
                            Thank you for listening to my rant.
                            PS: when i begin lvling my mule, she's gonna be a drk/blm Taru!
                            I am the amazing Monk Mage hear me roar! . . . . . . . . .myau.


                            • #29
                              Re: Flaming of Taru MNK and Others = WRONG

                              Im tierd of TaruTaru Monk haters too, like the other day I was in jeuno and someone /tell me and asked if I want to gain some exp points I said yes, please and like right after I said that he goes sorry found a galka monk >.< damn them galkas


                              • #30
                                Re: Flaming of Taru MNK and Others = WRONG

                                Dude... this thread is over a year old. Anyway, I've never had a problem outdamaging anyone as a Taru anything. Skill>Race.

