I just got a few questions for Red and everyone. My MNK friend is having this issue of wanting to buy the most expensive item you can buy before 60 (Scorp Harness, Spartan Cesti's or Cross-counters, and even the spectacles for the neck piece). I'm wondering, Red, you said you can substitute Bone Patas +1 after TM Hooks +1/2. Will that work?? Cause he's saying that the 2DMG difference doesn't matter. Can you guys explain to me, cause I'm at a loss right now, as too what he needs. I mean, http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?73559 is his profile. Can you guys tell me, what he needs to change and what not, and if his route (which will take him longer than just getting +str's, and leveling to 60) is smarter than just leveling.