At the time of writing this - I am nearing level 75 on my second foray
into MNK. I originally had a level 75 MNK with AF2 and tons of gear on
the Ragnarok server (name: Vargas), but I stopped playing for about a
year and deleted the character. Now I have remade (name: Varg) and I
am nearing 75 once again. I figure if I can level it to 75 twice then
I may have some knowledge that can help others looking to take on this
damage dealing job.
I'm not suggesting that this guide is 100% the correct way to do
everything - but just think of this as a guideline to get you started.
In my experience, all of this has worked great for me (twice!).
MNK is a damage dealing job - perhaps even the most powerful one. MNK
put out a steady stream of constant damage over time, which is perfect
for EXP parties. You also get much more powerful weapon skills than
many other jobs. Using different equipment and setups, you can do many
different things with a MNK. A high level MNK is an excellent soloer
and farmer as well.
--- Stat Boosting Basics ---
MNK are fairly straightforward in the stat department. You want things
that will increase your damage. This means STR, Attack, Accuracy, etc.
The order of importance I rate them at is:
STR/Attack, Accuracy, Haste, VIT, DEX
STR/Attack is a MNK's bread and butter. STR increases your total
damage overall, and Attack raises your damage range. Both are very
important, but STR gets a bit more importance due to how H2H damage is
calculated (especially when dealing with Weapon Skills).
Accuracy is obviously very important as all of the STR in the world
won't help you if you never hit anything. MNK do get access to a
decent selecton of ACC gear, and food can help out with this as well.
Haste is next up, and it is important because it will help keep your
damage coming quickly, and basically the more attacks you do the more
chances you have to hit.
VIT is kind of secondary, but it directly relates to the Chakra
ability in how much HP it raises. A lot of MNK weapon skills use VIT
as a damage modifier so it can help in that regard.
DEX is last on the list. It enhances ACC marginally, and also affects
critical hit rate, but in the long run a MNK gets more benefits from
any of the other stats above. DEX is by no means useless, but don't go
out of your way to raise it.
--- Equipment Basics ---
First and foremost, with H2H weapons you should be focusing on ones
that have high damage. These often have a much slower delay, but keep
in mind that for a large portion of the game H2H hits will be
signifigantly less than other weapons and you will need the higher
damage to keep the pace (especially on enemies with high DEF). High
damage and other stat bonuses (usually STR, Attack, or ACC) take
priority over a low delay. Once you get to level 70+ this changes a
bit as you now hit very hard even bare-handed, so there are a lot more
options as far as DMG versus delay. As far as EXP parties are
concerned, stick with the high damage.
As a MNK you should always focus on equipment that gives stat boosts.
Don't even look at an items DEF - it dosen't really matter to you. You
are interested in anything that gives STR, Attack, Accuracy, or Haste.
This may mean that in some cases you will be using the same pieces of
equipment for a long time, but thats OK - as long as it is giving
better bonuses than anything else available you are fine. MNK get an
excellent Artifact Equipment set in the level 50-60 range, so make
good use of it.
A lot of good MNK gear can be quested or obtained cheaply, although
there are a few items which you will pay dearly for if you want them.
If MNK is your first job to get to a high level then don't worry about
having all of the godly items - there are always inexpensive
alternatives to each. No one is going to yell at you for not having a
Scorpion Harness at 57, or not equipping Cross-Counters when you hit
50. These items are an extravagance - yes, they are powerful but these
are aimed at players who have lots of gil or have other jobs at 75 who
can afford them.
Food comes into play here as well. MNK obviously benefit from Attack,
STR, and ACC food. If you are looking for more damage then try out
foods like Meat Jerky, Meat Mithkabobs, and Coeurl Subs. If ACC is
what you are looking for, try some foods out of the Sushi line. You
likely won't start to need sushi until level 60+, but you will have to
see what you have trouble hitting and what you don't. Basically if you
are happy with your accuracy, you are better off not eating the sushi
as it will lower your damage. You will have to experiment as you level
up to see what works best for each situation. Luckily, its easy enough
to carry a stack of Attack food and a stack of ACC food at all times.
--- MNK Ability Breakdown ---
Boost (L5)
Boost gives you a temporary enhancement to your Attack. It can stack
with its self over a three minute period, but for most of your career
the only time you will use Boost is right before a weapon skill.
Attack plays a much bigger role in an the damage of a weapon skill
than it does in a regular hit. Once you get Chi Blast at 41 then you
can start stacking Boost a few times because it directly affects how
much damage Chi Blast does. The usual method of damaging a lot of HNM
is for MNK to boost for the full Boost duration (3 minutes) then use
Chi Blast.
This is a passive ability that allows you to stop a physical attack
against you and you get in a free hit. You can raise your chances to
counter with several equips, but it isn't a priority until much later
on. This is a great boon to soloing and emergency back-up tanking.
Dodge (L15)
Useful when solo or in an emergency, dodge directly raises your
evasion for two minutes. This is pretty self explanitory. MNK actually
have a fairly high evasion stat, so this can be fairly powerful if you
keep it capped.
Focus (L25)
This is one of the best things available to a MNK. For two minutes you
get a direct increase in accuracy. Use this as often as possible, and
learn how to stack or stagger it with other abilties (like Berserk,
for example). Use Focus for one fight, Berserk for the next, Focus for
the can keep doing that pretty much forever and always have
a boost to your damage output in an EXP party.
Chakra (L35)
Another excellent MNK ability. This heals your HP and can cure some
status effects. It heals VITx2 HP, so you can macro in equipment to
help out with how much HP is healed. Pieces of AF and AF2 also help to
raise how much HP is regained. Chakra can heal Poison, Blind, and
Silence to start off with, and with Temple Cyclas and Melee Gloves you
can heal a few more (like Virus for example).
Chi Blast (L41)
Perhaps MNK's most unique ability, Chi Blast is a single ranged attack
that is not affected by an enemies DEF or resitances. Its damage is
based off of your MND stat and how many times you have used Boost
directly before using it. This is a powerful tool versus HNM, and it
can be useful in an EXP party as well if you Boost a few times while
the puller is getting an enemy and Chi Blasting whatever comes back.
Don't go overboard though - you don't want too much hate. Three for
four Boosts is usually enough for good damage with little hate.
Counterstance (45)
This ability raies your chance to counter, but drastically lowers your
DEF. This is a hit-or-miss ability, but when used against Too Weak or
Easy Prey enemies you will absolutely crush them. Use it against VT or
IT enemies at your own risk - it can pay off, but when you get hit you
will get hit HARD. Stack up on Counter+ gear if you want to try it. It
"does" work, but only really at 70+.
into MNK. I originally had a level 75 MNK with AF2 and tons of gear on
the Ragnarok server (name: Vargas), but I stopped playing for about a
year and deleted the character. Now I have remade (name: Varg) and I
am nearing 75 once again. I figure if I can level it to 75 twice then
I may have some knowledge that can help others looking to take on this
damage dealing job.
I'm not suggesting that this guide is 100% the correct way to do
everything - but just think of this as a guideline to get you started.
In my experience, all of this has worked great for me (twice!).
MNK is a damage dealing job - perhaps even the most powerful one. MNK
put out a steady stream of constant damage over time, which is perfect
for EXP parties. You also get much more powerful weapon skills than
many other jobs. Using different equipment and setups, you can do many
different things with a MNK. A high level MNK is an excellent soloer
and farmer as well.
--- Stat Boosting Basics ---
MNK are fairly straightforward in the stat department. You want things
that will increase your damage. This means STR, Attack, Accuracy, etc.
The order of importance I rate them at is:
STR/Attack, Accuracy, Haste, VIT, DEX
STR/Attack is a MNK's bread and butter. STR increases your total
damage overall, and Attack raises your damage range. Both are very
important, but STR gets a bit more importance due to how H2H damage is
calculated (especially when dealing with Weapon Skills).
Accuracy is obviously very important as all of the STR in the world
won't help you if you never hit anything. MNK do get access to a
decent selecton of ACC gear, and food can help out with this as well.
Haste is next up, and it is important because it will help keep your
damage coming quickly, and basically the more attacks you do the more
chances you have to hit.
VIT is kind of secondary, but it directly relates to the Chakra
ability in how much HP it raises. A lot of MNK weapon skills use VIT
as a damage modifier so it can help in that regard.
DEX is last on the list. It enhances ACC marginally, and also affects
critical hit rate, but in the long run a MNK gets more benefits from
any of the other stats above. DEX is by no means useless, but don't go
out of your way to raise it.
--- Equipment Basics ---
First and foremost, with H2H weapons you should be focusing on ones
that have high damage. These often have a much slower delay, but keep
in mind that for a large portion of the game H2H hits will be
signifigantly less than other weapons and you will need the higher
damage to keep the pace (especially on enemies with high DEF). High
damage and other stat bonuses (usually STR, Attack, or ACC) take
priority over a low delay. Once you get to level 70+ this changes a
bit as you now hit very hard even bare-handed, so there are a lot more
options as far as DMG versus delay. As far as EXP parties are
concerned, stick with the high damage.
As a MNK you should always focus on equipment that gives stat boosts.
Don't even look at an items DEF - it dosen't really matter to you. You
are interested in anything that gives STR, Attack, Accuracy, or Haste.
This may mean that in some cases you will be using the same pieces of
equipment for a long time, but thats OK - as long as it is giving
better bonuses than anything else available you are fine. MNK get an
excellent Artifact Equipment set in the level 50-60 range, so make
good use of it.
A lot of good MNK gear can be quested or obtained cheaply, although
there are a few items which you will pay dearly for if you want them.
If MNK is your first job to get to a high level then don't worry about
having all of the godly items - there are always inexpensive
alternatives to each. No one is going to yell at you for not having a
Scorpion Harness at 57, or not equipping Cross-Counters when you hit
50. These items are an extravagance - yes, they are powerful but these
are aimed at players who have lots of gil or have other jobs at 75 who
can afford them.
Food comes into play here as well. MNK obviously benefit from Attack,
STR, and ACC food. If you are looking for more damage then try out
foods like Meat Jerky, Meat Mithkabobs, and Coeurl Subs. If ACC is
what you are looking for, try some foods out of the Sushi line. You
likely won't start to need sushi until level 60+, but you will have to
see what you have trouble hitting and what you don't. Basically if you
are happy with your accuracy, you are better off not eating the sushi
as it will lower your damage. You will have to experiment as you level
up to see what works best for each situation. Luckily, its easy enough
to carry a stack of Attack food and a stack of ACC food at all times.
--- MNK Ability Breakdown ---
Boost (L5)
Boost gives you a temporary enhancement to your Attack. It can stack
with its self over a three minute period, but for most of your career
the only time you will use Boost is right before a weapon skill.
Attack plays a much bigger role in an the damage of a weapon skill
than it does in a regular hit. Once you get Chi Blast at 41 then you
can start stacking Boost a few times because it directly affects how
much damage Chi Blast does. The usual method of damaging a lot of HNM
is for MNK to boost for the full Boost duration (3 minutes) then use
Chi Blast.
This is a passive ability that allows you to stop a physical attack
against you and you get in a free hit. You can raise your chances to
counter with several equips, but it isn't a priority until much later
on. This is a great boon to soloing and emergency back-up tanking.
Dodge (L15)
Useful when solo or in an emergency, dodge directly raises your
evasion for two minutes. This is pretty self explanitory. MNK actually
have a fairly high evasion stat, so this can be fairly powerful if you
keep it capped.
Focus (L25)
This is one of the best things available to a MNK. For two minutes you
get a direct increase in accuracy. Use this as often as possible, and
learn how to stack or stagger it with other abilties (like Berserk,
for example). Use Focus for one fight, Berserk for the next, Focus for
the can keep doing that pretty much forever and always have
a boost to your damage output in an EXP party.
Chakra (L35)
Another excellent MNK ability. This heals your HP and can cure some
status effects. It heals VITx2 HP, so you can macro in equipment to
help out with how much HP is healed. Pieces of AF and AF2 also help to
raise how much HP is regained. Chakra can heal Poison, Blind, and
Silence to start off with, and with Temple Cyclas and Melee Gloves you
can heal a few more (like Virus for example).
Chi Blast (L41)
Perhaps MNK's most unique ability, Chi Blast is a single ranged attack
that is not affected by an enemies DEF or resitances. Its damage is
based off of your MND stat and how many times you have used Boost
directly before using it. This is a powerful tool versus HNM, and it
can be useful in an EXP party as well if you Boost a few times while
the puller is getting an enemy and Chi Blasting whatever comes back.
Don't go overboard though - you don't want too much hate. Three for
four Boosts is usually enough for good damage with little hate.
Counterstance (45)
This ability raies your chance to counter, but drastically lowers your
DEF. This is a hit-or-miss ability, but when used against Too Weak or
Easy Prey enemies you will absolutely crush them. Use it against VT or
IT enemies at your own risk - it can pay off, but when you get hit you
will get hit HARD. Stack up on Counter+ gear if you want to try it. It
"does" work, but only really at 70+.