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Equipment at 50s advise wanted.

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  • Equipment at 50s advise wanted.

    I have done a search but haven't seen any equipment advise around 50s. (mostly 20~40s) I currently have the following gear on my monk. Wondering what should I upgrade next, I know a couple of them so I will list up.

    Weapon: Tct.Mag. Hooks+1(+2 was way too expensive...)
    Head: Merc. Capt. Head gear (yah... I know)
    Hand: Ochiudo Kote / Temple Gloves
    Body: Jujitu Gi / Gaia Dublet
    Legs: Master's Sitabaki
    Boots: Temple Gaters / Fuma Kyahan
    Waist: Brown Belt / Life Belt
    Rings: 2x Ametrine Ring / Garnet Ring / Phalanx Ring
    Ear: 2x Beetle Earing +1
    Back: Wolf Mantle+1
    Neck: Spike Necklace

    Upgrade till 60?

    Weapon: Bone Pata+1 (at 56)
    Head: Temple Crown(56)
    Hand: Same
    Body: Master's Gi(55) > Temple Cyclas(58)
    Legs: Tempel Hose (60)
    Boots: Same
    Waist: Same
    Rings: No clue... Sun ring worth?
    Ear: Spike Earing?
    Back: No clue...
    Neck: Ugh... no clue... but not peakok charm -.-

    I have yet to find any viable Head piece. I know emperor's hairpin is nice but I doubt its worth the price as a monk. Unless we tank we don't need evation I think... although it helps. 3Dex sounds promissing but I prefer to keep +1 str on my Cpt. Mrc. Headgear. Suggestions appretiated.
    Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
    Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-

  • #2
    gaia doublet is not that useful since yer not tanking anywayz, maybe for farming

    i forgot amemit mantle's lvl requirement, is it 59?
    i remember using it at around 60

    by 60 you would probably wanna use at least 1 sniper's ring, or just go 2 sun rings if you really dont like the -10def -20 drk, monster evasion goes up alot after 60 (especially toramas).

    you can try to get a spartan cesti if you got the money else you can stay with the hooks, i use the darksteel knuckles instead for the extra acc.

    you can probably stay with yer crown forever ,it's very useful till 75, althou i sometimes switch to tiger mask or panzer mask occasionally for fun when i'm not using focus.

    spike necklace is still good, you can give a shoot at bcnm60 for a pair of spetacles, i was lucky that i got it on my first try.

    earrings, hmm.. probably spike earrings if you wanna max out yer attack, i've seen some monks use agi earrings thou.. most of em sub thf.


    • #3
      Reason I bought Gaia doublet is for def up macro purpose. Many times I have been asked to provoke first for the SA+TA tank issue and I wanted to reduce as much damage as possible when the mob is facing me.

      Oh yeah forgot about spartan scesti... I really need that weapon -_-; Maybe I will try my luck at BCNM 60 which is told to be dropped from there as well as spectacles... Sniper ring. Hmmmmm... guess I need to do more Phantom worm session /sigh. (with 70rdm I been killed once because the stupid worm appeared facing me ... and it never turned to the pld so was wondering why.... bingo 975 damage Quake, 1shot killed me -_-; and it never appeared the loc stating he was casting Quake...)
      Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
      Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-


      • #4
        this is my final equipment maybe it'll give you an idea

        weapon: feral fangs (no money for spartans, the only time i got the money it went ???ing up to 800k i blew it on another snippers and amemit mantle instead)

        head: temple crown/tiger mask (tiger mask looks bad for some reason, but helps chakra alot)

        neck: spectacles/spike necklace

        body: temple cyclas/ rasetsu samue (rasetsu is only for farming and walking on the streets of jeuno)

        hands: HAIL ochido's kote!! temple gloves for chi blast only ;p

        legs: rasetsu leg piece (i wanted to max my attack so i use this instead of ze ugly hose)

        waist: did i say i love acc? yea.. i use life belt, my brownbelt is only for farming.. lol

        back: Again haiL amemit mantle ! boy i love attack

        feet: attack again ! rasetsu feet piece, i use temple gaiter sometimes too.

        earrings: HAIL attack ! coral earrings x2

        rings: HAIL acc !! snipers earrings x2

        at the end i dont have any +base stats, well... only +1 str from the mantle, to sum it up i have 45+ attack and 32 acc, BUT!! with all those acc i've seen myself missed 8 times in a row.. which was un????ing real.


        • #5
          Weapon: bone patas +1 or spartan cesti or crosscounters
          Head: emperor's hairpin + af head (focus macro)
          Hand: ochiudo's kote + af gloves (boost macro)
          Body: master's gi + af body (chakra macro)
          Legs: master's sitabaki or af legs
          Boots: fuma kyahan + af feet (dodge(?) macro)
          Waist: brown belt or/and life belt
          Rings: lv54 sun rings, sun rings +1 or sniper's rings
          Ear: spike earrings at lv55
          Back: nomad's mantle (eva+3 agi+1) and amemit at lv60
          Neck: spike necklace and spectacles at lv59(?)

          if you have money to spare you could also buy promise badge, mnd rings and other mnd equipment, mnd make a lot of difference when chi blasting.
          jobs: whm67, blm37, thf37, war30, mnk58.
          missions done: windurst: 16/20. zilart: 4/17.
          unique quests completed: 240, maps obtained: 38.


          • #6
            Head: Emp Hairpin
            Weapon: Cross-Counters ^^
            Neck: Spike Necklace
            Body: Not Tanking, Jujitsu Gi, Tanking or SA/TA Partner Shinobi Gi
            Waist: Brown Belt, if I need the ACC Life Belt
            Rings: Pussiance Ring x2, Have one Sniper's if I need it
            Earrings: Beetle Earrings +1 x2
            Leggings: Elvaan RSE, Once I hit 53, Master's Satibaki +1
            Feet: Fuma Kayan, Possibly Temple Gaiters if I need the Enhancement
            Ranged: Pebbles if I am Pulling, Threw my Happy Egg couple weeks ago >.<, Have the other Egg.

            Its a lot of Gil and time to farm to get those items above, but well worth it imo.
            | FFXI | SIREN | San D’Oria | Jifan | Monk 56 | WAR 65 | RNG 75 | NIN 38 | LS Ascendence™ |

            | Jifen | Main Job BLM 38 | Sub WHM 22 | RDM 06 |


            • #7
              Big question from me... Is Spartan Cesti worth it? that important?
              How long will it last me? I'd like to have these and use them untill i can get Shiva claws, but i just need someone to tell me there worth 600k

              75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

              Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
              Genkei 5 Completed
              Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
              Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
              93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
              Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
              Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


              • #8
                My current gear and planned upgrades through 61 (52 now):

                Cross-Counters -> Same
                Happy Egg -> Same
                Carapace Mask +1 -> Temple Crown
                Spike Necklace -> Same
                Beetle Earring +1 x2 -> Spike Earring
                Jujitsu Gi -> Master's Gi -> Temple Cyclas
                Ochiudo's Kote -> Same/Temple Gloves (boost)
                Courage Ring x2 -> Sun Ring
                Ram Mantle +1 -> Beak Mantle? (lv 58) -> Amemit Mantle
                Life Belt -> Same
                Shinobi Hakama -> Master's Sitabaki -> Temple Hose
                Fuma Kyahan -> Temple Gaiters

                Feet comments: Getting rid of Fuma Kyahan simply because I feel that it's time, and +3 dex seems like it'll be more useful than 3% haste.

                Hand comments: I tried going the Enkelado's route with gloves, and it just didn't work out...I still feel like I need that +ATK.

                Ring comments: I'm mithra; my dex advantage over elvaan is *14* points at level 59. That's seven accuracy right there...I need to make up the strength difference.

                Belt comments: As much as I hated to say goodbye to the Brown Belt, the highest level mobs I feel like I could do reliable damage on without life belt are VT.

                Back comments: Well, the +1 mantle is just something to bridge the gap to Amemit. I may not buy it.

                Neck comments: Good ol' spike necklace. I replace it with justice badge when I chi blast, and spectacles and peacock charm are just way too expensive.

                Thark: Spartan Cesti are good, but not entirely necessary, imho. I wouldn't advise spending a long time farming for them; but, they would last you until Feral Fangs / Shiva's Claws. Of course, you're two levels higher than me, so you're probably better equipped to answer the question than I am.
                61 MNK | 37 WAR | 37 THF | 35 RDM | 29 BLM | 25 WHM
                Mithra retired November 2004 - Hume started November 2006
                28 WAR | 18 MNK | 15 WHM | 12 BLM


                • #9
                  The only thing I plan on dropping is my Spike Necklace if I ever get ahold of a Peacock Charm/Spectacles. Spectacles are more within my reach. Farming and Harvesting for Spectacles.

                  Head-> Emperor's Pin > Temple Crown
                  Neck-> Spike Necklace > Spectacles
                  Body-> Jujitsu Gi > Master's Gi > Temple Cyclas
                  Waist-> Brown Belt/Life Belt
                  Earrings-> Beetle Earrings + x2 > Spike Earrings
                  Hand-> Ochiudo's Kote /Temple Gloves for Boost Purposes
                  Legs-> Elvaan RSE > Master's Satibaki > Temple Hose
                  Feet-> Fuma Kayan > Temple Gaiters, switch between the 2 depending on mob and stuff.
                  Rings-> Pussiance x2 Sniper's Ring x1 > Victory Ring in the future
                  | FFXI | SIREN | San D’Oria | Jifan | Monk 56 | WAR 65 | RNG 75 | NIN 38 | LS Ascendence™ |

                  | Jifen | Main Job BLM 38 | Sub WHM 22 | RDM 06 |


                  • #10
                    Not sure if Spartan cesti is best but it surely will last for a while. I am currently using Bone Pata+1. I am 58 now, Spartan cesti is around 900k, and cross counters is reaching 2million...
                    Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
                    Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-

