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whats your current level and equipment?

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  • whats your current level and equipment?

    level 36 elvaan:
    impact knuckles
    mrc. cpt. headgear
    mrc. cpt. doublet
    martial slacks
    battle gloves
    soil soleas
    wolf mantle +1
    balance ring
    courage ring
    beetle +1 earrings X2
    purple belt


    Rank 10 San d'Orian.

  • #2
    47mnk/23war Elvaan
    Mythril Knuckles (Patas for when I level)
    Mrc. Cpt. Headgear
    Earth Doublet
    Wolf Mantle +1
    Battle Gloves
    Purple Belt (Life Belt for when I level)
    Jujitsu Sitabaki
    Spike Necklace
    Beetle Earrings +1 x2
    Garnet Rings x2
    Balance Rings x2

    I have 2 sets of rings, depending on if I'm hitting a lot or not I'll switch my Balance Rings in. I really need a Brown Belt and I'd like Ochuido's Kote as well.


    • #3
      Lv. 37 Hume MNK/WAR:
      Weapon: Impact Knuckles
      Head: Mercenary's hachimaki
      Gloves: Ochiudo's kote
      Body: Power gi
      Legs: Jujitsu Sitabaki
      Feet: Windurstian kyahan
      Waist: Purple belt
      Neck: Spike necklace
      Rings: Garnet ring x2
      Earring: Beetle earring +1 x2
      Ammo: Peebles
      No back ^^
      MNK75/WAR37 THF37 NIN37 WHM37


      • #4
        42MNK/15WAR Hume male
        weap: impact knuckles
        head: merc. cpt. headgear
        body: earth doublet
        hand: battle gloves
        feet: windurstian kyhahan
        legs: combat caster slacks
        waist: purple belt
        back: wolf mantle +1
        Ring1: ametrine ring
        Ring2: ...cant think of its name... the +2 str one
        ears: 2 wing earrings
        neck: tiger stole

        i wear federation bagnakhas when im not fighting cuz they look cooler than knuckles :D
        MNK > All
        Sorry m8, that's just how it goes

        If chances are one million-to-one that something will go wrong, there's still a 50-50 chance it won't..

        DoD & -=AllForOne=-



        • #5
          49/27 Mnk/War

          Pata --> One more level till I get to use my Cross Counters. ^^
          Emperor's Pin --> Using till I get my AF.
          Spike Necklace --> Hoping for Spectacles to drop in BCNM 60. =p
          Beetle Earring +1 x2
          Jujitsi Gi --> Master's Gi @ 55 till I get AF body.
          Ochiudo's Kote --> Selling when I get AF possibly.
          Brown Belt
          Pussiance Ring --> Might get another Sniper's Ring.
          Sniper's Ring
          Nomad's Mantle --> Amemit Mantle sitting in Mog Safe.
          Elvaan RSE --> Switching to Master's Satibaki +1 @ 53 till I get AF Leggings.
          Fuma Kayan --> Using till AF and might switch between the two.
          | FFXI | SIREN | San D’Oria | Jifan | Monk 56 | WAR 65 | RNG 75 | NIN 38 | LS Ascendence™ |

          | Jifen | Main Job BLM 38 | Sub WHM 22 | RDM 06 |


          • #6
            Lv. 52 Mithra MNK/WAR:
            Weapon: Tct. Mag. Hooks
            Head: Mrc. Cpt. Headgear
            Gloves: Enkelado's Bracelets
            Body: Jujitsu Gi
            Legs: Jujitsu Sitabaki
            Feet: Savage Gaiters
            Waist: Brown Belt
            Neck: Spike necklace
            Rings: Garnet ring, Sniper Ring
            Earring: Beetle earring +1 x2
            Back: Cvl. Mantle

            High STR stat, 76 STR total with Mithkabobs, and still have very good acc from Sniper/Jujitsu and Mithra base dex
            70 MNK / 50 DRK / 35 WAR / 33 THF / 32 BLM / 17 NIN / 15 RNG / 15 DRG / 12 RDM
            Citizen of Windurst


            • #7
              lvl 64 monk/ 32 warrior
              Weapon: Spartan cestis
              Head: temple headgear AF
              Gloves: temple gloves AF
              Body: temple cyclas AF
              Legs: temple hose AF
              Feet: temple gaiters AF
              Waist: life belt
              Neck: Spike necklace
              Rings: 2 sun rings
              Earring: coral earings
              back: amemit mantle
              74 monk , 50 nin ,37 warrior, 30 thief, 24 sam
              my monk
              my nin


              • #8
                Mnk 68/ war/ thf

                Cross Counter
                AF head
                AF body
                AF leg
                Ochiudo's Kote
                Fuma Kyahan
                Spike Necklace
                Avenger's Earrings (or those +atk, -eva for exp)
                Sniper Rings
                Brown Belt
                Amemit Mantle
                Happy Egg :spin:

                I love my counter +8 in Ballista


                • #9

                  Weaepon: Tacticians Magician Hooks
                  Head: Emporers Hairpin
                  Body: Jugitsu GI, Masters GI in 3 lvls
                  Leg: Elvaan RSE
                  Gloves: Battle Gloves, (dun wanna buy kote and no enkelado's in stock ever...)
                  Boots: Fuma Kyahan
                  Necklace: Spike Necklace
                  Earings: Beetle Earings +1 x2
                  Rings: Balance for now saving for snipers
                  Belt: Life Belt
                  Back: Wolf Mantle +1, 55 ex CP mantle at 55
                  Happy Egg

                  Currently got about 350k saved up.. when i hit 600 which won't be to long away i'm buying 1 x sniper ring and brown belt, saving my next 300k for another snipers ring, and at that point i'll be saving for Ochiudo's Kote

                  75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

                  Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
                  Genkei 5 Completed
                  Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
                  Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
                  93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
                  Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
                  Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


                  • #10
                    53/26 MNK/WAR

                    Tactician Magician Hooks
                    Garnet Ring x 2
                    Beetle Earring x 2
                    Brown Belt
                    Shinobi Gi
                    Temple Gaiters
                    Windurstian Kyahan
                    Mercenary Captains Headgear
                    Shinobi Hakama

                    Got my AF Headgear and Hands ready.
                    and my 2 sun rings for level 54 :spin:
                    73 Monk/ 36 Warrior

                    60 Paladin/30 Warrior-retired

                    Full Paladin AF
                    Full Monk AF


                    • #11
                      Weapon: Feral Fangs/Stun Jamathar
                      Head: Temple Crown/Tiger Mask
                      Body: Temple Cyclas/Rasetsu body piece
                      Leg: Temple Hose/Rasetsu leg piece
                      Gloves: Ochiedo's Kote
                      Boots: Temple Gaiter/Rasetsu feet piece
                      Necklace: Spectacles
                      Earings: Coral earring x2
                      Rings: Snipersx2
                      Belt: Life Belt/brownbelt
                      Back: Amemet mantle
                      Happy Egg
                      opps forgot my lvl 74/35 /war


                      • #12
                        37/25 mnk/war

                        Head: mrc. cpt. headgear(switching to Emp hairpin soon)
                        Body: mrc. cpt. doublet (Jitu Gi sitting in bank)
                        Legs: Jitu Gi Shitabaki
                        Boots: Wind Soleas
                        Rings: Balance Ring, Courage Ring
                        Back: Wolf mantle+1
                        Neck: Spike Necklace
                        Ear: Beetle earing x 2
                        Belt: Purple belt
                        Weap: Impact Knuckles
                        Hand: battle Gloves (Otiudo kote in future maybe...)
                        Shiia 75 BLM WHM RDM WAR NIN MNK - semi retired -
                        Riritan 73 WHM 70 SMN 65 BRD 63 RDM -new taru taru-


                        • #13
                          35/38 MNK/WAR

                          Weapons: Impact Knuckles
                          Head: Mrc. Hachimaki ( Need Mrc. Cpt. Headgear )
                          Body: Power Gi
                          Hands: Battle Gloves ( Need Ochiudo's Kote :sweat: )
                          Legs: Mrc. Sitabaki
                          Feet: Mrc. Kyahan
                          Neck: Spike Necklace
                          Earrings: 2x Beetle Earrings ( Need Beetle Earrings+1 )
                          Rings: 2x Sardonyx Rings ( @36 2x Garnet Rings )
                          Belt: Purple Belt
                          Back: Dhalmel Mantle
                          Ammo: Nothing. ( I had a Happy Egg and THREW it away one fateful day when I was designated puller.
                          :mad: )

                          Stats: +11 STR, +3 DEX without food. Yeah, my DEX is kind of shoddy, but I'm a Galka (Hume and Taru DEX) and haven't been hurt by it yet at these levels.

                          Been focusing heavily on leveling, but now I'm feeling the money burn of this class. I even contemplated buying gil online just to save me time, but shut that idea out of my head. No idea how I'm going to afford Ochiudo's Kote, along with Jujitsu Gi, Fuma Kyahan, and Brown Belt. :sweat:

                          If anyone has any suggestions on how to acquire money at a reasonable pace, please PM me and help your fellow Monk out! Right now I'm simply going to try hardcore mining (though I can't afford the Field gear :sweat: )

                          Also, if anyone has suggestions on what I could do to better my equipment (besides the items I've already mentioned), please let me know.


                          Main Job(s): 75 MNK
                          Secondary Job(s): 38 WAR / 38 WHM / 37 THF
                          San d'Oria Rank: 10
                          Zilart Mission: 14
                          Promathia Mission: 1
                          Dynamis Interloper: JEU / WIN / BAS / SAN
                          Current Status: Returning to my old favorite; the Monk. Also awaiting my new PC so I can try out World of Warcraft.

                          Got Drama? Read Shinryuken's LiveJournal!

