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a very good alternative for sniper rings

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  • a very good alternative for sniper rings

    i found out that as an elvaan monk i have enough str and the dex items might add up ...but in the end if im getting sniper rings thats too much of cash and plus u get -defence which is crap for a monk...

    as far as my equipment goes...i have the tactician magician hooks
    thats -10 defence...and 2 sniper rings ....thats a total of -30 defence..thats almost fighting without any armor..

    so i came to conclusion rather than buying sniper rings or a life belt ...*cause i have my trusty brown belt* have a small substitute for that .... if you can sacrfice not eating meat mithkabob you would prolly go through this... plan is ....use Jack-o-lantrent...

    thats +10 accuracy +10 evasion -10 chr and +25 DRK

    now you dont have a defence got you're accuracy're evasion up...and i dont think you would need chr..
    not to mention with sniper rings ull have problems fighting in xacrabard +25 resistance to dark...

    all that with a recpie of 1 bees wax + 1 ogre pumkin + 1 fire crystal...

    dont you think we need to eat these more ?

    i tried it and loved ninja friends are asking for it everyday..

    i just want to see why not that much of people use it...

    95 cooking +1
    Apron obtained
    Fishing 25 and goin up X)

    Black belt
    Alkyounes Braclets
    Scorpion Harness...
    Rasetsu Samue +1
    peacock charm
    Vishun's Cesti
    Avenger's Earrings..
    Byakko's Haidate
    Suzuaku's Sunate
    Amemet mantle +1


  • #2
    I've never heard of this food before. Where is it in the AH? I'm hurting for some accuracy, and could use an alternative to the chiefkabobs.


    • #3
      i never heard of that either but eyeball soup does practically the same thing. +10 accuracy -10 chr 4k for one bowl though :sweat:
      74 monk , 50 nin ,37 warrior, 30 thief, 24 sam
      my monk
      my nin


      • #4
        its listed underneath vegtebles i think in food...

        its so rare to find it there, if you have a chef whos over 34 i think ud get that from him so cheap to make...

        g2g >.<
        95 cooking +1
        Apron obtained
        Fishing 25 and goin up X)

        Black belt
        Alkyounes Braclets
        Scorpion Harness...
        Rasetsu Samue +1
        peacock charm
        Vishun's Cesti
        Avenger's Earrings..
        Byakko's Haidate
        Suzuaku's Sunate
        Amemet mantle +1



        • #5
          Royze if you're saying all these bad things about sniper rings then may I ask why the hell are they on your "list"? Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.
          I am the forum God.


          • #6
            Hala Royze!! Nice to see that you are posting over here!

            That sounds like a great food right there! Did not know it before. Are you a chef? I might be looking out for that food from you soon.

            As far as Monk goes, we have a ton of +STR from our gear. Right now I have +15 WITHOUT food (and its not the ubber equipment). +5 from Mithra Kabobs might not be the best solution, especialy for an Elvan (which Royze is). +Accuracy is definatly something to seek.

            43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.

            55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.


            • #7
              Do the Jack-o-lantern's stack? I didn't think they did, but I haven't checked it in a while.

              Harry Voyager


              • #8
                Originally posted by maytrix
                Royze if you're saying all these bad things about sniper rings then may I ask why the hell are they on your "list"? Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.
                please dont jump into conclusions, im not trying to start a flame thread here, im not really up to such childish things..before posting such post you might want to ask why...

                i had this signiture for a while and i just found out about the jack-o-lantren's....

                so what im saying is i didn't update my sig. that's up to me but please don't try to jump to conclusions again...

                hello modnar...

                yes bro im a chef at lvl 60 right now im trying to get to at least lvl 98 if possible...hit me up anytime i can hook u up with kabobs or lantrens if you want...give em a try...

                and my friend they dont stack its prolly an extra inventory space there but its helpful and less cash spent for better accuracy and such...

                im not flaming the sniper rings...hey they're really good but i just dislike the -stats on them....

                .02 gils
                95 cooking +1
                Apron obtained
                Fishing 25 and goin up X)

                Black belt
                Alkyounes Braclets
                Scorpion Harness...
                Rasetsu Samue +1
                peacock charm
                Vishun's Cesti
                Avenger's Earrings..
                Byakko's Haidate
                Suzuaku's Sunate
                Amemet mantle +1



                • #9
                  Can you list the approx. cost of 1 lantern and how long they last? Sounds interesting, but I think they are most valuable to Elvann since their lack of DEX, but I want to try them out as a Hume.


                  • #10
                    they last for one u can prolly take 3 with you each trip if you dont cook, or if you do cook at a lvl such as 35~ you should carry a stack of fire crystals, stack of beewax and a stack of ogre pumkins...i was fighting Incredibly tough in valkrum..and i swear my elvaan would miss like anything hit everything but the damn gob, i ate it and i missed about 1 out of 10~15 attacks..
                    i didnt have that would improve my accuracy...

                    yes i can...these are AH prices and NPC prices

                    1 lump of beeswax = 1000 each ... or you can synth them at lvl 0 alchemy ... which is 1 dis. water ... 3 beehive chips plus fire crystal

                    1 ogre pumpkin...that is about 69 gil with no fame in jeuno..
                    head up to Ru'lude gardens, go to the lil baby mithra below AH

                    and finaly 1 fire crystal...

                    check out

                    for more info
                    95 cooking +1
                    Apron obtained
                    Fishing 25 and goin up X)

                    Black belt
                    Alkyounes Braclets
                    Scorpion Harness...
                    Rasetsu Samue +1
                    peacock charm
                    Vishun's Cesti
                    Avenger's Earrings..
                    Byakko's Haidate
                    Suzuaku's Sunate
                    Amemet mantle +1



                    • #11
                      Ok genius i mean Royze. What rings is the master using now and are they any good?
                      I am the forum God.


                      • #12
                        probably sun rings, and those r great rings +3 str each. sniper rings r over rated imo. i personally jus use life belt with sun rings cause i dont feel like wasting over 500k for brown belt + sniper ring combo jus for 1 les str point, an 8% haste which is hardly noticably especially if u can jus ask the rdm in ur party to haste u and -20 def. its jus not worth it.

                        here are the stats of the two combinations

                        life belt+ sun rings
                        +6 str
                        +10 accuracy
                        brown belt+sniper rings
                        +5 str
                        +8% haste (a mages haste is much better)
                        -20 defence(brown belt adds a bit of def too but its not nearly enough to make up for -20 def)
                        +10 accuracy
                        i personally think life belt+sun rings is better but its jus my opinion.
                        74 monk , 50 nin ,37 warrior, 30 thief, 24 sam
                        my monk
                        my nin


                        • #13
                          Interesting combination for an elvaan sourjirou. Do you find the +10 accuracy (assuming that you're using no other + acc equipment) satisfying or do you need assistance from a bard or mage. Also you forgot to add the combination that everybody uses which is the life belt and sniper rings. Doesn't matter how strong you are if you don't connect with your blows.
                          I am the forum God.


                          • #14
                            i don't really mind the penalties for sniper rings, you dont tank anyways, you'll get hate for doing too much dmg occasionally but you losses hate too if you get hit hard enuf.

                            i'm using
                            Spetacles acc+7
                            Life belt acc+10
                            snipersx2 acc+10
                            temple Cyclas acc+5

                            overall i hit pretty often (70-80% of the time)


                            • #15
                              im using right now 2 garnet rings....

                              im at lvl 51 right now..iv been at 51 for a lvl 54 ill switch off to 1 dex ring and 1 sun ring..with 2 fang earrings +1 ...once i hit 59 id switch the sun ring for a tiger ring +1..

                              im not dissing the sniper rings, i would love to own one but my topic says "a very good alternative for sniper rings"

                              its an alternative at a less cost but u sacrfice you're inventory space if you cant cook em...
                              95 cooking +1
                              Apron obtained
                              Fishing 25 and goin up X)

                              Black belt
                              Alkyounes Braclets
                              Scorpion Harness...
                              Rasetsu Samue +1
                              peacock charm
                              Vishun's Cesti
                              Avenger's Earrings..
                              Byakko's Haidate
                              Suzuaku's Sunate
                              Amemet mantle +1


