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Dodge spammage; whats the point?

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  • Dodge spammage; whats the point?

    From my experiences tanking so far, I've noticed that Monks I party with tend to use Dodge as often as possible, even when not taking hits.

    Based on my testing, I've also noticed that Dodge has a minor amount of hate to it. I could be wrong about that, but I'm pretty sure I've used it to cement aggro.

    My question is this: Why do Monks that aren't taking damage using this skill? Shouldn't they save it for when they need it? Though, honestly, vs. an IT mob you won't dodge much anyway.

    So is there some hidden benefit to Dodge that I'm not seeing? Or are Monks just crazy and like those pretty swirlies?

    Main Job(s): 75 MNK
    Secondary Job(s): 38 WAR / 38 WHM / 37 THF
    San d'Oria Rank: 10
    Zilart Mission: 14
    Promathia Mission: 1
    Dynamis Interloper: JEU / WIN / BAS / SAN
    Current Status: Returning to my old favorite; the Monk. Also awaiting my new PC so I can try out World of Warcraft.

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  • #2
    Prolly jus using it because they can.... Anyhow I only use it when I'm already taking hits, and Monks evasion isn't too bad, I've dodged quite a few hits from ITs.
    Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


    • #3
      They like the pretty swirls. Yes, any ability that you activate during a fight will cause hate. With something like RNG/DRK using Sharpshot/Last Resort/Barrage during a fight, it easly draws hate away from the person that used Provoke. The only benefit really of spamming Dodge, is it keeps hate slightly leveled so if you are taking to much damage just turn away so you arn't attacking and a few seconds after that the MNK should end up with the monster (Unless you have a RNG doing enough damage).

      Other then that it's really just they like the swirls, it's so purty ...

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        I have noticed that Focus, Berserk, and Defender don't draw aggro while Dodge and Chakra do. Can anyone confirm this?
        Watch me delete a year's worth of effort


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pandaman
          I have noticed that Focus, Berserk, and Defender don't draw aggro while Dodge and Chakra do. Can anyone confirm this?
          That's been my experience as well.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pandaman
            I have noticed that Focus, Berserk, and Defender don't draw aggro while Dodge and Chakra do. Can anyone confirm this?
            i'd have to disagree with the first too... when your hitting more, and harder you get more hate , but dodge is unecesary, and i save chakra for when i need it

            75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

            Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
            Genkei 5 Completed
            Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
            Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
            93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
            Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
            Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


            • #7
              i'm pretty sure berserk draws agro. i've seen a monster turn to me a couple of times when i berserked. its only a small amount of hate though. the only reason some would spam dogde and boost would be to hold hate if they're tanking or theyre a noob that doesnt kno what their doin :sweat:
              74 monk , 50 nin ,37 warrior, 30 thief, 24 sam
              my monk
              my nin


              • #8
                Everything you do draw hate, I was once bored enough to PL as MNK/WHM5, with my tiny MP, and my little cure, I can't get hate from the monster, so I used boost, which monster turned once but quickly turned back, so I used berserker, then the monster stuck to me for a while.

                I think monks that spam dodge is a bit dumb... I only use dodge in the following:

                -when I am luring(rare)
                -when the main tanker died and the rest of the melee are too scared to tank(rare..?)
                -soloing NM(often)

                Monk already bring enough hate by the attack power, no need to add more hate...


                • #9
                  Thanks for the answers. I pretty much figured spamming Dodge was useless for non-tanks. Anyway, since the discussion came up:

                  Skills that I know draw hate, from my experience:

                  Boost (Boosting is essential as a War/Mnk to hold hate)
                  Dodge (have turned mobs around with this)
                  Berserk (have lost aggro in the first Provoke combat round, and used Berserk to turn mob to me. Don't forget to cancel it)
                  Warcry (awesome hate, I use this in emergency, never spam)

                  Skills I've found to draw insignificant or no hate:

                  Defender (have never seen it turn a mob around)

                  Main Job(s): 75 MNK
                  Secondary Job(s): 38 WAR / 38 WHM / 37 THF
                  San d'Oria Rank: 10
                  Zilart Mission: 14
                  Promathia Mission: 1
                  Dynamis Interloper: JEU / WIN / BAS / SAN
                  Current Status: Returning to my old favorite; the Monk. Also awaiting my new PC so I can try out World of Warcraft.

                  Got Drama? Read Shinryuken's LiveJournal!


                  • #10
                    [QUOTE]Originally posted by JayblahX
                    Boost (Boosting is essential as a War/Mnk to hold hate)

                    I agree... lvling my War in kazham i found it to be almost as good as a mini-voke...

                    75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

                    Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
                    Genkei 5 Completed
                    Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
                    Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
                    93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
                    Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
                    Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


                    • #11
                      All skills draw hate, it might just be your hate is already too low or high when you do defender...


                      • #12
                        If Defender does draw any hate at all, it's probably negligable. I was once in the habit of using Provoke>Defender>Boost (within like two seconds) at the start of a battle and saw no increase in the ability to hold hate If someone provoked right after, they'd still take the hate. I don't see any reason to use Defender in the middle of the battle unless you have almost no downtime between fights, unless you like running the clock on your abilities. The one attack it could cost you from using it during/at the start of battle will probably cause more hate than the ability itself, so I recommend using it before you engage.

                        My 2 gil.


                        • #13
                          Spamming Dodge is perfectly fine for a Monk.... just use it before the puller engages a mob so that you get to use the ability without it causing any hate


                          • #14
                            its still pointless. ur better off boosting in between matches. even though thats useless as well if u dont have chi blast yet. i say only dogde if ur soloing, u plan on tanking at the beginin of the match so a theif can fuidama a tank or if u draw agro (in that case i think activating defender would probably help more if the monster hits really hard)

                            as for u PWNZULoL i suggest u keep spaming boost every 15 secs and provoking every 30. when ever i lvl my warrior i can almost always hold perfect hate.using defender inbattle from what i can tell doesnt draw much hate at all but it will not hurt u if u use it inbattle. since the duration of defender is jus as long as the reactivation time u should have it on all the time so u take minimal dmg.
                            74 monk , 50 nin ,37 warrior, 30 thief, 24 sam
                            my monk
                            my nin


                            • #15
                              I like it. :mad:

                              I haven't had any real issues with hate, and I practically always use Focus/Dodge/Berserk together. I pretty much only get hate from WS, but that's expected. Then again I can't remember the last time I dodged anything...
                              Straw-hat Pirates, fool! What?!

