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Ochiudos Kote + Farming Options

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  • Ochiudos Kote + Farming Options

    Well, I've put it off for long enough. I need some info, sorry to bug everyone by just asking questions, opinions are also accepted :D

    1) What lvl can one camp Mee deggi solo?
    2) Brown Belt or Life Belt (thf subjob)
    3) How did you get your kote?
    4) Money making options.
    I've tried farming, camping nm 0/11 on lizzy now ; ; fishing lvl 11 skill ; ; and bcnm (don't wanna know how many unsuccessful attempts) I would just like tips, suggestions, anything lol

    I have to support both samurai and monk, and while they both have equips that will work with eachother, och. kote, fuma kyahan, jujitsu gi, life belt, the weapons and exclusive equips are still pricey. Suggestions HIGHLY appreciated :D

    San'Doria Rank 10
    Black Belt: O

  • #2
    1) lv41 MNK/THF can beat it according to JP, which I tried, and failed... and I went to camp at 48 which I was safe enough to afk

    2)Brown belt

    3)Haven't got it yet, its important, but I guess I can use the excuse of monk being my 1st job...

    4)Fight stuffs that drop expensive stuffs but heavy spawn. Goblin smithy for chainmail, Chaos idol for doll shard, etc


    • #3
      1) Saw a lv.47 mnk/war solo mee deggi.
      2) Brown for Mnk, Life for Sam
      3) Bought for 460k
      4) I got lucky on hoo mjuu and i had some crap in my safe that i didnt use, totaling to over 100k. Use all that money to buy kotes.
      Also tried farming tigers and the fangs dropped rate was nice.

      Umm, just be patient with farming and you'll get the money.
      "You were unable to buy the scorpion harness for 1,900,000 G." Damn some day =P
      Goldsmith 25 Cooking 59.4 Smithing 40


      • #4
        1. Not Sure
        2. Never anything but Life belt in xp pt's and lvl your war thf sub is worthless
        3. farmed, farmed, farmed, farmed, farmed, and farmed some more
        4. that's for you to figure out

        75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

        Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
        Genkei 5 Completed
        Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
        Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
        93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
        Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
        Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


        • #5
          1) What lvl can one camp Mee deggi solo?
          Don't know first got him with my 60DRG ; ;

          2) Brown Belt or Life Belt (thf subjob)
          I use life cuz I dont have brown I will get brown...I'm expecting to miss noticeably more though.

          3) How did you get your kote?
          Bought it for 470k

          4) Money making options.
          Got 300k from Phalanx on BC40. Asides from that...I OWN Delkfutt's Tower.
          MNK 75 RNG 75 DRG 63 WAR 37
          THF 37 NIN 37 WHM 38 BST 52
          Enough bitching to make your eyes bleed, drama too. ;o


          • #6
            1) I would think 40ish with 2 hour maybe not :confused:
            2) I love Brown Belt, but Life Belt is still an option
            3) Bought Ochiudo's Kote for 355K at level 42
            4) I haven't gotten 1 gil from NMs or BCNM, I farmed Tigers for what seemed like years.
            Straw-hat Pirates, fool! What?!


            • #7
              1. level 42 you can solo him, with 2-hour
              2. i use the life belt (didn't finish brown belt quest yet)
              3. see # 1
              4. i personally camp diffrent nms.


              • #8
                1) Yea he's not hard at all... the problem is beating all the JP spam bots that are there to the pull. Of course when i was there last night on the ledge above where he pops, he's just sitting there and made me cry...

                2)Brown belt all the way, can't pass up +5 str and +8% haste... make the accuracy up elsewhere, your body gives 5, can get a sniper ring for the last 5. I still carry a life belt around incase we move our XP party to someplace that maybe is too high for me and i miss a ton.

                3) I bought them for 400k, sold them cause i didn't see a damage increase... bought them later on and resold them again... just never thought they were worth it.

                4) heh.. who doesn't wanna know this? If you put time into it you can make money anywhere.. just people are lazy and wanna make a quick gil =P

                Shura: 3/5 AF2: 4/5 God Armor: 6/6
                Check out the rest of my stuff


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rossb2k
                  1) Yea he's not hard at all... the problem is beating all the JP spam bots that are there to the pull. Of course when i was there last night on the ledge above where he pops, he's just sitting there and made me cry...

                  2)Brown belt all the way, can't pass up +5 str and +8% haste... make the accuracy up elsewhere, your body gives 5, can get a sniper ring for the last 5. I still carry a life belt around incase we move our XP party to someplace that maybe is too high for me and i miss a ton.

                  3) I bought them for 400k, sold them cause i didn't see a damage increase... bought them later on and resold them again... just never thought they were worth it.

                  4) heh.. who doesn't wanna know this? If you put time into it you can make money anywhere.. just people are lazy and wanna make a quick gil =P
                  Say you didn't see much of a damage increase with Kote, mind if I ask what gloves you did use? (Battle Gloves, Federation Tekko, both +3 ACC, or Enkelados Bracelets, +7 STR, or something else??)
                  Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


                  • #10
                    1). Never camped it, so I'm not sure. People say it is one of the most camped NMs
                    2). Brown Belt. +5 STR and 8% Haste make a big difference.
                    3). Bought it on Midgardsormr AH for 375k about 3 months ago.
                    4). Farmed the money. Took me about 1.5 weeks. I got it at 34 :spin:

                    I agree with Ross for the most part. I sold my Kote recently for 450k (price spiked before ballista 40 event), and in return bought a sniper ring and Enkelados bracelets for a total of 400k~. Really glad I made that decision.

                    While ATK increased my average damage a good deal while farming Too Weak mobs, I can't say it did the same for IT mobs. It did for bones, but I am not at the point where EXPing undead is a good option. I saw a much bigger increase using +7 STR Enkelados Bracelets while fighting Beetles/Crabs, and other IT mobs. Increasing your STR increases the damage curve itself, boosting min and max damage. I'll probably be sticking with the giant glove family, next one I will use is +9 STR Pallas Bracelets at 60, then +11 STR at 70. I don't mind the dex penalty since I am Mithra, most of the loss is offset by my Spike Necklace and Jujitsu Sitabaki anyways.
                    70 MNK / 50 DRK / 35 WAR / 33 THF / 32 BLM / 17 NIN / 15 RNG / 15 DRG / 12 RDM
                    Citizen of Windurst


                    • #11
                      Yes I used the Enkelados Bracelets for awhile, until around 47ish cause i felt the accuracy on battle gloves was more worthwhile, and with TM hooks your damage is gonna go up there anyway. I made up the dex with a dex+2 ring and spike necklace, and I liked that setup. At 54 I got temple gloves (That's when i bought the kote to test it against them) and with 4 str and enhanced boost, the kote really don't come close IMO.. people say "switch the kote in when you WS" but I don't see the damage difference with that either. Remeber, STR increases your damage range, while attack increases your average within that range. Against crabs and beetles and other garbage that resists h2h weapons a lot, you're gonna wanna shoot for the higher damage end to compete with the other classes.

                      Shura: 3/5 AF2: 4/5 God Armor: 6/6
                      Check out the rest of my stuff


                      • #12
                        Here's how you can make about 350k or more to put towards Kote:


                        Not to mention that you'll have great fame after doing all the necessary quests, which is never a bad thing to have. Depending on your server, that should put you at the price of Kote, or within about 100k.


                        • #13
                          1) 50 recommded. Low 40's will aggro everything in the room and you'll be barely able to go toe-to-toe with an Interrogator.
                          2) Both. Sometimes you'll swing and hit air. Sometimes you won't. Be prepared for all occasions.
                          3) Don't have. Perhaps never will. I'm past the level that it's really effective at, so I don't know if this is really a good investment for me at this stage.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Aeynrieus
                            Here's how you can make about 350k or more to put towards Kote:


                            Not to mention that you'll have great fame after doing all the necessary quests, which is never a bad thing to have. Depending on your server, that should put you at the price of Kote, or within about 100k.
                            except for the fact that your in trouble when you play whm or nin and gotta rebuy all that shit..

                            75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

                            Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
                            Genkei 5 Completed
                            Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
                            Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
                            93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
                            Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
                            Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


                            • #15
                              By the time you decide to switch off monk you can either sell your kote or farm at a decent rate with monk that it shouldn't be too much of a problem. And as far as spell prices go they pretty much always depreciate over time as more people start doing them.
                              Retired ;(

