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Monk Throwing

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  • Monk Throwing

    I think everyone here is sick of looking in the auction house and finding only 4 throwing weapons a monk would use ..

    3-morion tathlum or something*which you dont want to ever throw*

    im sick of finding out that 99 tathlums we're sold in april 2003 as last sell and going to the blacksmith guild to find out its 609gil a piece...

    now who's going to throw 609gils each time let's say you want to pull..

    yes i know chi blast can be a substute for pulling but c'mon..
    imagine we can use a those theivs and ninjas..

    almost every class got a ranged attack but for the monk..

    im thinking of signing an online petition or sending SQE an email regarding this issue..

    before making a move i want to know if i got enough support..

    95 cooking +1
    Apron obtained
    Fishing 25 and goin up X)

    Black belt
    Alkyounes Braclets
    Scorpion Harness...
    Rasetsu Samue +1
    peacock charm
    Vishun's Cesti
    Avenger's Earrings..
    Byakko's Haidate
    Suzuaku's Sunate
    Amemet mantle +1


  • #2
    *cough* bst has throwing *cough*
    *cough* we throw pebbles just like whm and mnk *cough*
    *cough* we get bow and arrow but like pld, we get no skill in it, shoot 1 billion arrows, still lv 0 *cough cough*

    anyone know how equipping a weapon you don't get proficiency in affect the damage output or accuracy????
    75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


    • #3
      not to go off topic...

      get the bow go to a lvl 1 lvling place i.e. South gustaberg..

      shoot and see

      back to the topic :angel:
      95 cooking +1
      Apron obtained
      Fishing 25 and goin up X)

      Black belt
      Alkyounes Braclets
      Scorpion Harness...
      Rasetsu Samue +1
      peacock charm
      Vishun's Cesti
      Avenger's Earrings..
      Byakko's Haidate
      Suzuaku's Sunate
      Amemet mantle +1



      • #4
        Re: Monk Throwing

        Originally posted by Royze
        I think everyone here is sick of looking in the auction house and finding only 4 throwing weapons a monk would use ..

        3-morion tathlum or something*which you dont want to ever throw*

        im sick of finding out that 99 tathlums we're sold in april 2003 as last sell and going to the blacksmith guild to find out its 609gil a piece...

        now who's going to throw 609gils each time let's say you want to pull..

        yes i know chi blast can be a substute for pulling but c'mon..
        imagine we can use a those theivs and ninjas..

        almost every class got a ranged attack but for the monk..

        im thinking of signing an online petition or sending SQE an email regarding this issue..

        before making a move i want to know if i got enough support..

        Correction, DRGs don't have ranged too.
        WHM 75 | BLM 37 | RDM 63 | WAR 75 | MNK 44 | NIN 37 | RNG 20
        Windurst Rank 10 | Bastok Rank 10 | Sandoria Rank 3
        No more permanent stats on "In areas outside own nation's control" items.
        Combat Caster's Boomberang +1 | Master Caster's Bracelets
        Sandoria is gay.

        I'm a warrior and I kill stuff! RAWR!

        ph34r the Gigant Axe rush.


        • #5
          well my point is,

          we are gimped, what so ever the job is, we should be all equal in such things...

          im not saying we should be able to tank like a paladin too ..

          but when i look at my character's combat skills and see some of them uncapped i feel kinda wierd...i mean im trying to get the most out of my character, damage, best equp. i can get, skills, weapons or what ever it is...

          going back to the topic again ...
          95 cooking +1
          Apron obtained
          Fishing 25 and goin up X)

          Black belt
          Alkyounes Braclets
          Scorpion Harness...
          Rasetsu Samue +1
          peacock charm
          Vishun's Cesti
          Avenger's Earrings..
          Byakko's Haidate
          Suzuaku's Sunate
          Amemet mantle +1



          • #6
            I could care less honestly but if a pt expects me to pull they deal with voke when my Chi Blast is down...

            sorry pld's that's the way it goes

            75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

            Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
            Genkei 5 Completed
            Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
            Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
            93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
            Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
            Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


            • #7
              Nah...honestly i could care less for any throwing weapons. As long as it gets the mobs attention, it does the job.

              My honest opinion is that since we don't get much of a skilling up in those things, we should at least be compensated with a new chi ability. 2 more: 1 weaker chi ability that puts chi energy to your fists and lets you fight with +light dmg on your fists (make it H2H exclusive). at lvl 25 or something

              and another chi ability at lvl 65 or 70, where your chi blast just gets HUGE, and you deal dmg = 2 x Chi blast but at the loss of some HP (this would explain why we get so much damn HP boosts anyways).

              And they should make a chi skill where if you build up more mnd, your chi dmg goes up, and if you keep using chi abilities, your chi skill goes up. We'd get an A+ in chi skill, and the others get nothing in it, or half as much if they sub mnk.

              oh and they should make Dragoons get a special skill too. Like give wyvern skills. The more you use a wyvern the better dmg they deal. (this would compensate for drg's gimpness at the moment and make their overall dmg over time pretty impressive they cap those lvls). And it'd be exclusive to dragoons obviously.

              This would make things even. It kinda sucks that drgs can't use bow, i dont even think they can throw pebbles !?
              either way, throwing sucks for drg, mnk, so if we could at least get those other skills, S-E that'd make things a bit better.


              • #8
                go read more about the wyvern skills -_-; what happenes when you change sub and what the wyvern can do at such times..

                im changing the topic here god damn it


                its either we have a skill in throwing and we have a proper weapon we can use to lvl that up or...we dont have a skill at all

                i just hate the idea of looking at *throwing* and see it stuck at 2 ... its becoming more like a cap or something =_=;
                95 cooking +1
                Apron obtained
                Fishing 25 and goin up X)

                Black belt
                Alkyounes Braclets
                Scorpion Harness...
                Rasetsu Samue +1
                peacock charm
                Vishun's Cesti
                Avenger's Earrings..
                Byakko's Haidate
                Suzuaku's Sunate
                Amemet mantle +1



                • #9
                  NIN is the master of throwing, they are A+ in throwing, yet how many NIN you see that actually throw shuriken?

                  Up til 52, I have never ever bothered about ranged attack for monk, for luring, there is always the tanker or the 2nd melee who is a non-mnk... and I never needed to throw anything. for attack, my punch does enough damage to actually need a pebble...

                  It's there, but when we don't really need it, why raise it? you can always raise it with war or thf using bomerang, it's not like you have to stick to 1 job all the time...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JexIntrepid
                    Nah...honestly i could care less for any throwing weapons. As long as it gets the mobs attention, it does the job.

                    My honest opinion is that since we don't get much of a skilling up in those things, we should at least be compensated with a new chi ability. 2 more: 1 weaker chi ability that puts chi energy to your fists and lets you fight with +light dmg on your fists (make it H2H exclusive). at lvl 25 or something

                    and another chi ability at lvl 65 or 70, where your chi blast just gets HUGE, and you deal dmg = 2 x Chi blast but at the loss of some HP (this would explain why we get so much damn HP boosts anyways).

                    And they should make a chi skill where if you build up more mnd, your chi dmg goes up, and if you keep using chi abilities, your chi skill goes up. We'd get an A+ in chi skill, and the others get nothing in it, or half as much if they sub mnk.

                    oh and they should make Dragoons get a special skill too. Like give wyvern skills. The more you use a wyvern the better dmg they deal. (this would compensate for drg's gimpness at the moment and make their overall dmg over time pretty impressive they cap those lvls). And it'd be exclusive to dragoons obviously.

                    This would make things even. It kinda sucks that drgs can't use bow, i dont even think they can throw pebbles !?
                    either way, throwing sucks for drg, mnk, so if we could at least get those other skills, S-E that'd make things a bit better.
                    And then let's make MNK do 1000000 damage per hit.

                    And DRG's wyvern should do 100000. That's 1 less 0 so they don't overdamage, you know. Wouldn't want the wyvern outdamaging the DRG.
                    Listen to yourselves agree and ostracize anyone that actually tries to make a point. You sound like hyenas, or maybe that is just my laughing at you.


                    • #11
                      I love when people do that take a good ideal and then take it to the extreem as a form of sarcasm saying basicaly SE should never even consider giving anyone new abilities.
                      Monks, Samurai, Dragoons, Warriors (and some others but those are the ones that pop into my mind the most) lack abilites later on in the game (yes I know you can sub for other abilites but thats not the point). We need more abilties and thats very apparent. Ok so at 51 I get kick... wow what about the other 24 levels Ws .. oh great I get weapon skills. So does everyone else I not saying gime more gime more gime more I'm just saying for 22 levels I have nothing to look forward to but my war subs war cry .... wow and thats it.
                      I really think those gaps should be filled in not just for monk but for all classes. I'm not asking for some uber extreem ownages kill all ability I'm just asking for some more content between levels 51- 75 anything hell the chi ideal sounded good.

                      and to go on topic about the throwing ability I think that more items made for throwing should be added to the game that don't cost a fortune each. Unless the damage they do reflect the price that they cost. Yes I know thier are boomerangs but things that other classes that can throw that are stackable to 99 and don't cost ungodly ammounts of money to use.
                      Fighting without knowledge of the battle is like wacking at a tree with a rusty sword badly in need of repair.

                      P.S. ..if a male mithra is ever made available for this game I don't care what level I am I would start over in a heartbeat. Just something about playing a female as a male that bothers me.. Not for the dex.. but because I like cats


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by GosamerWings
                        I love when people do that take a good ideal and then take it to the extreem as a form of sarcasm saying basicaly SE should never even consider giving anyone new abilities.
                        Monks, Samurai, Dragoons, Warriors (and some others but those are the ones that pop into my mind the most) lack abilites later on in the game (yes I know you can sub for other abilites but thats not the point). We need more abilties and thats very apparent. Ok so at 51 I get kick... wow what about the other 24 levels Ws .. oh great I get weapon skills. So does everyone else I not saying gime more gime more gime more I'm just saying for 22 levels I have nothing to look forward to but my war subs war cry .... wow and thats it.
                        I really think those gaps should be filled in not just for monk but for all classes. I'm not asking for some uber extreem ownages kill all ability I'm just asking for some more content between levels 51- 75 anything hell the chi ideal sounded good.

                        and to go on topic about the throwing ability I think that more items made for throwing should be added to the game that don't cost a fortune each. Unless the damage they do reflect the price that they cost. Yes I know thier are boomerangs but things that other classes that can throw that are stackable to 99 and don't cost ungodly ammounts of money to use.
                        While you may be unaware of this, DRK do not get a new ability after level 50 (which are considerably crappier than kick). Stop whining, you're already in the top tier of melee damage along with DRK. Next thing you know you'll be wanting a weapon skill called "ninety-nine fists" which is just like your two hour but it lasts for one second less. All melees lack abilities later on in the game, but saying MNKs need them more is idiotic. At least you get one post 50. In fact, you're the only job that gets one post 50.

                        Solution: change pebble stack size to 99 and watch MNKs bitch about how every other job can use ranged (except those poor DRGs and those poor mages, who we like to forget about).
                        Listen to yourselves agree and ostracize anyone that actually tries to make a point. You sound like hyenas, or maybe that is just my laughing at you.


                        • #13
                          Seriously, who cares if Monks can't use any good ranged weapons? When I think of throwing weapons I think of Ninjas and Thieves, not Monks. No party should be forcing a Monk to pull anyway. Just about every party has a Warrior/Thief/Ninja/Darkknight/Samurai/Ranger - all of which can use ranged weapons. Monk can pull every second mob using Chi Blast (or every mob) anyway, whats the need for a ranged weapon? Don't Monks get a H2H bonus at 60 anyway?

                          Anyhow, Monks are already the best end-game damage dealer, and a damn cool class.
                          Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ENWEH

                            While you may be unaware of this, DRK do not get a new ability after level 50 (which are considerably crappier than kick). Stop whining, you're already in the top tier of melee damage along with DRK. Next thing you know you'll be wanting a weapon skill called "ninety-nine fists" which is just like your two hour but it lasts for one second less. All melees lack abilities later on in the game, but saying MNKs need them more is idiotic. At least you get one post 50. In fact, you're the only job that gets one post 50.

                            Solution: change pebble stack size to 99 and watch MNKs bitch about how every other job can use ranged (except those poor DRGs and those poor mages, who we like to forget about).
                            I mentioned the ones that were most apparent and I'm not just saying this for monks... I'm saying this for all classes learn to read before you start to type because you obviously didn't. I just used monk as my focus of my paragraph because well I am one lol...

                            I don't want new weapon skills or any of that I want square to fill in the gaps for all jobs that don't get anything in the high end portion of the game mainly abilites. But you can't seem to see past the fact that wanting the addition of new abilites for all jobs that lack anything for a large quanity of levels as anything but ignorance. I'm sorry if I'm not used to not looking forward to anything else but weapon skills.
                            So here we go again another person taking the extreem saying: "The next thing that I'll want" putting words in my mouth you just said yourself Drks don't get anything past 50 and thats what I'm talking about not just monks not just Sams not just drgs I'm talking about all of us as a whole. I'm idiotic for wanting a lil more 52+ ok... so what about Drks for wanting more 50+ or drg for wanting more after thier last ability or Sams for wanting more after Meditate.
                            The fact is and it stands that meeles are severly lacking abilities end games we get weapon skills and thats it. And that needs to be changed. I do care about the throwing issue and I hate to sidetrack the thread but the bigger issue is we (not just monks but all meeles need more abilites end game to set us apart from just being another slot in the party to keep the mages from taking hits. And I wish people would see that and stop trying to just say were whining because were not mages with uber high level s**t)
                            Fighting without knowledge of the battle is like wacking at a tree with a rusty sword badly in need of repair.

                            P.S. ..if a male mithra is ever made available for this game I don't care what level I am I would start over in a heartbeat. Just something about playing a female as a male that bothers me.. Not for the dex.. but because I like cats


                            • #15
                              thank's made my point clearer to the public..

                              side note:

                              almost each class has an improvment to the abilites at 61 and 71...

                              monk gets improved kick attacks at 71 if my memory serves me good..

                              and dont mention kick attacks as something "crappy" ... put on some kungfu shoes and watch ....3 hits each couple of seconds.. dont tell me that doesnt stack...and when double attack checks it checks on each punch and the kick so...double kick would definitly add up..

                              post 50 is all improvments to whatever you have.. thats why you have you're AF...more improvments...

                              .02 cents ...
                              95 cooking +1
                              Apron obtained
                              Fishing 25 and goin up X)

                              Black belt
                              Alkyounes Braclets
                              Scorpion Harness...
                              Rasetsu Samue +1
                              peacock charm
                              Vishun's Cesti
                              Avenger's Earrings..
                              Byakko's Haidate
                              Suzuaku's Sunate
                              Amemet mantle +1


