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Monk Throwing

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  • #31
    I really should read the threads I post to more often to see how many people notice that my posts are usually thinly veiled flames.

    I'll go in order of post from oldest to newest that talk to me. Let's begin!

    Way to go on being hypocritical. "Please don't jack my thread, it's about throwing!!!!! Also, here is my two paragraph rant about jacking threads!" Yeah, way to jack your own thread.

    If you were to read my post you would realize I said the only two jobs that wanted anything post 50 were MNK and THF. Notice how I said THF. You're right though, DRG do seem to be bitching more often lately after this penta-nerf, as they've taken to calling it (hint: SE doesn't hate you, it hates asuran fist spam). Seeing as how most people that level SAM past 50 realize that they're only there to do a renkei, they don't really complain much. Meditate every fight sounds like a good deal to me, and with TP gain and a sniper or two you have yourself a double renkei every fight. Also, we're talking about melees. Don't confuse ranged with melee. RNG build TP faster because all they have to do is buff AGI and their bow takes care of the rest.

    MNK and DRK have two viable subjobs, this is true. However, they are the ones used because they work good. You can sub SAM with either and still be efficient, you just won't be AS efficient. I mean, look at all the idiot RDMs that sub NIN in an exp party because they can "do more damage." (Sidenote: if you're a RDM and do this, five words for you: shut up and heal me)

    SAM has two options also, WAR and RNG. You put it correctly when you said RNG is overly expensive. And to go along with your English theme, uber is a German word. Don't mistake German with English, although they do share some of the same roots.

    I agree with more viable subjobs to make the game more fun. However, I don't believe that main jobs should get more abilities just because they're feeling inadequate. Only one job should get more abilities added as far as I'm concerned, and that is THF. They get very owned after level 60.

    Excellent deduction on why subbing WAR is a good idea. I think you hit the main points on what we already know.

    DRG have been owned after this patch. There is no question. However, them being owned will only force them to adopt a new playstayle that is unlike the pentaspam that was so prevalent before. Who knows, maybe the job will finally take some skill to do.

    What is the point of super jump? To shed ALL hate. How do you accomplish this if you do damage on the way down?

    Like I told Jex, only one melee needs more abilities post-50 (THF if you didn't read it). Adding to a MNK's abilities would be overkill. Adding to a DRK's abilities would kill THF even more. DRG have to adapt and figure out what they're going to do in the party now before they get thrown another curveball like that shitty Spirit Link. SAM know their job is to renkei, so they really don't need anything (meditate 2 just sounds dumb).

    Please, put the commas in the right place next time. And you had the wrong number of commas.

    Oh, and in that party one MNK should have pulled with chi then the other MNK. A rotation would be ideal. Two MNK, fights that last at least 2 minutes, chi blast cooldown of 3 minutes, sounds like nonstop pulling to me.

    I believe your AF makes chakra clear paralyze and blindness. Poisona is inherent in regular chakra (I think).

    Otherwise, I agree. MNK is good as it is, perhaps too good.


    (skip Taoist and back to Mal)

    Sounds good, but it could be abused (6MNK spamming chakra sounds like a plan to me).

    We aren't talking about active abilities, we are talking about abilities. And if you really want the answer: level 41. That's still higher than DRK, RNG, and SAM. Excellent point!

    Who doesn't want a fun ability to mess around with? But really, think about it. If you're a company that runs an MMORPG, which is your top priority: making a job fun for less than 10% of the playerbase or balancing out a job so that it can compete realistically late game. I think we both know the answer. When it comes down to it, SE is not about fun.

    On pebbles:
    SE should just make them stackable to 99 and be done with it.
    Listen to yourselves agree and ostracize anyone that actually tries to make a point. You sound like hyenas, or maybe that is just my laughing at you.


    • #32
      Well, I'm not game designer, so if my idea were to be implemented, it'd have to undergo some testing, of course.

      However, unlike some other players who post their ideas on forums (I'm not singling anybody out, just generalizing, ) I accept that my idea could be, in both theory and execution, pure trash. Monks have been doing well in the past, and I'm guessing they'll continue doing well for now.

      I tip my hat to you, Enweh. You are indeed one of the coolest individuals I've met on here. I'm saying that without sarcasm, too.

      Move over to Quetzalcoatl. Times are getting pretty tough when one in every three people I see are @#$% idiots. (One in every of the other two people are idiots with really charming nicknames, like "Skeletor" and "Applejuice." I love that.) We need more cool people. :sweat:

      I dunno. I'm more looking forward to more armor models for the current equipment in the game instead of more abilities. We're doing just fine with the abilities we have, but I'm growing quite tired of everybody looking exactly like each other.

      "if you want to be different go play a single player game." - navpops


      • #33
        Dragoons have nothing to worry about really. If they were given mobs who are even more weak to polearm and piercing weps or lances, post-60, this would make them more useful. Their ws would do more dmg, and they wouldn't have to complain.

        Really i think this new expansion is an answer to their problems. New areas, new mobs, more for ppl not to focus their entire time in that tomb where mnks rule. I mean, i'm a mnk, but last thing i want is a fuckin' nerf on our abilities cuz S-E couldn't think of making new mobs to balance out other dmg dealer usefulness.

        Oh and i remember in an article they promised samurai more demon-based mobs....still have yet to see that, and even more useful for samurai would be accuracy so that they could actually hit their arch-enemies. :sweat:

        Seriously though, Enweh, good post. I'm glad you weren't entirely flaming, and i agree on a lot of your viewpoints.

        I honestly feel that more viable jobs would make this game much more fun, experimental, party-friendly, and would make the 40hrs lfg as a dmg dealer much less.


        • #34
          Originally posted by ENWEH

          Way to go on being hypocritical. "Please don't jack my thread, it's about throwing!!!!! Also, here is my two paragraph rant about jacking threads!" Yeah, way to jack your own thread.
          again bud...stop calling random people hypocrits, this is my own thread, i never heared of someone jacking his own thread but well, i had to say something at those points..

          just try to be nice, again im not here to start useless and an act of kids flame thread...

          im really not in the mood for that..

          i agree with some of you're post to the thread...i think i got my self some points and i'll head on and send S-E an email..
          95 cooking +1
          Apron obtained
          Fishing 25 and goin up X)

          Black belt
          Alkyounes Braclets
          Scorpion Harness...
          Rasetsu Samue +1
          peacock charm
          Vishun's Cesti
          Avenger's Earrings..
          Byakko's Haidate
          Suzuaku's Sunate
          Amemet mantle +1


