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a dilema

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  • a dilema

    ~ i kind of want a taru taru monk, and i've already invested time into 4 jobs.. (31 war, 33 blm, 31 ninja, 16 whm) on a Hume and Elvaan. if i could start over, i would make all these jobs on a taru taru, even my BLM, but i have spent so much money on my BLM, and its dreadful to think about starting all over. (quests, missions, keys)

    has anyone dealt with this? what did you do? go ahead and remake?

  • #2
    wrong part of the forum?

    Anyway, mm... it sure is a hard decision... get a friend to hold your money and stuffs, while you restart... the thing you will lose for sure are your rank, fame, and magic... redoing the quests should be less of a nightmare since you know what to do...

    If you really want to remake, remake now before you lvl higher...
    And might as well do some quests to get yourself some quest rewards that can only be obtained per character, ie Blaze Spike...

    Or you could buy another slot, and play your taru and hume alternately, as soon as your taru reach your hume lvl, you can make your hume into a storage(which with your previously earned fame, it'd make starting storage quest easier)


    • #3
      You have 2 chars correct?

      Just Send all your Stuff From One Char To Another.. Once The Other Char is Holding all the stuff u want Tranferd.. Delete him.. make a taru taru send him the stuff.... Then Use Taru as Mule if yor gunna remake another a nother char into a taru..

      but my opinon is Save your Strongest char .. and Delete your weaker one for a strong one.. cuz u dunna wanna be long down the road again and be like damn 2 taru's where is the selection ..

      u kno..

      Leaping boots:X Emp hairpin:X 2xSniper's Rings:X Utsusemi Ichi:X (again) .. I can now LVL NIN!!


      • #4
        I dealt with something similar to this... My solution is this:

        Download an evil virus to crash your computer, forcing you to start everything over, then buy the game for PS2 and start your desired character.

        Or if that doesn't work for ya:

        (Not to be judgemental) but it seems to me that you have a hard time staying in one place. You already have two characters and three jobs past 30? I would make absolutely certain that you can actually commit to taking another character past lvl 30 before I started another toon. I *wouldn't* do it for some elitist reasoning that you picked the "wrong" race for a job and so you should start over, but Taru MNK, I take it that's not the way you're thinking If you feel like you picked your characters for "the wrong reasons" intially, then maybe you should start another character. Anyway, just saying that I'd hate for you to invest time in another character and then decide that it wasn't what you wanted afterall.

        Look at it this way: You want to be a MNK? You'll have to start over at lvl 1 anyway -_- and you can keep the cash from your other characters. Personally, I wouldn't want to go through it all again, but you're not losing much more than rank/fame/quests if you start a completely new character, so it's your call.


        • #5
          Until level 34, MNK is easily the cheapest class to play as by far. Even then its still cheap up until 40 (if you don't/can't buy Ouchido's Kote....its ok if you can't buy them right away, but plan on buying them at some point before 60).

          So if you just want to use a MNK for a little fun, it won't cost you too much money wise. And a Taru MNK "is" fun, beleive me.
          Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
          Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)


          • #6
            Well Im on my 3rd lvl 30 char.
            1st was Beta
            2nd was an ELF
            3rd Taru
            Im a 36WAR 37MNK 60WHM 30BLM 21SMN (with avatars the hard way)
            I love my Taru. I do crazy damage on my Monk. I dont have the Kote but at this point almost everything is IT low def to me so I dont see the point in them. But then again my STR is +22 using a Katar+1
            If your going to lvl a taru monk get all the STR gear you can and eat kabobs.

            Personal record Mnk/War Backhand blow 257 damage to an IT crawler
            If you want a damage dealer
            Get a MNK
            If you wanna waste MP
            Get a DRK

