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Monk Vs. sam...

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  • Monk Vs. sam...

    I saw this question asked before and I actually postd this once, but I never get a specific responce. So can someone please do so.

    I'm planning on being a Galka on Fenrir (prolly spelt wrong) but I don't know what I want to be yet, I either want to be Samurai/warrior, or Monk/warrior. But the things I'm seeking to know are;................... so I can chose a starting job that I'd actually use.

    #1. Which job is more rare at higher levels (level 45+)?
    #2. What job is wanted in parties more at 45+?
    #3. Which job is gonna help more in a permanent party if I have a friend who wants to be a Mithra Ninja/warrior, and another who's gonna be a Taru Taru White mage/blackmage?
    #4. Which job has a higher damage potential for both solo and group?

    Thank you.

  • #2
    1) dps, melees are a dime a dozen,regardless of h2h, spear,scythe, etc and if your gonna have a static friendparty, this is irrelevent
    2)see 1
    3) you'll have to impress people and make friends if u want to makea permentparty, and that isbased more on player than your character
    4)this depends on ther est of your group, and what your fighting monks havea bonus against bone types, while spears are 1/2 damage against bone, etc

    another thing, sam is an advanced job, so u could just powergame monk/war, thenwar/monk then monk war, until your eyes melt
    March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
    Use search, or deal with assholes like me


    • #3
      I know Samuri is advanced....

      I also know about different weapon types.

      But I will have 2 real life friends who are gonna play, + any other 3 and I did list there jobs as opposed to there race also.

      I know that it's like this in most mmorgs; melee>tank>mage. But I only care about Monk and Samurai.

      So can get another input about the ?'s that I did ask.

      Thank you. And sorry if I sounded c0cky.


      • #4
        Let's see. Both Monk and Samurai have their different uses in a party.
        Samurai are meant to be masters at Skillchaining. Great Katana can make almost any effect at higher levels, and meditate allows a samurai to chain with two different people in the same fight on one mob. Samurai don't do as much melee damage as a dark knight, monk, or dragoon, but that is not their strength. Skill Chains are their forte. For instance, if you're fighting crabs, which you will often do, a party will focus on Distortion skill chains (ice/water damage). Lets say the pt formation is samurai/paladin/thief/white mage/black mage/red mage. A samurai could start a distortion skillchain with the thief by doing Tachi: Enpi > Viper Bite, meditate, then quickly do another distortion with the paladin by doing Tachi: Enpi > Seraph Blade, allowing maximum damage potential for the black mage if he magic bursts with an Ice spell, and lets the paladin use his TP before resting, which takes off a good deal of their TP gauge.
        Monks are arguably one of the best damage dealers along with dark knight and ranger. They're good trick attack buds with thief, and deliver heavy damage to almost any mob. They do smaller hits at a frequent rate, and are reliable. Post level 51, they can get in a maximum of 5 hits per round, with small delay between each. You'll be very strong early on with Combo, although your usefulness will fade when thieves get Viper Bite at 33, you're damage output will quickly spike up again at 41 with Raging Fists. Monks are for raw damage output and limited tanking abilities.

        I wouldn't suggest picking either, as most servers are overloaded with damage dealers. Don't choose a job if it is advanced or not, that means nothing. Mages are essiential to any party, warriors are always wanted post 30, monks are damage kings, and thieves offer great aggro control for parties.
        Currently Playing:
        City of Heroes


        • #5
          Frainalga, EQOA is gay huh? lol... I played a monk named Loto on Marr's Fist, I was one of the best, but I became c0cky and lost most of my friends . So I quit.

          Are Monks the pretty much the same as EQOA monks (Low AC, High HP, Best DoT out of melee's....ETC)?

          Thank you.


          • #6
            Bamce Sylph did answer your questions. Just because you didn't get the black and white answers you were looking for isn't a reason get be rude. The reason you didn't get clear answers is because your questions weren't clear enough.

            LONG ANSWER:
            Numbers 45+ mnk and sam are probably about even, but it isn't really relevent. unless you are fighting mobs that are specifically weak to your weapons, both are gonna fill the same spot in the pt. sam is a little more flexible if you keep your skill capped on g katana /and/ polearm.

            Much more relevent is your equip, your experience, and the people you know. As a 42 mnk with Attk+26, Str+14,dex+12 in my search comments and Rank 5 (which used to be more meaningful...), I'm gonna get a pt invite over a gimped sam /or/ mnk. If you have friends or LS members in your leveling zone, thats gonna make getting pts easier too.

            How far are you gonna take this job? If you're not gonna go past 45-50, play sam. you don't need the misery that is leveling mnk from 30-50. conversely, the lack of multihit weapon skills makes it damn hard for sam to pt past 60 (check their boards) while mnk just start to take off here. Really high level exp pts are almost exclusively bones, which makes you King.

            Solo damage potential isn't relevent, you won''t solo past 15.

            If you want to start a set with your 2 friends, thats fine. Your nin friend is gonna have to get good at farming, fast. otherwise you guys are without a tank, and you're screwed, period. You're also without rdm and brd, so you'll hardly be the most efficient pt, but that doesn't mean you won't have fun.

            SHORT ANSWER
            monk kicks ass. they use roughly the same equip and the same subs, so you don't have a whole lot to lose. Level war to 18 for the subjob quest, then sub it to mnk and go to 30 for the sam adv job quest. by then you'll know if mnk is right for you, and you'll want a job to level on the side of your set anyway.



            • #7
              Thanks for the reply.
              I didn't mean to be rude, at all. I opologize Bamce Sylph.

              Thanks again.


              • #8
                Lol I hate EQOA. You may have seen me on the forums if you visited them. Played my warrior up to 46 until they nerfed Call to War around May and I quit.
                There are very few similarities between EQOA and FFXI, but I guess you could relate them.
                EQOA monk did much more damage than rogues, but many people were blinded by rogues large up front damage. Kind of similar to FFXI monk and dark knight. But dark knights do outdamage monks in certain instances. EQOA was much more linear than FFXI.
                Currently Playing:
                City of Heroes


                • #9
                  pay no heed to me, follow these boards enough u'll see that i'm fairly brunt with everyone, particularly redmages and ninjas. late game the only things in high demand are supports and tanks, and more so support than tanks imo, people look for whitemage first when building party's because w/o whm you have no party, yeah u can pull it off with a red healing, but it lacks efficency,
                  i also hear as a sorta side note 60/30 monk/sam is pretty decent, not sure how it compares to monk/war but u balancing meditate vs double attack, beserk and warcry.
                  March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
                  Use search, or deal with assholes like me


                  • #10
                    I quit EQOA in October, I would want to be a Whitemage/Blackmage or a Bard/Whitemage but it sounds like to much work/gil to get on all the spells . That's one good thing about EQOA they had 2-4 spells every 4 levels and they were very cheap to buy.

